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do you really know what they're singing about?

Yes, i do. Being a musican myself, and having music as one of my great passions i mayby have an advage listening to lyrics. (also in english)

bravo...kudo's from me to you!


society needs another HR Puff N Stuff also....lol

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Thanks a lot for the kudo.

Anyway we got a little off topic. I still stand on my opinions about the marihuana issue. People can do what ever the want, as long they as they take a responsabillity to themselfes and others. Rather that than a law to tell you what to do. Isn´t it after all what you care much about in US, your constitutionel rights?

One has the right to do what he/she wants, as long as one does not harm other being. AND if we see someone suffers from addiction, wether it is drugs, pot or alcohol, it is our duty to help those people. There is a reason why they ended up like that, and that reason must be found within themselfes.

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I hardly smoke. Maybe spend 3-4 weeks worth of days in a year high. Usuauly for me time, or watching a film with the GF. None of this going to work madness.


I recomend not getting high everyday. But I see nothing wrong with holiday every six months.


I recomend not smoking tobacco or drinking at all either. Also, a holiday on birthdays and christmas is exceptable. Cept for tobacco, forget that crap, quiting was a good idea. Been clean for 4 years. :yes: I saved money and time.


So back to ganj..

Problem is, the cases of users pointed out by humanbean234 is medium extreme. They probably don't even realise they have a drug problem. Perhaps they do, or not. maybe they aren't successful in careers because busting your ass for scraps of money sucks, in the majority of cases. Plus, you have to keep sane in a mad world, some find emotional solace, or whatever in weed. Or they just like it. Anyway, its different strokes for different folks. Personally I think they are less crazy and more adjusted sounding than most of society I know of. And never will your peers all be succeful in life. Hell some of the smart ones I knew fricking died. Even one of my best friend is a damned murder, believe that poo. killed the guy his girlfriend was sleeping with. Crazy. He wasn't even married to her. My point is, you can't save everybody, we are all responsible for ourselves and take the consequnces for our actions. No point blaming weed for peoples mistakes. People all think differently. Some beilive in religion/folklore, some don't, some people take up guns and commit violence. Some don't. Some people do x, some people don't. etc. All different peoples.


To give an opposing example of a weed user. my uncle, he's 61 now. raised 3 children, over half of that as a single father/widower. is a master craftsman, extremely well read, has a massive IQ score, and is one scarey intellectual. Smokes loads of dope. He is definitely a personal hero of mine. And if I am ever in trouble or need help, I will go to him.



granted, I can easily find more examples of stupid people smoking weed. But then stupids make up 90% of the population. perhaps it evens out statistically :unsure:

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Thanks a lot for the kudo.

Anyway we got a little off topic. I still stand on my opinions about the marihuana issue. People can do what ever the want, as long they as they take a responsabillity to themselfes and others. Rather that than a law to tell you what to do. Isn´t it after all what you care much about in US, your constitutionel rights?

One has the right to do what he/she wants, as long as one does not harm other being. AND if we see someone suffers from addiction, wether it is drugs, pot or alcohol, it is our duty to help those people. There is a reason why they ended up like that, and that reason must be found within themselfes.


This is one aspect that cannot go overlooked. Because we as Americans, should be fighting for more rights, NOT LESS. If the action of smoking weed affects only me, then why should anyone else care what I do with my time? I REALLY hate it when other people, (especially one lacking an M.D.) tries to tell me what I can, and can't put into MY body. Personal preference shouldn't become law. What's next? Will it then be acceptable to regulate the clothes I wear, the food I eat, or the games I play?

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Thanks a lot for the kudo.

Anyway we got a little off topic. I still stand on my opinions about the marihuana issue. People can do what ever the want, as long they as they take a responsabillity to themselfes and others. Rather that than a law to tell you what to do. Isn´t it after all what you care much about in US, your constitutionel rights?

One has the right to do what he/she wants, as long as one does not harm other being. AND if we see someone suffers from addiction, wether it is drugs, pot or alcohol, it is our duty to help those people. There is a reason why they ended up like that, and that reason must be found within themselfes.


This is one aspect that cannot go overlooked. Because we as Americans, should be fighting for more rights, NOT LESS. If the action of smoking weed affects only me, then why should anyone else care what I do with my time? I REALLY hate it when other people, (especially one lacking an M.D.) tries to tell me what I can, and can't put into MY body. Personal preference shouldn't become law. What's next? Will it then be acceptable to regulate the clothes I wear, the food I eat, or the games I play?


The games you play are already controlled by the law. Due to law minors are not allow to look at women and men in underwears in a fantasyworld. Thats why DA is 18+

But I got a little off topic here I guess.

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Come to Cali, you find pot clubs on every street corner!! I myself am a liscensed user :) I have chronic back/neck due to an auto crash and pot has been the only thing that helps..Ive tried/taking other meds like vicidone or morphine but those make me sick as hell :P One day it will be fully legalized and you will be able to buy packs at your local store! lol
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Come to Cali, you find pot clubs on every street corner!! I myself am a liscensed user :) I have chronic back/neck due to an auto crash and pot has been the only thing that helps..Ive tried/taking other meds like vicidone or morphine but those make me sick as hell :P One day it will be fully legalized and you will be able to buy packs at your local store! lol

Bob marley would have wanted pot to be legal one love one heart lets get together and feel alright

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Come to Cali, you find pot clubs on every street corner!! I myself am a liscensed user :) I have chronic back/neck due to an auto crash and pot has been the only thing that helps..Ive tried/taking other meds like vicidone or morphine but those make me sick as hell :P One day it will be fully legalized and you will be able to buy packs at your local store! lol

Bob marley would have wanted pot to be legal one love one heart lets get together and feel alright


Indeed. He said so in his interviews (it is legal in Jamaica). The herb is good for curing things!

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