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Good to have you back, SomeGuy. I didn't write any comments while you were gone because I knew that you'll eventually return and make us happy with the announcement of NVB III. I only have one question, though:


Did you spend a lot of time creating Marko's face?

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Honestly, I'm more relieved than anything else as, given what I've heard about the mod so far, I couldn't help but imagine a romance ending HORRIBLY. On another note, I see people talking about how much they want to kill Marko, but we are never directly affected by anything he has done, correct? And, I believe the letter from his brother said that he was retired. What I'm getting at is, we're not saving anyone, we're going off to kick a hornet's nest (Full of vengeful, hunt down everyone you care about out of spite hornets), terrible things might happen and we would be just as responsible as anyone else, so unless something happens to create a... selfless and tangible reason to hunt down Marko, I don't think going on this quest really makes one a good person. Of course, if nothing else, I'm going out of morbid curiosity, and if I end up regreting this, that's probably how it should be.


Sorry if this seems rambling, I'm just excited, and I really never understood why some people wanted to kill Marko so badly (REALLY badly based on some comments I've read). Messiah complex combined with the belief that he's still actively and maliciously hurting people? I don't know, maybe he is. I (And perhaps others?) can't help but see him as some sort of ending point, though when I think about about it realisticly that isn't really true, I'm just off for fame, loot, and a good story. Who doesn't want to be the one to kill the most dangerous man alive, right! What could go wrong?


(This started out as a response to the answer of my original question, but since I don't see that post I must have done it wrong)

I've been personally thinking the same about Marko. It's much less a personal quest for revenge (though I'd feel inclined to do it for Randall) but more of curiosity. Looking at all the things we've heard of him, Marko seems like no character we've ever seen in the Fallout series. The fact alone that we've never even seen Marko, yet everyone wants to get his head is testament to how great someguy's storytelling is.


Am I the only one who's ever asked themselves what "realistically" drives the Courier? I love how Autumn Leaves delt with it, basically implying that the Courier's psyche suffered from his brain injury/made him what he is.

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Guest deleted2159825

I see people talking about how much they want to kill Marko, but we are never directly affected by anything he has done, correct? And, I believe the letter from his brother said that he was retired. What I'm getting at is, we're not saving anyone, we're going off to kick a hornet's nest

This is closer than you realize. Back when I wrote Marko in the summer of 2014 (this speaks to the mod's overlong development - I sound like some crusty mountain man talking about tracking a grizzly in his youth), I tried to write from his perspective as honestly as possible. I also made a point to digest every sort of "I want to kill Marko!" comment I could find. I was also inspired by the excellent I Saw the Devil - dealing with someone who is utterly without remorse or moral boundaries puts you at a distinct disadvantage, and you will likely suffer in the exchange. This is a tragedy in some respects. A tragedy with shootouts, fart jokes, and record-breaking profanity, but a tragedy nonetheless. Some players are going to really, really hate it. However, I wouldn't have been honest with myself or the character if it had been a simple revenge quest.



I've been personally thinking the same about Marko. It's much less a personal quest for revenge (though I'd feel inclined to do it for Randall) but more of curiosity. Looking at all the things we've heard of him, Marko seems like no character we've ever seen in the Fallout series. The fact alone that we've never even seen Marko, yet everyone wants to get his head is testament to how great someguy's storytelling is.


Am I the only one who's ever asked themselves what "realistically" drives the Courier? I love how Autumn Leaves delt with it, basically implying that the Courier's psyche suffered from his brain injury/made him what he is.

I try to bring up the Courier's motivations through dialogue choices, but it's really up to the player. In NVBIII, you can be an idealist, a profiteer, a callous killing machine, etc. Or you can just <Remain Silent> and fool everyone into thinking you're an idiot. Oh, and if you actually have low intelligence, this mod should be a treat for you.

Edited by someguy2000
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Honestly, I'm more relieved than anything else as, given what I've heard about the mod so far, I couldn't help but imagine a romance ending HORRIBLY. On another note, I see people talking about how much they want to kill Marko, but we are never directly affected by anything he has done, correct? And, I believe the letter from his brother said that he was retired. What I'm getting at is, we're not saving anyone, we're going off to kick a hornet's nest (Full of vengeful, hunt down everyone you care about out of spite hornets), terrible things might happen and we would be just as responsible as anyone else, so unless something happens to create a... selfless and tangible reason to hunt down Marko, I don't think going on this quest really makes one a good person. Of course, if nothing else, I'm going out of morbid curiosity, and if I end up regreting this, that's probably how it should be.


Sorry if this seems rambling, I'm just excited, and I really never understood why some people wanted to kill Marko so badly (REALLY badly based on some comments I've read). Messiah complex combined with the belief that he's still actively and maliciously hurting people? I don't know, maybe he is. I (And perhaps others?) can't help but see him as some sort of ending point, though when I think about about it realisticly that isn't really true, I'm just off for fame, loot, and a good story. Who doesn't want to be the one to kill the most dangerous man alive, right! What could go wrong?


(This started out as a response to the answer of my original question, but since I don't see that post I must have done it wrong)


Though Someguy has beaten my assumption to the punch that I assumed this would certainly be dealt with in the mod and possibly contribute to it's darkness but for me Marko is mainly on my list because he's on Randall's list and partly on there because he's a big bad dude. Randall set my Courier off down his bounty hunting path and my Six really liked the guy. Why did we go kill the Judge? Because he was a bad dude/pedo and responsible for Randall's "death" (unless you sided with him and it's hard to blame you for that since you get to hang out with Bobby Bass but still)


Randall seems like a generally good guy and he more or less only accepts bounties for people who have it coming. All the bounties from NVB I were scum (unlike some of the more questionable bounties from NCR in II) He tells me Marko is a irredeemable monster who did terrible things and deserves to be put down I'm going to believe him, especially when some of the biggest scumbags Six ends up hunting in II are former proteges of Marko. Sure, he's retired up in the mountains of Utah with all his old raider buddies and not causing any harm but that doesn't mean he didn't cause harm before. He's got justice coming to him and revenge on the part of Randall and my Six believes in justice and revenge doesn't hurt things. Going up into the mountains and trying to show that your past always catches up with you is what my Six would do.


