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Hey, is anyone else getting the bug where after getting buried and waking up you can't speak with Thorne? I try to talk to him but I just get "(...)" so although I could advance the quest to the end, I couldn't get the dialogue about returning to the Mojave. What do I do?

Move the .esp up in your load order.


Still no, sorry. I can't initiate conversation with him at any time, be it after first waking up or after offing Marko. I'll try and find some way to fix it eventually.


That said, this mod is still motherf*#@ing amazing. One of, if not the greatest quest mod series of all time, ad the conclusion was beatiful. Thank you.

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Just finished. Enjoyed everything througholy, just like I have with all mods. My character Jacob Mallory is who he is specifically because of New Vegas Bounties.

Only one small bug to report though.

In the shootout scene in the Saloon, Ford ducked behind the bar that I was spraying with machine gun fire, and kind of got himself stuck in the back portion of the bar (where the drinks sit). Took me a minute to find him, and I was eventually able to kill the sorry shitstain by getting the top of his head which was kind of poking out.


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I must admit, I loved how someguy handled companions in this. I like to think of it as you are punishing all those players who bring companions with them in mods even though the mod author says, "IT WILL GLITCH THINGS OUT, DON'T BRING THEM." I told Boone and Bad Mothaf*#@a to stay back, but I HAD to bring Russell. I already kinda knew what was gonna happen but I couldn't resist. My courier and Russell were comrades, friends till the end. And well

We did get to see Glanton one last time. It was great. I was able to intimidate the coward into not pushing that switch and Russell and I stabbed the crap out of him. It was almost poetic. The celebration was short-lived and I do feel actual sadness over Russell's death at the hands at Marko but it made the story even greater and fueled my rage for that walking-piece-of-trash even more. It felt so good, when I disarmed him with Sweet Revenge and then smashed him apart with my super-sledge. My courier will always remember you Russell and fight for you just like all the other fallen comrades(seriously, it's ridiculous how many companions have died in my service: Arcade, Veronica, Sunny Smiles, Doc Friday, GUTS OH JESUS GUTS, and now Russell) But, the courier shall push on


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That pretty much hits the nail on the head. My aim is to make it tight and fun. It will be similar to "Enemy of my Enemy" and "Repaid in Full", which are some of my favorite quests in the entire series. Also, it will wrap up some loose ends through dialogue and the introduction of two new characters referenced in other mods: Ranger Josey and Ranger Watson.


The Someguy Series image has been updated to reflect my plans. Details to follow NVBIII's release.

welcome back, glad to see that you're still alive.

I'm guessing that "Better Angels" is going to be the post NVB III "hope spot" that you were talking about?



I assume that lose end is that snake in the grass Brookshire? :verymad: Just curious.

Edited by RangerBoo
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I was thoroughly satisfied by the conclusion of this mod series and enjoyed the hell out of this mod. It went down more or less how I thought it probably would. Sad about how things turned out for some people but I said a little prayer for them once business was concluded.


Marko was right, we were similar. But he was wrong that we were the same. Ones actions may define how people see you, but one's intentions are what defines a man. He killed only for survival and committed atrocities to strike fear in the hearts of those around him. My Courier killed for justice and to help improve the world as much as he could. Killers both, legends of the wasteland, and driven individuals but what drove them and what tempered them is what set them apart.


On a non-philosophical note that showdown was tough as a witch's titty but I was determined to end Marko with Sweet Revenge alone. My Courier was on more drugs during that fight than he'd probably taken in the entire 50 levels prior to that showdown hot damn. I just wished I'd had more turbo, one canister was barely enough. Thank God for rebound and rushing water.

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I took a lot of screenshots during my playthrough, though this has to be my favourite:




(Attempted to place in spoiler tags, but it refused to work. The image isn't spoiling much of anything though. We all knew this was coming.)


It was a fantastic story and a satisfying conclusion. I managed to fell Marko using Sweet Revenge, though he f*#@ed my s#*! up several times while I tried. Ran into a bug or two here and there but nothing game breaking (and all have already been discussed in this thread).


I don't know how the hell you balance really crude, obscene and at times downright absurd humour with such dark, f*#@ed up themes, Someguy. But you do it so f*#@ing well. Thank you for making this, thank you to everyone that did voice acting, made dungeons, armor, weapons, everything. It may have been a long time coming, but the wait was most definitely worth it.

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So I've been having problems with the Attack on Randall & Associates, at first the attack would never end even when all the enemies where gone and then with the .952 patch the enemies won't even spawn... any tips?

Try playing the .952 full version, not the patch. For me it works fine.

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Hey, is anyone else getting the bug where after getting buried and waking up you can't speak with Thorne? I try to talk to him but I just get "(...)" so although I could advance the quest to the end, I couldn't get the dialogue about returning to the Mojave. What do I do?

Move the .esp up in your load order.


Still no, sorry. I can't initiate conversation with him at any time, be it after first waking up or after offing Marko. I'll try and find some way to fix it eventually.


That said, this mod is still motherf*#@ing amazing. One of, if not the greatest quest mod series of all time, ad the conclusion was beatiful. Thank you.


I can't speak to him after waking up either, and I don't know what to do next.

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