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Guest deleted2159825

Ok, let's keep any testing feedback in PM's from here on out. Nobody has slipped in regards to spoilers, but there's always a chance, even if it's inadvertent. Thanks for all your help, guys!

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Guest deleted2159825

I just want to issue a heartfelt thanks to all the alpha testers who waded through the unfinished quagmire and delivered feedback. It has been illuminating and very, very helpful for revision and production. When the next alpha is ready, I'll post another announcement - it will probably be a few weeks.


Thanks for all the support!

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Guest deleted2159825



You say you are going to quit after this? Do you mean you are going to stop moding or do you mean you are moving on to a different game?

I'm not quitting, though I'll probably take a few months off afterwards to recharge and figure out what mod I'll do next. I really need to make a Skyrim mod to refresh my skills with Papyrus.


I will probably try to stay away from anything too large, so it could just be a mid-sized random encounter mod or even a boxing project. The great thing about small quests is that it's much, much easier to script in branching storylines and provide more freedom of choice to the player. It's probably one of the reasons why those sidequests in The Inheritance are so popular. Maybe I could combine some small quests with the random encounters and just release them together. We'll see. It's going to be a long while before I seriously sit down and evaluate what I'll do next, because there is a lot of work left on NVBIII.

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In terms of your next big project I would like to make a suggestion. There is that thread about having your own faction (here). No one wants to pick it up it seems (even though its a popular topic). I feel that the thread can steer from the vague "I want my own faction" to a "How do we want that faction, and what do we want to do with it" It could be good. I would want you to consider it. If you picked it up then I know that it would be in good hands. It is too good of an idea to let go to waste.


That was me looking out for everyone's interests. Me personally would love to see a Fallout version of Mall of America. It would be a interior world-space. I think it would be cool if it was made into a city like the carrier is rivet city. It would be named something puny too.

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Guest deleted2159825

There are some interesting ideas there, but I can rule them all out.


- I think MSZ Crew is an incredible mod (some users referenced it as an example in that thread), but I've never warmed to the idea of a new faction constructing a utopia. If anything, I'd be inclined to fight them. Black-clad Europeans arriving in spaceships would just trigger my inner redneck to pick up a shotgun and repeatedly mutter, "From my cold, dead fingers".


- Sierra Madre: When I first played Dead Money back in 2011, I got so pissed off that I nearly started work on a ridiculous mod called Return to the Sierra Madre, wherein the player would return and exterminate the ghost people, every last motherf*#@ing one of them. Additionally, he/she could trigger some sort of absurd nuclear device that would annihilate the entire goddamn complex. It was going to be a dumb, completely insane 80's action flick, along the lines of Blood Dragon. Over time I've come to appreciate the writing in Dead Money, but the only way I'd set a mod there is to destroy it.


- Mercenary Companies: Martin's Marines was going to fill that role, but I don't feel like touching it until FO4. It would be limited in scope, more akin The A-Team than anything. Martin sure as s*** wouldn't have any illusions about subjugating the Mojave.


I love the vanilla factions, as well as the tension and balance between them. Adding in new factions that disrupt the original designers' vision just isn't my style (yes, I add new mini-factions, but their presence is usually ephemeral and/or behind the scenes). That's not a knock against MZC, it's just a recognition of stylistic differences. I understand that plenty of players are looking for that experience, but I'd be a poor choice to make it. If I added a faction like TSC, I would probably design it to implode into a civil war and everyone would die. And you would kill them. With a shotgun.


With all that said, the one exception would be if I revived the Desert Rangers in an update for Russell, but even that has problems. As far as I can see it, Russell might actually be the only remaining Desert Ranger who isn't dead or went over to the NCR. I can't envision more than 2-3 old holdouts and possibly some new recruits. Even then, it would only be available to players who align with Mr. House or Yes Man. Furthermore, the Desert Rangers would conduct operations in and around the Mojave, though they wouldn't have any real control. There just wouldn't be enough of them.


By the way, blaze, this a dig at you or your request, which is perfectly reasonable. I get PM's asking me to make new factions and/or work on The Enclave or BoS, both of whom I dislike (to me they're anachronisms). I just feel like addressing some of these ideas so that people know where I stand.

Edited by someguy2000
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- I think MSZ Crew is an incredible mod (some users referenced it as an example in that thread), but I've never warmed to the idea of a new faction constructing a utopia. If anything, I'd be inclined to fight them. Black-clad Europeans arriving in spaceships would just trigger my inner redneck to pick up a shotgun and repeatedly mutter, "From my cold, dead fingers".

I love mothership zeta crew it's probably one of my favourite mods of all time but the whole time I was playing it I pictured my character holding on to his gun thinking "They're going to turn on me any second now". They sometimes came over as too good to be true for fallout.


One of the things I love about your mods is that they complement the game as opposed to re-writing it. The mini quests sound awesome sort of like the side quests in FO1 & FO2. :smile:

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I figured you would say something similar to that. All of your mods have great stories and cool twists, but the one thing I notice is that they do not upset the balance of the original vanilla Mojave (as you said any factions you add are small and are.... overlookable compared to the other big factions).


Oh and I do not think that the point of the tread was to have a faction and create a new utopia, I think it was to form a faction and grow it from a small group into a moderate-major power. Not like TSC where your are given the power of an army and alien death rays, with a mission of "save humanity". More like starting from a group as powerful as Riley's Rangers to becoming a Vangraph sized group.


I am curios, Out of the four stories that I thought up, (Vault, Convicts, Pre-War Survivalists, Enclave Refugees) witch story sounds better for a quest mod? Which would you play if it was made (also it was made well)? I just want to know, as I am learning the Geck now so I would love to already have a good idea to work off of when and if I start releasing mods

Edited by blaze1514
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