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Yes, please be more considerate when posting things like this. Regardless of whatever intent was behind it, to be humorous or otherwise, it was quite insulting to many different people. I considered reporting the post, but since its over a week old and no one else did Im not sure of what the point would be at this stage.

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Yes, please be more considerate when posting things like this. Regardless of whatever intent was behind it, to be humorous or otherwise, it was quite insulting to many different people. I considered reporting the post, but since its over a week old and no one else did Im not sure of what the point would be at this stage.

Thank you for your concern S2H. I also found it upsetting, but he was so flagrant about it I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not. As the original poster, HolyCrap, was less than pleased with it I now know it to have been placed as an insult to him and others here. Old posting or not I have taken the opportunity to make a report of the incidence. My apologies for not having done so sooner.


I've trully been enjoying the responses to this thread and I hope that we can keep this going.



The Rabbit

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i just changed him to snow leopard.


gender:male(all my characters are males :) )


hair style:short(not vanilla)


hair colour:blond(i'm blond so his hair is blond)


eye colour:gold


attributes and skills:all the same(of course i'm cheating!)


class and birthsign are the same


really you should download slof's snow leopard race it awesome :D

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Seems like interesting topic, I'm also gonna' introduce my character, so, here it goes :P


I'm Sordros, a raven elf, and I like to kill, why? Cause he killed my father, my wife, and my child.

In my youth, father was an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood, I didn't follow in his footsteps, untill now...

And who was that person who dared to touch my family? To separate me from my loved ones? You don't have to know, but for you, my dearest friend, know that I'm coming for you, sooner or later, I will...


Well, now to the point, yes, I am a killer, but I wouldn't consider myself evil, or bad, or anything, as I never touch people who havn't murdered anybody, or done something more stupid... Valen Dreth was an annoyance, great annoyance indeed, was...


Ahh! Again I... nevermind, I continue where I stepped off the track... I am, the Gray Fox! Suprised? Don't be, and guess what? I'm all psychotic, crazy, whatever you wanna' call it, I like to wear all black and use black makeup, weird, isn't it? I do whatever comes to my psychedelic mind, well, again, I don't kill the ones who don't deserve to be killed... But as an example, I like stealing from people, such as the Gray Fox is expected to, right?


Also, I'm a vampire... So I guess I'll be the last Gray Fox on the face of Nirn. Even tho' I'm a vampire, I love to hunt vampires, they offer me even bit of a challenge... when they are not sleeping... bastards... too easy to kill.


I also like to collect things, like ancient artifacts for example, my small house in the woods, the Shadowcrest Vineyard, is full of things collected on my trips to the farthest points of Cyrodiil and beyond, right now I'm searching for an ayleid ruin called Thorn of Despair, in our language, wich is said to be high up the Valus Mountains, it is rumoured to continue downwards 'till the so called "water layer" of the planet and maybe beyond, 'till the fiery core of Nirn. I hope I'll find the water layer, wich is actually, in old stories, said to be the last retreat of the ayleid kind. If I'll die on my journey, I hope you'll follow in my footsteps and uncover the secrets hidden in the magnificent tower of the ayleids.


(The last one was actually a reference to a mod I'm working on, but I decided to include it in here cause, that's what my character's actually doing right now :P)


{Due to weird error, I can't post any pics or include any links}

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And whoever removed jesus's post, beware, his father will be very, very, angry!!!

'Twas I who had the offensive post removed. Now I'll take you and then there will be peace restored.



The Rabbit

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And whoever removed jesus's post, beware, his father will be very, very, angry!!!


And now you're banned also. Well done.


Go somewhere else to spout your dribble.



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And whoever removed jesus's post, beware, his father will be very, very, angry!!!


And now you're banned also. Well done.


Go somewhere else to spout your dribble.






AlienSlof saves the day!!!!!!! :biggrin:

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