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Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825

Did you make the map? really glad there's a map now also

Yeah, and while it's not vanilla-quality, it's certainly better than any I've made before. The locations all appear to be close to their actual spots, and the map itself is not an amorphous blob (it even has a grid).


Once the Mountain Warfare Training Center and Sidequests are in place, I'll announce another round of testing. It will be much-improved across the board.

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Did you make the map? really glad there's a map now also

Yeah, and while it's not vanilla-quality, it's certainly better than any I've made before. The locations all appear to be close to their actual spots, and the map itself is not an amorphous blob (it even has a grid).


Once the Mountain Warfare Training Center and Sidequests are in place, I'll announce another round of testing. It will be much-improved across the board.


Out of sheer curiosity, is the MWTC in NVB3 in any way inspired by the USMC's MMWTC out in/near Bridgeport Kalifornia? My brother spent two years there, general consensus is that it's a shitty post unless you actually like all the stuff they do out there. Fun, engaging activities like running down a goat, killing it, dressing it (like how a hunter dresses a deer - it's an animal, not a f*#@in' Barbie doll >.>) and then cooking/eating it. And if you're -really- lucky, you get to turn the bones into tools!

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Guest deleted2159825


Out of sheer curiosity, is the MWTC in NVB3 in any way inspired by the USMC's MMWTC out in/near Bridgeport Kalifornia? My brother spent two years there, general consensus is that it's a shitty post unless you actually like all the stuff they do out there. Fun, engaging activities like running down a goat, killing it, dressing it (like how a hunter dresses a deer - it's an animal, not a f***in' Barbie doll >.>) and then cooking/eating it. And if you're -really- lucky, you get to turn the bones into tools!

That's the primary inspiration, though this is going to be a joint training facility with all branches represented (with appropriate tension between them explained in notes). There will be references to various survival techniques, including field dressing wild game. I never went there, but talked to plenty of guys who went through various courses. This version was built c. 2065 (haven't decided on the exact date) as part of the run-up to a potential conflict in Canada, Alaska, and/or China itself. Of course, it's more than just a simple training facility - RobCo and other elements will be represented.

Edited by someguy2000
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Out of sheer curiosity, is the MWTC in NVB3 in any way inspired by the USMC's MMWTC out in/near Bridgeport Kalifornia? My brother spent two years there, general consensus is that it's a shitty post unless you actually like all the stuff they do out there. Fun, engaging activities like running down a goat, killing it, dressing it (like how a hunter dresses a deer - it's an animal, not a f***in' Barbie doll >.>) and then cooking/eating it. And if you're -really- lucky, you get to turn the bones into tools!

That's the primary inspiration, though this is going to be a joint training facility with all branches represented (with appropriate tension between them explained in notes). There will be references to various survival techniques, including field dressing wild game. I never went there, but talked to plenty of guys who went through various courses. This version was built c. 2065 (haven't decided on the exact date) as part of the run-up to a potential conflict in Canada, Alaska, and/or China itself. Of course, it's more than just a simple training facility - RobCo and other elements will be represented.


Hahah, sounds like a real winner.

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Guest deleted2159825


Hahah, sounds like a real winner.


Most of the buildings are standard fare (barracks, chow hall, etc.), but there is a separate Robco testing facility that I'm working on. It was designed to research and improve robotic performance in cold climates (given the likely setting for the looming war), and to host other... experiments.

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Out of sheer curiosity, is the MWTC in NVB3 in any way inspired by the USMC's MMWTC out in/near Bridgeport Kalifornia? My brother spent two years there, general consensus is that it's a shitty post unless you actually like all the stuff they do out there. Fun, engaging activities like running down a goat, killing it, dressing it (like how a hunter dresses a deer - it's an animal, not a f***in' Barbie doll >.>) and then cooking/eating it. And if you're -really- lucky, you get to turn the bones into tools!

That's the primary inspiration, though this is going to be a joint training facility with all branches represented (with appropriate tension between them explained in notes). There will be references to various survival techniques, including field dressing wild game. I never went there, but talked to plenty of guys who went through various courses. This version was built c. 2065 (haven't decided on the exact date) as part of the run-up to a potential conflict in Canada, Alaska, and/or China itself. Of course, it's more than just a simple training facility - RobCo and other elements will be represented.


That sounds awesome.

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This may seem a little off the wall, but does anyone have a pregnant woman model? Honestly, if someone just took a vanilla dress or republican outfit and then added a pooch, that would suffice. Credit will be provided, of course. Thanks!

Here is the pregnant models that someone mentioned (I think they're the one AL used for Janet in the rescue video): http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/12793/?

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Guest deleted2159825


This may seem a little off the wall, but does anyone have a pregnant woman model? Honestly, if someone just took a vanilla dress or republican outfit and then added a pooch, that would suffice. Credit will be provided, of course. Thanks!

Here is the pregnant models that someone mentioned (I think they're the one AL used for Janet in the rescue video): http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/12793/?


Ha, it would be Q! Thanks for the pointer!


I may have to copy this quote from the description:

"In a sane world this would not have to be stated but there is irrefutable evidence that we live in the stupidest of all possible worlds, so there it is."

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Guest deleted2159825

Stayed up working on NVBIII and discovered a discrepancy in my generic cleanup script that I use in everything post-NVBI. As such, everything was patched, and an additional patch for NVBII will be on the way. Expect the following:

- Cleanup scripts will be tightened up. Dead, non-respawning corpses will be cleaned up in 24 hours, with few exceptions (unique NPC's).

- The Downtime for failing a radiant bounty mission is now 24 hours instead of 72

- More script tweaks in anticipation of NVBIII

- If you successfully complete a radiant bounty, you can begin another in 24 hours (just edited - shows you much I agonized over it). I went back and forth on this for a while, but ultimately elected to say, "f*** it". If someone hates radiant bounties they can disable the damn poster. It can be "expoited" if you count tracking down surly hobos for 250 caps a piece as exploitation. I've found that waiting 72 hours for a shot at a pittance is something that most players will bypass (myself included). When it was available without restriction, I found myself enjoying it, much in the manner of the Dark Brotherhood missions in Skyrim. It's not perfect, but it does work.


I really, really hope this is the last update for NVBII. Even the "Benchmark" missions that I had planned for an update have been scuttled due to the mod's size. If I do make these, they'll be added in a separate plugin ("Bounty Pack" or some other) that will be connected to the someguyseries.esm. If you're wondering what the "Benchmark" system is, it is as follows:

- The player earns small perks after completing x and y number of bounties

- New, unique bounties will randomly manifest after x number of bounties (I do worry the "randomly" aspect of it would make completionists stroke out) :wink:


NVBIII remains the priority, but some issues can't be ignored. I'm just glad I caught it, because over the long run it could have dampened the performance of all my mods. In fact, this was probably already happening, albeit on a small scale. I won't abide leaky scripts.


Other updates from NVBIII in the all-nighter:

- A certain lady from The Inheritance is being added, along with a unique sidequest

- An NCR official, Brookshire, will provide morally ambiguous, completely optional, and highly profitable bounty missions in addition to the "primary" quest's targets. I've really, really enjoyed writing and designing these thus far, as each one presents theoretically difficult choices for the player. The aforementioned lady is one of these targets.

- The basic layout of the Mountain Warfare Training Center is complete, but only one interior is in place, the SIGINT Facility. I will postpone development of interiors until the sidequests are finished (though one is set in the facility).

- I added more wildlife, but there won't be much beyond Bighorners, dogs, and Yao Guai due to the climate. It's just too damn cold for most of the other critters, and I sort of like it that way.


Thanks for the comments and support!

Edited by someguy2000
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