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General Performance Issues...


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Well... I've given up on trying to prevent CTDs. :P


I've started using the MW FPS optimizer... helps a great deal, I increased my frame rate by forcing Morrowind to use a higher monitor refresh rate, also the mouse wheel scrolling to change view distance I found helps out a lot, keeps it a minimal distance most of the time, but when I really need to see far I can use my mouse wheel to increase view distance to tell whats ahead... ((See, I'm running on an old tug boat of a machine.))


But the load times are begining to drive me nuts... I've alread turned of real time shadows... and I'm afraid I don't know anything else I can do to decrease my load times, any suggestions? :blink:



((Sorry if this should have gone under tech support.. but I thought this was a general issue more than tech.))

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hmm you could always turn down the view distance that helps a lot.


another thing that might help a bit is going into morrowind.ini and changing around the max fps to something else. i find that anywhere from 72-100 works just fine.


again i don't know if this is going to solve your load problems but it might change it slightly. if i think of anything else i'll let you know.


oh yea, turn down the screen resolution to 800x600 or something like that.

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Screen resolution 800x600?! Say it aint so.... *weeps* I was afraid of that answer, I might have to try it though. As for the max FPS... I can barely get 15-25... soooo 75-100 isn't that much of a problem for me... though I did hear something about that, and turned it down to that just incase.
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Change the buffer size for Interior and Exterior cells in the ini file, i find 8/16 works good. my load times are ussualy only about a second or two. but i get them about every 10 seconds when im wearing boots of blinding speed :lol:


View distance/shadows/resolution have nothing to do with the loading screens.



As for FPS your best bet is a lower resolution, next to that turn off shadow and set the view distance down really low. I have to drop my view distance to min to get more then 5fps in bloodmoon **mumbles something about pine trees and fireball spells**

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If you haven't already, try the going through the Morroiwnd Tweak Guide, found in the pinned topic in the Tech Support forum (Preventing CTD's). Another thing a poster in a different thread pointed out that really seems to help, is shutting off as many backround apps as you can. In Win XP there's a "Deselect All" button you can use (Start/Run/msconfig/Startup tab) to do this. I don't know if it helps with frame rates, but it does help eliminate CTD's, big time.


If none of those things help, it may be time for a new video card (because your drivers ARE up to date, right?), more RAM - as Switch pointed out - or both.

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Well. That's nice Switch... but I have 384(Give or take one meg) of ram. :D

I have the latest drivers for my Gefore 3 Ti200.

What really kills me is my 600Mhz processor. o.o;

I booked marked that tweak guide... but I wasn't able to stop any of the CTDs. I'll take a second look though.


I'll also try lowering my Buffer thingytooky.

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Well. That's nice Switch... but I have 384(Give or take one meg) of ram. :D

I have the latest drivers for my Gefore 3 Ti200.

What really kills me is my 600Mhz processor. o.o;

I booked marked that tweak guide... but I wasn't able to stop any of the CTDs. I'll take a second look though.


I'll also try lowering my Buffer thingytooky.

so? i have 512 :P tho on my old PC it did run fine on 294. also ran fine with a geforce2 mx400 (significantly less advanced than urs as u can see.)

BUT it was a 1 ghz processor. so maybe thats the problem?

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BUT it was a 1 ghz processor. so maybe thats the problem?

i think that on the box of the game it says the recommended minimum should be at least 800 MHz. i could be wrong, since i don't have the box here with me, but i do think that that is the problem.

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Yeah... o.o; I can't very well get a new compy or upgrade my system right now.((Damn Hewlett Packard extinct mother board))


I just spent $93,000 on my first home. ^_^ So, with what I save by not paying $935 a month in rent I should be able to get me an alienware in a few months. :D


*hugs and kisses self, being so happy*



Errr. What are you looking at?



Anyway. I'm going to go try the cell buffer thing now and see if that helps. ^_^

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