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Guest deleted2159825

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Y'know, reading through this, with companions having the potential to die in Utah, I would like to share what I plan on doing with my Courier in my fic series.



  • The Courier pursued a bounty on Marko with Russell in Utah. Before traveling there, he told ED-E to fly far, fly fast back at the Lucky 38.
  • Although he and Russell hardly get along because of differing perspectives, they trusted each other enough to watch their backs.
  • Russell perished.
  • After encountering (and possibly killing) Marko, the Courier was injured and low on supplies.
  • He attempted to use his Transportalponder. It didn't work because he was out of range (outside the Mojave). So he decided to modify the device to increase its efficeny, leading to the events of Mass Foundations: Redemption in the Stars.



So what do you think? How close was I?

Close enough. :wink:


Sweet! :D I was pretty vague in case anything changes with your upcoming mod.

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An enormous fan of all the SomeGuy series entries so far. Fantastic writing and characterization throughout.


Will be checking in on this thread periodically, I hope I can audition for voice acting when the time comes for that.

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Guest deleted2159825

An enormous fan of all the SomeGuy series entries so far. Fantastic writing and characterization throughout.


Will be checking in on this thread periodically, I hope I can audition for voice acting when the time comes for that.

Thanks, man - I look forward to hearing your work!

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Know you're already swamped with projects and probably sick of hearing the words Firebase Zulu but...


An awesome way to get the lore in and to not let all of that work go to waste, while still being practical for the engine to run, would be for the Courier to go to an abandoned Zulu after the battle has already taken place.


A journey of exploration and discovery, more so than a linear quest and battle. Sift your way through the ruins and find the notes, the bodies, find out who the people who defended this base were (as well as the man who destroyed it, the Tribune), how they fared in the battle, and how they died. Collect the dog tags to bring back, collect some unsent letters to their families, maybe loot a few special weapons or pieces of armor that were left on the battlefield. Perhaps a few surviving NCR holdouts still hiding somewhere, and a few Legion explorer parties sticking around to look for them.


Basically, sort of like uncovering the Survivalist's story in Honest Hearts, except on the scale of an entire battle.



EDIT: Let me be first to say I'm excited to see what Al makes of NV Killer.

Edited by Flayer92
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Know you're already swamped with projects and probably sick of hearing the words Firebase Zulu but...


An awesome way to get the lore in and to not let all of that work go to waste, while still being practical for the engine to run, would be for the Courier to go to an abandoned Zulu after the battle has already taken place.


A journey of exploration and discovery, more so than a linear quest and battle. Sift your way through the ruins and find the notes, the bodies, find out who the people who defended this base were (as well as the man who destroyed it, the Tribune), how they fared in the battle, and how they died. Collect the dog tags to bring back, collect some unsent letters to their families, maybe loot a few special weapons or pieces of armor that were left on the battlefield. Perhaps a few surviving NCR holdouts still hiding somewhere, and a few Legion explorer parties sticking around to look for them.


Basically, sort of like uncovering the Survivalist's story in Honest Hearts, except on the scale of an entire battle.



EDIT: Let me be first to say I'm excited to see what Al makes of NV Killer.


This idea for Firebase Zulu sounds amazing. I love that kind of storytelling. I never did get to see what Zulu was all about and have only heard references made in passing, is there anywhere I could read some stuff on it or has it all vanished into the ether?

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Guest deleted2159825


This idea for Firebase Zulu sounds amazing. I love that kind of storytelling. I never did get to see what Zulu was all about and have only heard references made in passing, is there anywhere I could read some stuff on it or has it all vanished into the ether?



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Someguy if you need more beta testers in the future I am able and willing. And the Lake of Fire version sounds like something that would happen to most of my couriers since they are usually unlucky, pessimistic, and dark people who usually end up in horrid places. And I am supprised your lake of fire version didn't have the poor courier stripped naked and forced to fight most of the villagers to the death with only a half broken bb gun and a spork.

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Guest deleted2159825

Someguy if you need more beta testers in the future I am able and willing. And the Lake of Fire version sounds like something that would happen to most of my couriers since they are usually unlucky, pessimistic, and dark people who usually end up in horrid places. And I am supprised your lake of fire version didn't have the poor courier stripped naked and forced to fight most of the villagers to the death with only a half broken bb gun and a spork.

Don't worry, your unfortunate Courier will have plenty of misery to revel in.

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Someguy if you need more beta testers in the future I am able and willing. And the Lake of Fire version sounds like something that would happen to most of my couriers since they are usually unlucky, pessimistic, and dark people who usually end up in horrid places. And I am supprised your lake of fire version didn't have the poor courier stripped naked and forced to fight most of the villagers to the death with only a half broken bb gun and a spork.

Don't worry, your unfortunate Courier will have plenty of misery to revel in.


Perfect. :devil: I can barely wait for it. I wonder how scarred my current one will become.

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