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Hi - I'm new and I'm just feeling my way around!


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Re-running the A-Bomb fix is something you will always need to do periodically if you are like me and play a character for a long time. Whenever I see that the flames from the Legion rider's torches are getting a bit funny (trailing a bit of flame behind them) I run OAF on my most recent save.


The loot in chests that are filled using leveled lists for random loot like the skill books are filled when you enter the cell they're in, hence you don't get the same loot when you go back to a save from before you entered the cell. I know it's a pain to find the right balance between saving often enough and enjoying an immersive gameplay ... there is no such thing as a perfect balance. In my experience the skill books aren't very commonly found in random loot. You can have a look at the UESP Wiki page Oblivion: Skill Books if you want to find the best place for a particular book.


When I installed Oblivion on my current gaming machine I didn't install Shivering Isles even though I had the expansion ... I didn't want to play SI on my first playthrough and didn't know you could just ignore quests until you felt like doing them. Once you update the non-SI game to version 1.2.0416 you can't install SI until you completely uninstall the game so I've just left it for my next gaming machine build (maybe this winter I'll get around to building it). Personally I thought that the Knights of the Nine made more sense after you've completed the main quest, but again it's a DLC that I've not installed even though I own it. On both my current character and old guy I've installed Frostcrag and Theives Den after I've gotten up in level (both offer perks that seem a bit "cheatish" to me for low level characters). Mehrunes Dagger is another I've not installed even though I have it.


My first guy never has joined the Dark Brotherhood even though he's got well over 1200 hours on him. He went Mage's guild then Fighter's guild then Theive's guild, with the Arena between Mage's and Fighter's if I recall correctly. My current guy hasn't joined any guilds but got into the DB via some "collateral damage" while saving Darma in the Hackdirt quest. I installed Frostcrag a bit earlier on his game so that I could enchant things without using Sigil stones (but he was about level 10 or more first). My biggest OCD tendency runs with the need to close all 60 Oblivion gates ... I get tired of some of the larger Oblivion planes and so I need to save before entering a gate and reload when I get an Oblivion plane that I don't feel like doing (Oblivion world 5 and 6 are my favourites).


The Unofficial Oblivion Patch is your best bet for avoiding glitches in the vanilla game. My first guy was seriously addicted to the permanent bound armor glitch so I didn't use the UOP on his game. I made my own patch for some of the glitches myself and used that on my second guy, so even he doesn't use the UOP. My next guy will use the UOP though, as it fixes so many more things than my own (and I've gotten over the permanent bound armour addiction). The modular design of the game and quests makes it so you have the freedom to do what you want when you want ... Tamreil suffers through the Oblivion crisis a lot longer than needed while I get through the 60 gates for instance, as I take breaks and just wander when I get tired of the planes of Oblivion.


If you have a save from before you decide to try something you can always go back for a redo.

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If you want to keep the Boots of Springheel Jak, there are several approaches:


A possibility is to don the boots, jump, and undress them half the way down. That seems to lessen the impact a bit as you did not fall the full height with unenhanced acrobatics. Save before trying this, the script starts not only when you hit the ground but before.

As you already are high level, maybe just jump without the boots: I tried to jump from the Cloud Plane above IC (if you don't know it yet, play KotN first) and survived barely with the boots, a smaller buff spell for acrobatics and related stats, ~450 HP and all acrobatics-related stats as well as the skill at 100. That's way higher than the jump during the Heist.


If it feels a bit like cheating, well, there should be a downside to keeping such a great artifact. :smile:

But anyways, the Gray Fox Cowl is totally worth the loss of the boots as it was (likely) intended by the quest writer. That's not a cheap change like Umbra against the Mask of Clavicus Vile.


Note that when you're arrested and go into jail while still wearing the boots, the Permanent Stats glitch might happen. I'm not sure if the UOP prevents that or the possibility to keep the boots at all.

Edited by Ynguatep
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Hi Striker879,


Going to the first bit of what you said, regarding on going maintenance of the ever developing A-Bomb phenomena, can you please remind me of exactly what I have to do?


You know me from my previous posts - I need my hand holding quite a lot!

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I won't be able to access my gaming computer for a few more days, so I'm working from memory.


Open Oblivion Animation Fixer (OAF) and click on File Open. Find your most recent save (the one that has the .ESS extension at the end) and open it. Down in the lower left of the OAF window you'll see the Fix Me button. Click it and OAF will save the fixed file with OAF_ appended to the start of the save's name (so if your original save was named MySave99.ess the fixed save will be named OAF_MySave99.ess).


