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Guest deleted2159825

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I'd love to see a Russell expansion post-NVB3. Reforming the Desert Rangers would be an interesting feature, though the questline of hunting down wrongdoers might be a bit similar to the Bounty trilogy. The thing I'd be most excited for would be a chance to side with the Sand Wolves or at the very least help some of them. There is a speech option where you can convince Talking Knife that Glanton is in a deathclaw-infested cave and she will leave you alone, but I'd much rather have convinced her to stand down without leading her and her fellow survivors to their deaths.


The random encounter/boxing/side-quest mod, Sinners and Slaves, the Message, and any pretty much everything else you've come up with would be excellent additions to Fallout New Vegas, and I want to thank you for all the work you've already put into making this game so much better.

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Guest deleted2159825



I am curios, Out of the four stories that I thought up, (Vault, Convicts, Pre-War Survivalists, Enclave Refugees) witch story sounds better for a quest mod? Which would you play if it was made (also it was made well)? I just want to know, as I am learning the Geck now so I would love to already have a good idea to work off of when and if I start releasing mods

You have to decide that one for yourself. Every user has a different idea about what should be in a mod, but if you as the author aren't excited about it, then you'll hit the wall creatively. Taking feedback is great, but in the end you should stick to your instincts in regards to your creative vision. If I had just done what some users wanted I would never have released anything after NVBI, but instead would have agonized over details and updated it for eternity.

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Guest deleted2159825

I'd love to see a Russell expansion post-NVB3. Reforming the Desert Rangers would be an interesting feature, though the questline of hunting down wrongdoers might be a bit similar to the Bounty trilogy. The thing I'd be most excited for would be a chance to side with the Sand Wolves or at the very least help some of them. There is a speech option where you can convince Talking Knife that Glanton is in a deathclaw-infested cave and she will leave you alone, but I'd much rather have convinced her to stand down without leading her and her fellow survivors to their deaths.


The random encounter/boxing/side-quest mod, Sinners and Slaves, the Message, and any pretty much everything else you've come up with would be excellent additions to Fallout New Vegas, and I want to thank you for all the work you've already put into making this game so much better.

Thanks, man.


The working title on that Russell expansion is Path of the Ranger, which sounds like some god-awful prequel to Walker, Texas Ranger. I still kick myself sometimes over the fact that I cut the other branch of that questline in Silverwood. It was sheer burnout and frustration with the GECK at that time, nothing more. I might add it later on, but I wouldn't count on it.


I've been thinking more and more about Sinners and Slaves, but it would almost be two separate quest mods since the NCR and Legion questlines would be distinct until the mod's climax. I might be inclined to just release them separately, though I'd probably just end up cutting the Legion's quest.


It's really, really hard for me to get motivated about producing Legion content. Even for FBZ, I was only excited about Marcellus' characterization, not the Legion as a whole. The Legion side of Sinners and Slaves would involve putting down a slave rebellion that is threatening peaceful towns and the "civilization" that the Legion has built.


However, it still doesn't match up against the NCR quest, in which you take a group of felons (The "Sinners") from the stockade and lead them on a covert mission to assist the ongoing slave rebellion outside Flagstaff. In fact, it would be designed as a means for players that are on less-than-favorable terms with the NCR to improve their reputation. It would feature a number of moral dilemmas and hard choices, as the slaves themselves are not some idealized mob of freedom fighters.

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Guest deleted2159825

I am hoping to do all of them, as they are cool concepts. I just wanted some feedback.

Sorry if I was dickish, I just hate to make those kind of recommendations to other authors. I've gotten so many PM's over the years that amount to "Here's my idea, now you do the work" that I've more or less sworn never to tell another author how or what to mod.


To answer your question, if I were choosing, I'd just go with the one that produced the most conflict, be it internal, external, or otherwise. Violence is a plus.

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I am hoping to do all of them, as they are cool concepts. I just wanted some feedback.

Sorry if I was dickish, I just hate to make those kind of recommendations to other authors. I've gotten so many PM's over the years that amount to "Here's my idea, now you do the work" that I've more or less sworn never to tell another author how or what to mod.


To answer your question, if I were choosing, I'd just go with the one that produced the most conflict, be it internal, external, or otherwise. Violence is a plus.


Hope I wasn't one of them :p

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Guest deleted2159825



I am hoping to do all of them, as they are cool concepts. I just wanted some feedback.

Sorry if I was dickish, I just hate to make those kind of recommendations to other authors. I've gotten so many PM's over the years that amount to "Here's my idea, now you do the work" that I've more or less sworn never to tell another author how or what to mod.


To answer your question, if I were choosing, I'd just go with the one that produced the most conflict, be it internal, external, or otherwise. Violence is a plus.


Hope I wasn't one of them :tongue:


I honestly don't remember, and I certainly wouldn't be offended. It's almost always well-intended, but I just don't have the time or inclination to drop my own stuff and delve into another project.

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Guest deleted2159825

I started drinking and writing low intelligence dialogue options. This is what modding is all about...

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Guest deleted2159825


I started drinking and writing low intelligence dialogue options. This is what modding is all about...

Oh Lord, those are always fun. Especially when they're fueled by booze :3


When carrying Sweet Revenge:




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