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I can't kill the Red Eagle


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I could really use some help. I've tried on two occasions roughly 20 times in total and always failed. I have no idea what am I doing wrong, or if there is specific strategy I missed.

Basically, he always instantly kills me. I run up to him, start whacking him with my ebony sword which does little to no damage at all, then there is huge fire explosion and I am dead. If I try to shoot at him with crossbow, he shoots a fireball at me and I am dead in one hit.

I have 3 followers with me but it's no use, because I am dead within 3 seconds of initiating the fight. About two times I managed to survive for a little longer. I approached him from behind while he was fighting one of my followers, and before I could swing a sword at him, out of nothing there came huge fire explosion and I was instantly dead.

I have 60% fire resistance and chugged resist magic potion on top of that, and am still dying in one hit from I don't even know what.


I am about to give up at this point.

Edited by Octopuss
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Do you have any armor on? Do you have perks for any armor skills? Or are you playing a mage? Do you have the proper perks for alteration then and the appropriate spells? Also health is another thing. If you have low health then that might also be why (as in your total health, try some fortify health if you need to). Also what difficulty? Lastly any mods that have possibly changed him in any way?

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Please copy/paste the text file version of your BOSS log. (open the BOSS GUI, select to have the log generated in text file format.)

Enclose in spoiler tags if it is log (the spoiler tags are in the pull-down menu of the third icon to the left on the top toolbars.

It really does sound like a mod thing, as Faelrin suggests, maybe something that increases enemy AI or difficulty. (or affects the armor/weapon protection/damage) Have you tried playing on the easiest settings?

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fiery explosions, fireballs, and if he shoots you you catch on fire yeah? I also use High Level Enemies. Red Eagle can be a real pain in the ass because, along with the fiery cloak thing he has and all else, the two handed dishes out crazy damage

i'm not sure how you got a ebony sword but anyways what i did was wait atop the hill way leading down to where red eagle is and have one follower go down to the curb which triggers red eagle's attack using the "Wait There" order. the follower will engage, and if in the right position you should be able to snipe him from atop the hill. watch your followers health, and when they seem to be low, run back out and activate the plugged in sword. that will close the rock door to red eagle's chamber, but will not reset his health. that should draw his attention so your followers recover enough health to hit him once or twice before getting on their knees again. time your attacks to when his attention is drawn away, and shoot from behind the pedestal but don't crouch. you need to be mobile. repeat and slowly drain his health. also work on raising your health before you try it again, like a ring of health or sth

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I think the "problem" is caused by the Revenge of Enemies mod. I moved over to its comments section to discuss it there. However, this is the first instance where it basically makes something unkillable. Everything else is very doable, even with some problems in the case of specific enemies (like, forsworn briarhearts and death priests).

It's funny, because apparently the vanilla version of Red Eagle is complete wuss. I watched a Youtube vide where someone killed him literally in less than 15 hits.

Oh btw, I was lvl 28-30 when I tried. Where I got an ebony sword? I crafted it, obviously :P

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High Level Enemies - Revenge of the Enemies mod is the full name i believe (or i may be wrong just writing from memory) and yea i use it too because it actually makes the bosses..bossy. but then you also need a loot modifier otherwise the hard work is going to be disappointed

i asked about the ebony sword cuz normally by the time i get there i'm like early 20s. i guess 28~30 and ebony is about right. i'd recommend axes though since they add some bleeding dmg, and add in a fire enchantment or so and you can inflict passive damage as well

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My last game as a melee type had High Level Enemies, Revenge of the Enemies, and ERSO's Enemy AI, on Expert level. The bosses were pretty tough, mainly because poor Lydia was beat senseless in no time and the bad guys had stuff I'd never seen before. I'll give one piece of advice; don't get locked into a room with a boss and his four minions. :ohdear:


Was hard to keep up as a melee type (I usually play mages). Some battles were just a grind; probably too much mob enhancement for a low experience melee player like me. If you play a Warrior type a lot, you may enjoy it more than I did. After that one, I went for a more relaxing game of Requiem. :wink:

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