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Today someone used my account and got me baaned, so I had to make a new one, which makes me angry, and so I vented by beating my most hated NPC,than I got to wondering who is the absolute most hated NPC


For me it would have to be yellow team champion because she refussed to bow down to my superior mightyness.

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Grr, Rindir. I hate him and Rindir's staffs. He was one of the first NPCs I ever met upon first playing Oblivion, and he sounded so high and mighty, as if he hated me. So I killed him.


Now, I hate him a lot, but I'm smart enough not to kill NPCs like that.

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The one I hate most is by far Martin -.- Don't know why but when ever I go for the main quest I just think: "Come on! That guy is so stupid he wouldn't even know how to win a encounter if he has 5 times the man the enemie has! At the beginning he just goes it's all the fault of the gods instead of actually doing something reasonable! He always gets in my way while fights and needs a lifetime to take an idiotic wolf down. Why should such a guy become emperor or get celebrated because he sacrified himself?"
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I hate the Yellow Team Champion the most, followed by Glarthir.

I always try to run away from Glarthir, but the little weasel eventually catches me. As payback I don't do his stupid quest, and then I make it worse by casting a custom buffing spell on him that lets him fight 7 or 8 guards at once, and then I dispel it once he's surrounded.

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