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Guest deleted2159825

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I apologize if I missed somebody already asking this in the thread while I was skimming by, but I'm wondering if I can just complete NVBII, save, then come to this when it's done and get the whole experience or if I'll need to start a new game? I'm aware there's gonna be a standalone but I'd hate to miss out on any awesome stuff.

I'm pretty sure Russell and the Inheritance will also be updated to cater to the actions in NVBIII (added dialogue and encounters). I would advise a new Inheritance and Russell playthrough after both are updated after NVBIII's release, though. But that's just me.

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Guest deleted2159825


I apologize if I missed somebody already asking this in the thread while I was skimming by, but I'm wondering if I can just complete NVBII, save, then come to this when it's done and get the whole experience or if I'll need to start a new game? I'm aware there's gonna be a standalone but I'd hate to miss out on any awesome stuff.

So long as you're using a recent version of NVBII (1.3+), it should start right up with the main file. Rest assured that I am going to test the living hell out of NVBIII before release so that everything goes smoothly on launch. I learned my lesson with Russell.


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Guest deleted2159825

Thanks, it has been very reassuring to see the ongoing support for this project, especially after the Firebase Zulu fiasco.


Once I get back to my rig, I will throw myself into auditions and VO work. I estimate that there are ~45 speaking roles, but only a dozen or so are substantive. Regardless, voicing 2,500+ lines of dialogue will be laborious, and I want to recruit a diverse, competent cast. For most parts the emphasis will be strictly on audio quality, as only a handful of roles will require range of emotion, speech, etc. The principle parts will be competitive, whereas small roles will be given out to the first applicant who provides a satisfactory audition. I don't see any reason in juggling auditions for parts that have sparse dialogue and/or aren't related to the plot.


I know that King of the Ring and New Vegas Killer may have worried some players, as they fear a repetition of my "impulsive projects before creative implosion" affliction that sometimes strikes when I get bogged down in a large mod. The thing is, NVBIII is finished in my mind. It is not aesthetically polished, but the plot, characters, and setting are set in stone. From a storytelling standpoint, I have already moved on. Once the interiors are fleshed out and LOD is set in place, all that remains is VO and beta testing. It really is downhill from here.


Truth be told, I've been ruminating on what to do after NVBIII's release. Sinners and Slaves? The Ballad of Bobby Bass (a companion mod)? Someguy's Scintillating Scenarios? I will probably take some time to read and re-charge my creative mojo before moving ahead. A return to Skyrim is also a distinct possibility, if only to refresh my woeful skills with Papyrus. We'll see.


Thanks for the support!

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Truth be told, I've been ruminating on what to do after NVBIII's release. Sinners and Slaves? The Ballad of Bobby Bass (a companion mod)? Someguy's Scintillating Scenarios? I will probably take some time to read and re-charge my creative mojo before moving ahead. A return to Skyrim is also a distinct possibility, if only to refresh my woeful skills with Papyrus. We'll see.


Thanks for the support!

About Skyrim; You don't really need to rush in to it unless you're eager to do so. I understand you want to polish your skills with the scripting language, but considering Fallout 4 hasn't even been officially announced, I would put your Skyrim return off for a bit longer. I personally think it would be cool if you finished off the Someguy Series of mods before moving on. I'll admit that I'm biased of the subject though, as I like FNV more than Skyrim. That's just my opinion though, in the end i'll support whatever you do. :kiss:

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Guest deleted2159825


About Skyrim; You don't really need to rush in to it unless you're eager to do so. I understand you want to polish your skills with the scripting language, but considering Fallout 4 hasn't even been officially announced, I would put your Skyrim return off for a bit longer. I personally think it would be cool if you finished off the Someguy Series of mods before moving on. I'll admit that I'm biased of the subject though, as I like FNV more than Skyrim. That's just my opinion though, in the end i'll support whatever you do. :kiss:

I do prefer Fallout, but in the furthest recesses of my brain there is still an attachment to TES, as Oblivion was the first Bethesda title I modded.


I actually have a couple of half-finished mods sitting on my hard drive, Blood Saga and Hero's Saga (working title, it's terrible). The former deals with vampire hunting, while the latter is an adaptation of Beowulf. I've avoided finishing them because I assessed them as pure s***, but after releasing NVK to a positive reception, I might end up wrapping them up. Perhaps certain matters of taste should just be left up to the player, not just the author.


What I'd really like to make is Sons of Shor, in which the player takes a group of Stormcloaks (fresh off a Stormcloak victory) on a collection of maritime raids against Thalmor lands on the west coast of Tamriel. It would be very grim, and would be filled with calculated moral ambiguity, much more so than vanilla Skyrim. I have always played as a Nord, and I have an urge to make something that would emphasize the more primal, fatalistic side of their culture. No dragons, no exploration of mind-f***ing lore or theology, just men vs. elves in a genocidal struggle. Maybe I'm just a Hobbesian maniac, but that's how I see it unfolding.


On the other hand, I have a solid outline for Sinners and Slaves, and its theme of redemption might make for a more fulfilling conclusion to my foray in FO:NV than the punishment of NVBIII.

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825

Would Sinners and Slaves have any kind of connection (however fleeting) to NVB?

It would be fleeting. The intelligence officer who recruits the player could acknowledge certain events, and player choices/perks would be used in dialogue throughout the mod. I might even have a place for my "Champ" perk. :)

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