If you are using Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) you will need to rename the OBSE co-save to match the OAF fixed save. Using the above example save name, the OBSE co-save will be named MySave99.obse ... just rename a copy of it to OAF_MySave99.obse (if you right click the original co-save and select Copy then right your Saves folder and select Paste it will create a file named MySave99 - Copy.obse or similar ... I'm on my Vista laptop, Win 7 should be similar ... just right click on MySave99 - Copy.obse and select Rename and rename it to OAF_MySave.obse).


Takes longer to describe than to actually do.

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I think maybe I need to go back a bit!


I don't think I have Oblivion Animation Fixer - at least it's not on my desktop so will that be a program I might have downloaded when we working together last time? If you remember I was struggling with selling things one at a time so that I could build up my mercantile skill.


I remember vaguely using OBSE for this to download the necessary files which I saved to a stick and then, if I recall, (although mistily), I had to replace certain files and introduce others. But I am not clear about it.


Trouble is, I'm not doing it on a regular basis so it is easy to forget. Plus I have had a new replacement hip in the meantime which has diverted my attention somewhat!

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Trying to hijack someone elses topic to use as your personal soapbox because you don't approve of the rules, debating the rules publicly and creating a new account to get around a ban will all get you banned. Zeldaiscool banned - again :rolleyes: - Off topic posts removed.


The rules are really not that difficult - 'don't be a dick' covers most of them. The rest can be seen in the Terms of Service linked at the top of every page.

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The Oblivion Animation Fixer, if installed, will be in a folder named OAF_v1_2 inside your (Oblivion) Saves folder.



I don't think I have Oblivion Animation Fixer - at least it's not on my desktop so will that be a program I might have downloaded when we working together last time? If you remember I was struggling with selling things one at a time so that I could build up my mercantile skill.at!
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If you refer back to my reply to your original post I gave a link to OAF's Oblivion Nexus page. At the time you were starting out on the PC version of the game and thus didn't have any need of OAF right away. I'm not sure if it needs to be installed in your Oblivion folder or not ... seems to me it will work where ever you install it you just need to browse to your saves folder the first time you run it. Like I said I won't have access to my gaming machine for a few more days.


If you look in your saves folder and see two saves for each save like in the example I gave you that means you have OBSE installed and working correctly. Just rename a copy of the co-save and you'll be good to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have completed the Thieves Guild section and kept hold of my Spring Heel Jak Boots!


I must admit I wasn't at all sure so I figured on building my Acrobatic Skill up to 100, (eventually by jumping off chapel towers mostly), and enhancing using enchanted armour and a fortify health spell for good measure.


It worked out that the fall hardly touched me when I fell down through the fireplace!


Onward and upward as they say - I'll be glad when this game finally comes to an end. I've worked it out I've been on this damned game for over a year now!


I've just pre-ordered AC Unity, AC Rogue and Batman Arkham Knight from Tesco using my boosted clubcard points - not bad for £13! I really want to get on with something a bit more modern now.


Only the rest of the main quest, Shivering Isles, the remainder of the Daedric section and the Vampire stuff to do now. Just waiting for a rainy day. Its far to nice outside to be stuck in front of a screen.


I still can't find any more skill books. I have now meticulously crossed off every single location on the World Maps having been in each at least once and I can't find any of the books that quoted in the Wiki which are supposed to be randomly placed in loot. If anyone can suggest anything I would be most appreciative.

Edited by Borderboy
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Hi Striker879,


I've started having a go at installing the animation fixer today and I've run into trouble almost straightaway!


I think I need my hand holding again!


I downloaded the OAF from Nexusmods. Obviously I got the zipped version. I saved it to a flash drive out of the way of my system.


It says to extract to my savefile which I attempted to do but when I started I got a message stating that I needed to buy the version of WinRAR to do it because the intro version had expired after 40 days.


I decided I didn't really want to buy anything so I uninstalled my version of WinRAR via the Control Panel/Programs & Features, with the intention of reinstalling the free version - maybe get another 40 days out of it!


I did the sensible thing and set up a restore point this time - once bitten twice shy as they say!


I downloaded/installed WinRAR and low and behold along came a load of other crap with it that I especially wanted to avoid - such as requests to change browsers, PC Health Kit, Backup etc. etc. - I didn't seem to get any opt outs either!


So I abandoned that and restored to the point before I started.


Why is that whenever you attempt to download something you end up taking all of this extra baggage too - I find it utterly invasive!


So can you help me here please?


Can't I use anything else to unzip these files?


What do I do subsequent to this - I am so confused.

Edited by Borderboy
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