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Guest deleted2159825


On that topic, what westerns would you recommend someone wathc to get in the mood for Bounties III, besides The Great Silence? Ones that were an influence on your writing.


For NVBIII, it was primarily the anti-Westerns:

- McCabe and Mrs. Miller

- Unforgiven

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Note to self: if the option to let Marko live is available, take it or suffer the consequences (which I get the feeling is "have every likeable character die, Bloody Mess style"). All this foreshadowing is having me dread playing it, yet at the same time, I'm ready to apply a heaping helping of Fat Man to Marko's testicles.


That being said, I'd like to thank you Someguy, King of the Ring is awesome, and I hope NVBIII goes well for you. I do have a question about Marko though- what kind of voice do you see him as having? Is it as deep as a base, or is it something that seems unfitting (say, and old man's voice)? I feel like it's going to be an older Nicholas Cage.

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EDIT: Some players won't flinch, but I think most will take the ending... hard. Testers, how about you? Any film analogies off the top of your head?



It was like sitting in your chair and feeling your very soul and everything joyous within it sucked out of your eyes, leaving your mouth agape in horror. For me, at least, it felt similar to The Road's ending (horribly depressing but with a tinge of hope).



I've experienced lobotomies in video games that were less brutal. I don't know if my Courier had been completely purged of hope by the end, but that wasn't what was carrying him through the final stretch. And there was apparently an even darker draft for the story. Any chance that we could get a look at it and see what could have been?

Edited by Necromage5
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Guest deleted2159825




EDIT: Some players won't flinch, but I think most will take the ending... hard. Testers, how about you? Any film analogies off the top of your head?



It was like sitting in your chair and feeling your very soul and everything joyous within it sucked out of your eyes, leaving your mouth agape in horror. For me, at least, it felt similar to The Road's ending (horribly depressing but with a tinge of hope).



I've experienced lobotomies in video games that were less brutal. I don't know if my Courier had been completely purged of hope by the end, but that wasn't what was carrying him through the final stretch. And there was apparently an even darker draft for the story. Any chance that we could get a look at it and see what could have been?


When the mod is released, I'll post an outline here. For starters, here's how it would open:



- The player is prompted to go to the Boulder City Jail. The Jail explodes when he/she approaches, killing everyone inside.

- Several companions, vanilla or otherwise, are randomly assassinated. You cannot save them.

- The player is forced to track a chain of letters, usually leading to the aftermath of some grim event, each letter mocking him/her as "Too slow"

- Later, he/she is confronted with the initial dilemma - to get passage to Utah, he/she must assist raiders in ambushing a convoy. The raiders then lead him or her north.




And that's just the first act. In truth, it was absurdly dark, and the ending would have had players cursing my name for a generation, even if it was a ballsy conclusion. The characterization for certain NPC's would've been forced, which was another factor in why I passed on it.

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That first act sounds intense.i think if you kept that first act I would still enjoy it but if it escalated past that at the end , to the point where you think It would cause distaste , then I would have to defer to your opinion. But that first part would create the feelin of your past coming to haunt you or your world falling down around you excellently
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Damn. The current story is plenty dark, and a pretty spectacular Book Ends for the Courier. I wouldn't be able to function if I lost Joaquin. It would make the different between fire-forged greatness and soul-crushing misery. I wonder if the Soothsayer would have anything special to say post-ending

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Head south from Jacobstown and talk to him. You might need to resurrect him if the local cazador got a bit too friendly before you can save him. He's like the psychic kid at the 188, but his prophecies foreshadow Bounties III, Sinners, the Message, and Zulu. Pretty interesting stuff

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I've sunk roughly 120 hours into my current save, and I'm now considering making the completion of NVB III the last thing I do on it before I start another. From the way people are talking about it, it sounds like the ending is going to make going to the mountains and living in solitude seem like a pretty cozy option.

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