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Skip-boring-intro mod, PLEASE!


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I've been playing skyrim for years now, but the whole begining part is just SOOO BORING!


My request is, a mod that activates once you're out of the Helgen Keep.


The mod should skip everything that happens between you exiting from the keep's cave and retrieving the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.


Is it possible? I don't really know much about modding, but I know you can (in theory) skip all that and then be teleported to a certain place by using console commands...


Like, a dev console bat file... maybe a compilation of quest acquiring, step completion, add items and shouts and effects as needed, and then finishing quests and teleporting the player to... i dont know, dragonsreach?


Please do, thanks!

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It's not what you are looking for. That mod allows you to skip Helgen but it doesn't complete the Greybeard quests for you.


I recall seeing a mod that would allow the player to skip the quest Way of the Voice (so go straight from the Western Watchtower to searching for Jurgen's horn), but I can't seem to find it again. Maybe somebody else knows which one I am talking about.

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