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Guest deleted2159825

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If you know how to use the GECK you can spawn in an item with a script that sets the stage, i've had to do this before i'm unfamiliar with the GECK at the moment so i don't remember the exact script but its very simple

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Guest deleted2159825

I haven't played the fist two instalments of this mod, so this question might be naïve. Will you have radiant styled bounties (like the radiant Skyrim quests, were you can just keep doing them forever)?

NVBII has them.

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Guest deleted2159825

To all the testers - I failed to mention that the alpha file is a standalone. You only need the someguyseries.esm. The final release will have both versions.

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I just finished testing, and that was.... that was the most horrifying yet epic experience I have had in a video game to date. Bravo, for I might have nightmares tonight.

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Guest deleted2159825

Looks like everything is on schedule :D

I think an October-ish release is fairly realistic at this point.



I just finished testing, and that was.... that was the most horrifying yet epic experience I have had in a video game to date. Bravo, for I might have nightmares tonight.

If the bare-bones quest is producing those kind of vibes, then I'm very, very pleased. From a roleplaying perspective, nightmares are precisely what I was aiming for. :devil:


Even though the mod is over the informal hump (which I never managed in FBZ), myriad tasks remain (sidequests, dungeons, navmesh, extra dialogue, custom gear, etc.).


Nobody get too excited just yet. Moderate excitement is perfectly acceptable, though. ;)

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Been testing for the past half-hour, so I'm not very far in. Only complaints/issues so far are that the guy you go meet when the mod starts moves -really- friggin' slow, and that I had to untick a few .esps so my laptop wouldn't BSOD or insta-kill FNV to prevent running out of memory. And only the former is a legitimate complaint - it'd be nice (IMHO) if he would simply teleport to the next target whenever he and the player are in different cells. Hell, it'd be nice if he did more than casually walk. Granted, I'm running AWOP and a few other "holy s#*! that's a lot of things that want me dead" mods, so this is probably an atypical complaint.

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