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Iredior Conspiracies BETA

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Disclaimer: This topic has been created automatically for discussion regarding this mod. The mod author may or may not view comments left here.


Mod name: Iredior Conspiracies BETA


Mod description: Adds the city of Iredior and surrounding coastal area to the Morrowind gameworld. Includes over 250 NPCs, new factions and quests. For more information on Iredior please check our website at http://iredior.tessource.net/<br><br>Please note - this is a BETA release only.

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After lots of last minute panic we released a beta version of Iredior Conspiracies today. Unfortunately it IS only a beta - with the release of Oblivion now imminent we've simply run out of time.


Iredior Conspiracies is not finished - there are unfurnished interiors, placeholder items, broken quests, and probably scripts running rampant doing unspeakable things in dark corners. Due to time pressures we haven't had a chance to fully test Iredior yet.


So why are we releasing a beta? We felt it was only fair to give people a chance to wander around the city before Oblivion is released rather than not release Iredior at all.


Iredior Conspiracies has been in production for over 3 years now. Despite several setbacks, we persevered - and to release an unfinished version that we know is not as good as it could be, a version that has not been properly tested, is not easy. However, for the moment this is as complete as Iredior is going to be (though we may release updates or bugfixes in the future, any work done on Iredior will be at a much gentler pace - after the frantic pace of the last few months I think we deserve a break :) ).


Thanks to everyone who helped make this beta release possible. :)

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  • 2 months later...



With the chance of being labeled a necro, though I have dabbled in the dark arts, I just wanted to say that the BETA of Iredior is the most awesome thing ever. I eagerly await the full version. I dl'd the beta a few days ago, and had my chance to explore the city. Theta et al. all I can say is "Bloody well done!". If the Beta is this good with the detail and characters then I will die if I play the full version. I love the tongue in cheek names you gave the fishermen and that wonderful scalawag living in the basement of the Red Alit, it would do mr Silver proud.


The city is what I had imagined the Imperial City would be like, I love the clutter and attention to detail, the small streets (reminds me of me old stomping grounds a la Garrett) and even though it isn't as pretty graphically as Oblivion, it feels 100 times more alive than Oblivion. Keep up the good work, and know that you now have gained a die hard fan. Cheers,




ps: I loved reading the Customs Office's Health and Safety Manuals, I've never laughed that hard in a long time.

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Thanks Ancalagon. :D It's always great to get good feedback. Iredior seems to be gaining quite a bit more popularity as of late, for some reason. Maybe it's because more people are bored of OB and have gone back to Morrowind. ^^


It's still postponed for now due to multiple game addictions and Morrowind modding burnout but hopefully we'll get back to it one day.

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Remember to telll me if you ever continue with it, I have a whole bleedin summer-vacation in front of me, and I didn't get any summer-job... :glare: ... But that means I have a lot of free time... I wouldn't mind creating some interiors :)
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  • 1 year later...

Simply put, this is the best mod I've ever played. 10/10, superb. Iredior has a great deal of it's OWN original literature, an attention to detail that I have NEVER seen in any part of the original game files, and, well, it just has a lot of stuff. Hell, every NPC in Iredor seems like an individual, instead of the usual paper doll citizen of every other town.


If this is the BETA, I'm REALLY looking forward to the final version.

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Thank you very much for your kind comments :)


It's great to hear that people are still playing and enjoying our mod. Giving our NPCs as much individuality as possibly was one of the main design criteria for Iredior - I think all of us working on the mod were thoroughly fed up with the carbon copy NPCs of Morrowind.



I'm sorry to have to disappoint you, but at the moment there are no plans to complete Iredior - the time and effort required to get Iredior completed would be huge, the team has disbanded and all of us moved on to other things.

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Ah Iredior... I made 2 or 3 house interiors for it. Nothing special, but it was fun! If you find a dead rat with a knife sticking out of him in the basement, it's one of mine ;)
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I'm sorry to have to disappoint you, but at the moment there are no plans to complete Iredior - the time and effort required to get Iredior completed would be huge, the team has disbanded and all of us moved on to other things.

Heh. Not disappointed at all, lol. Thx tho.

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