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Guest deleted2159825

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Guest deleted2159825

Siding with the Judge/Syndicate? Those guys would send us after helpless orphan bunnies.

It was going to be more satirical... insane, actually. The targets included sex-addled preachers, pornographers, hobo rabble-rousers, etc.


The questgiver is a new NPC called Bobby Bass, someone I created while caffeinated to the gills. How to describe him? A Southern gentleman on cocaine. Part of me wants to finish this mod (I voice it as I go, so it's already 1/3 done), but part of me is assured it will be utter crap. Considering that I won't consider it part of "my" canon, but simply a niche mod, perhaps that's not a problem. It's basically NVBI for the bad guys - scant dialogue options and no roleplaying, just pure violence delivered by a semi-delirious quest-giver. Then again, if you've sided with the Judge, you've basically picked your role... so f*** it. I might finish it after all.


Better yet, would anyone like to test an early build and tell me if I'm completely crazy? I'm looking for brutal honesty on this one. PM me if you're interested.

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825

An alternate evil version of New Vegas Bounties 1? I'd be willing to test that out for the buggery of it.

It's been tested, and I'm moving ahead with it. So long as players are not expecting something on the order of NVBIII or The Inheritance, they might enjoy it. It's just a niche mod.


Strangely enough, there aren't many mods out there that cater to evil characters, so far as I can tell. I remember Fallout 3 had a different situation, as there were plugins that offered serial killer factions and other avenues for roleplaying as a psycho. My take on it is actually more comical, as I can't create a wholly evil questline and keep a straight face.

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Ah alright, well I wish you luck on both New Vegas Bounties III and Eeeeeevil Vegas Bounties.


I think the thing is that you have to really go out of your way to keep Evil or Very Evil Karma, almost having to align with Caesar's Legion to do so. I'm playing a Neutral Evil character and he's at Very Good right now just from killing ghouls.


I'm guessing this will be more along the lines of Saturday Morning Cartoon evil?

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Guest deleted2159825

I'm guessing this will be more along the lines of Saturday Morning Cartoon evil?

More like Adult Swim. On cocaine. Testers, care to comment? Then again, they only got a brief glimpse of it. It's really nothing special. In fact, it's sort of crappy, but in a charming way.

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Are we going to be able to return to Utah after the completion of NVB III? One thing I really hated was not being able to go back to Carruthers Canyon after the completion of Russel. I loved that little town so much, and I rustled up one hiz-ell of a posse to defend it. Then I try to go back and the tunnel was locked :(


(Also am finally able to proceed with Enemy of my Enemy, thanks for all your help, SG)

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Guest deleted2159825

Are we going to be able to return to Utah after the completion of NVB III? One thing I really hated was not being able to go back to Carruthers Canyon after the completion of Russel. I loved that little town so much, and I rustled up one hiz-ell of a posse to defend it. Then I try to go back and the tunnel was locked :sad:


(Also am finally able to proceed with Enemy of my Enemy, thanks for all your help, SG)

Sorry, but I was just really burnt out at that point, and scripting in all the changes didn't interest me.


Believe me when I say this - considering the two endings for NVBIII, returning in either situation would be... unpleasant. It will be nightmares, not nostalgia. I'll think about it, but my instinct is to say no.


I have thought about Silverwood recently - I realized how many players got attached to the town, not to mention how fun it was to create a distinct community. As a result, last weekend I actually scribbled a rough outline for a town mod called "Overpass", that would involve the player helping a band of escaped slaves establish a hamlet on... an overpass. It would have the typical fare - gathering resources, building defenses, making alliances, and eventually some climactic showdown (or perhaps... an internal conflict?). The central drama would entail which political entity the town should align with, as each would carry benefits and downsides. Another element I'd like to include are truly randomized events - disease, feuds, famine, etc., that the player could encounter, basically content to keep the town vibrant.


The thing is... BlooperReel will have NVBIII for 3-4 more weeks at most, and that isn't enough time to put this together (especially since I'll be out of town for 2 of those weeks). It most definitely would not be an "I don't give a s***" project, so it will have to wait. From mid-August until the release of NVBIII, all my modding mojo will be invested in voice acting, and once that's complete, don't be surprised if I hit the wall. It's mind-numbing and tends to sap the creative energies more than any other enterprise, at least for me.



Not only emphasis on cocaine, but throw in there just total and pure crazy .not like fiend crazy but the type of crazy where they almost think they are normal

Bobby Bass is perfectly normal. :wink:

Edited by someguy2000
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