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I've ran into a problem where Virgil won't investigate the Abandoned House with me right after meeting him. I go there, clear out the local fiends, chat with him, he says let's go inside, and then just stands there. I've tried reloading and no dice. Any solutions out there?
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so i have that problem with raider attack on randall's base, how do i install .952 version? do i delete the 9.5, then install 952, then 953, or just instal 952 and 953 on top of the old one?


also someguy, ford is really hilarious, i mean he's an idiot and full of s***, but funny s*** come out of his mouth


"my words are like gold that shoot out of my dick and smash you in the face with truth"


i never laughed so hard before.


edit: i installed everything on top of everything, it worked fine, hell-bent is done.


anyway, why isn't Tim in tim's repairs actually offer repair? because it's much needed here. thanks


EDIT: another trouble: i finished the story and got to the ending slide, but at dana's ending it just stopped. right after the second line. it didn't freeze or anything, i still can pause/ or use enableplayercontrols command, but the slide won't move on.


the dana's ending is

where i gave her money and she's able to seize back her fortune



i uninstalled the mod, reinstalled (now using only the 952 and 953 patch, igonoring the first 95) but it still persist. help!! D: i also moved the load order to be as early as possible

Edited by apolloooo
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Question about the ending...

My courier let Glanton go, and so the slideshow talked about a Mexican warlord, El Quemador, and Glanton's plans for him. Will this possibly develop into a new mod eventually? What about Brookshire returning to the embassy, saying he "never expected the courier would return"?


Edited by MasterTouchstone
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Guest deleted2159825

Question about the ending...



My courier let Glanton go, and so the slideshow talked about a Mexican warlord, El Quemador, and Glanton's plans for him. Will this possibly develop into a new mod eventually? What about Brookshire returning to the embassy, saying he "never expected the courier would return"?


That was supposed to be The Man from Old Mexico, which would've been a blend of Lawrence of Arabia and A Fistful of Dollars, but primarily the former. It's not happening, but I will address Glanton's fate through dialogue in The Better Angels.


Brookshire just figured the Courier was worm food. Nothing more to it.

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I'm about to download the mod now that I'm all caught up with NVB 2 on my new character. Could anyone tell me (sans spoilers) if there's any benefits story-wise to bringing Russell along? As in does he have special dialogue or anything like that? And yes, I'm aware of the almost certain death I would impose upon him for the sake of one-liners.

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Guest deleted2159825

Just finished the mod, and loved it. The climax and ending were fantastic, great way to finish the series.

Thanks for playing the mod!

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The mod was amazing, it really lived up to the hype. The production quality was top-notch and everything was just great, I did miss some stuff and I will play through it again very soon. Just one question though, what exactly happens to Russell if you bring him along? Judging by some of the other posts, it sure ain't pretty, but is there any unique dialogue?

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