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Blizzard poll


The best blizzard games  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the best Blizzard game?

    • Warcraft: orcs and humans
    • Warcraft 2:tides of darkness
    • Warcraft 3:Reign of chaos
    • Warcraft 3: The frozen throne
    • Starcraft64
    • starcraft
    • stracraft:Brood war
    • Diablo
    • Diablo 2
    • World of warcraft

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Diablo 2. Although Starcraft is also quite good, all things considered; time of play, entertainment, support, value, community, Diablo 2 comes out on top.


Between the countless hours slaughtering demons, the testing of character builds, the searching for better and better equipment, I've easily sunk well over 200 hours into the game, reinstalled it on 3 systems at one point or another, all without having to pay a monthly fee just to play online. The frequent patches made for the game, atleast initially also helped keep it new, and expand on content without having to spend $15 for a DLC. When you include mods, editors, and other neat additions, it rivals even TES games. For the most part, the community is also fairly good. While there are a few jerks who decide to slaughter you for fun, most of them stick to the hardcore ladder, your experiences are rare. Put simply, Diablo 2 is one of the few single/multiplayer games that actually live up to how games "should" be.

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I'd argue the best game is World of Warcraft, despite the fact I don't like it and only played it for a month (minus the beta).


I played Diablo 2 a lot more, and liked it a lot more. LoLaHammerDin for the win.

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D2lod need i say more i must of played this for over 2 years :D



hehe...5 years and counting, the boyfriend will be on year 10 next year. He could write a page long post on how great D2 is. He calls himself the "old man of Diablo", he knows all the runewords, all the stats on the major items...etc. etc. He got me to where I am today ;) Godly light sorc with a p torch (oh how many hrs I had to trade), p anni, p maras, p ds enigma, occy with a 5/5 light facet, two soj, merc with eth def glitched fort and eth ca infinity and eth gaze, tons of mf charms and godlies lol...30k damage with BO..oh yeah ;)


lol I remember getting my first SOJ not too long ago...I squealed like a little school girl and my boyfriend just laughed at me so hard heh :D Some nooblet traded his Fathom...(kinda low but it's a Fathom!) for two dwarf stars, I almost cried when I had my orb sorc haha

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