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Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825

That might actually not be dumb enough. Too many syllables in "grenade". I'll work on it.

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825


- Made numerous fixes to bugs caught by the testers (thanks again!)

- Added new dialogue, particularly low intelligence options

- Implemented more wildlife and POI's in the worldspace

- Successfully duplicated the random encounter prototype, and it's working perfectly thus far


I have to admit that I'm really excited about the potential for the random encounter system. It is a simple, stable means of staging RE's in various zones, with plenty of encounters unique to each area (each zone has a self-contained script). For all the buggy, conflict-prone crap that I've pieced together, this thing actually works, with minimal resource drain to boot. If I wasn't working on NVBIII, I'd be half-tempted to just stop and make a random encounter mod on the spot (Don't worry, that's not going to happen. This is NVBIII!).

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Well since everyone is saying what they want to see I will say what I dont want to see.


Dont do a legion mod please. You are great at writing for other factions and characters and I cant wait for B3 but no...not the legion.

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I started drinking and writing low intelligence dialogue options. This is what modding is all about...

Oh Lord, those are always fun. Especially when they're fueled by booze :3


When carrying Sweet Revenge:





How about




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Well since everyone is saying what they want to see I will say what I dont want to see.


Dont do a legion mod please. You are great at writing for other factions and characters and I cant wait for B3 but no...not the legion.


Well, since Bethesda Softworks is the worst publisher on the planet (save for EA), they decided to rush New Vegas out the door so it wouldn't compete with Skyrim's sales. In turn, Obsidian underdeveloped the Legion and made them unsympathetic overall. I doubt anyone could make a well made, lore friendly Legion quest mod. In my opinion, the only redeeming quality of the Legion are its lead characters: Caesar, Lanius, Graham, Ulysses, and Vulpes (all of them with incredible dialouge).

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Guest deleted2159825


Well since everyone is saying what they want to see I will say what I dont want to see.


Dont do a legion mod please. You are great at writing for other factions and characters and I cant wait for B3 but no...not the legion.


Well, since Bethesda Softworks is the worst publisher on the planet (save for EA), they decided to rush New Vegas out the door so it wouldn't compete with Skyrim's sales. In turn, Obsidian underdeveloped the Legion and made them unsympathetic overall. I doubt anyone could make a well made, lore friendly Legion quest mod. In my opinion, the only redeeming quality of the Legion are its lead characters: Caesar, Lanius, Graham, Ulysses, and Vulpes (all of them with incredible dialouge).


There are just too many unanswered questions regarding the Legion, to be honest. The Legion is JE Sawyer's baby, so if I were going to approach such content I'd try my damnest to consult with him first.


On the rare occasion when I did brainstorm a Legion project, the hypothetical solution for me has always been to pit the Legion against something that is much worse, perhaps marauding raiders or a revived Master's Army.


Perhaps in time a quest modder will come around with a real passion for the Legion, but until then I don't see it happening. Sinners and Slaves is as close as I'll get.

Edited by someguy2000
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