My Six knows he's probably got the same coming for him and has certainly seen the fiends try to get back at him for all the crap he's done to them but he accepts that. Retirement isn't an option for the Courier or people like him. They're too tough to die in their prime but you got to keep fighting until you're old enough that the next upstart takes you down, preferably someone you respect. Marko seems like an evil PC who lived through his adventuring days and then thought he could just quit. That isn't an option for people like him or the Courier because the next badass will always seek them out, either for tutelage or to put them down for acting under the banner they oppose.


I'll talk with Marko, I'm interested to hear what he has to say and in a basic primal level I respect his ability as another warrior of the wasteland but I have to face him. Too much has built up in my Courier's head not to and he's convinced himself he needs to if he wants to do be able to feel he did the right thing, preferably with Randall by his side to land the killing shot.

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What I think about is, if an innocent person gets hurt that otherwise wouldn't have because we decided to bring "justice" to a person that was no longer a threat to anyone, is that really right? Why, ultimately, do we punish the wicked? (That second question was actually rather hard for me to find the right words for, and I'm still not sure that I'm 100% satisfied with it.)

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What I think about is, if an innocent person gets hurt that otherwise wouldn't have because we decided to bring "justice" to a person that was no longer a threat to anyone, is that really right? Why, ultimately, do we punish the wicked? (That second question was actually rather hard for me to find the right words for, and I'm still not sure that I'm 100% satisfied with it.)


It's definitely a good question and the moral ramifications of one's actions outside the immediate is something that I do enjoy exploring so in turn allow me to ask you this question. What if in taking out a man of Marko's wicked reputation we frighten those who would follow in his footsteps from doing the same as him? How many lives are we saving by showing the world that a man who does wrong will be punished and there is no safety if you unrepentently cross into wickedness. I'm sure there's forum moderation on discussing real life religion so I won't say anything more than think about the stories of what happens after you die if you've been a bad person.


We tell ourselves stories about bad men being punished and good men being rewarded to inspire the good and cow the wicked. Taking the reigns of justice into your own hand is always something people will question, vigilante justice is a difficult line to walk but in the lawless wasteland ultimately someone has to do it. The push of people throughout history to stand up and declare their intent is what has shaped history. My Courier has good karma but I wouldn't call him a good person and I'd think he's smart enough to know that he isn't. He's a man who does bad things for what he believes to be good reasons. Killing Marko is punishing someone who did bad things for bad reasons and it will scare and deter other bad people.


I'm not saying my way is right, but I don't think walking away and doing nothing is any more right. They're both a degree of wrong. Action and inaction are both choices and in the world there are very few if any choices that are objectively "right." I will choose the one I think does the most good for myself and my people and the greatest number of people beyond that. I don't pretend to deeply care about every wastelander, but I care about some of them and the ones I do are generally good people and I want to help them. Arcade is one of my favorite companions because I like him and he wants to help everyone so he tends to steer my Courier to be more magnanimous but that doesn't mean I agree with Arcade. There needs to be order and order comes through the stick as much as it does the carrot. I am that stick.

Edited by QuintonBeck
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I am alive. The mod is almost complete. I am releasing it on October 10th.


I had already begun re-organizing some of the voicework a few weeks ago, in addition to finalizing the LOD. I had to cut a few NPC's, one sidequest, and (thankfully) one romance, but it is now 99% voiced. The final, unvoiced role is incidental, anyway - that person's presence will depend on player choices from NVBII and The Inheritance, so he/she may not even show up for many players. What really snapped me back into modding mode was an obscure video that I came across by accident. This guy gets such a kick out of what I consider my silliest mod, and it made me realize that it was time to stow my self-pity and perfectionism. These mods are about more than my OCD bulls***. Many people enjoy them. Some people hate them. f*** it, though. The story must be told. It took a Bad Mothaf*#@a to set me straight.


Hey, uhh... I'm the one in that video you linked, and all I can say is... well, holy s*** dude. I've been playing Fallout on Fridays for a long time now. A long while back, there was a voice actor who had been doing work on the bounties mods come in to my chat and chill for a while. They pointed out that they had some work in bounties 3 that was going to be coming out and I was stoked. At the time, I was gearing up for a modlist to use for a TTW run, and I wanted to make sure I had the bounties mods included, since they sounded like so much fun.


I'd actually taken on Bad Motherf*#@a on as my main companion over the other modded companions I had included on my list because of the initial interaction. It was so silly and made me laugh so hard that I just could not help but have a Badass Motherf*#@a tagging along with me. I call him BAMF now, since it's quicker, and he turns enemies into a fine red mist.


I got a comment on that video today that you had linked it here, and the idea that, out of any video out there, you somehow came across mine? It blew me away.


I'm glad that, even without realizing it, my tiny little corner of the net has helped out, even just a little bit.


Vendelo! Remember that voice actor? Good to see you again, man. What a coincidence, eh? I'm really excited for the release tomorrow. I'm not the most talented man, but I really want to get peoples' feedback on how well I played my role.

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Someguy...the clown has missed you. He went on an expedition to find you before finding the light of fallout 4. he hoped and wish he could say he knew youd be back but he was unsure. But he is very happy nonetheless. Now tomorrow he embarks on a journey to destroy marko and maybe even a couple of kids .

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