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Fallout: Reilly's Rejects


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Reilly was hovered over Donovan while he tried to bypass the security lock beside the door that lead into Mancho's Throne room. It was Linney who pointed the door out to them, so they could put an end to the raider monarch. Donovan managed to unlock the slave color from her neck, but it gave her a mild red mark across her neck where it once was. She felt indebted to them, and eagerly watched as Donovan attempted to open the door.


The security lock was of advanced design, far more technical than Donovan's simple engineering capabilities. After a few long minutes of tinkering with the thing, he gave up. Reilly bit her lower lip in anger and slammed her bare fist into the wall beside the door. The wall gave out a scanty jitter, and Reilly shook out her hand, with a resentful look on her face.


“Where the hell is Renzo?! That male without a father! I knew he would pull something off like this!”


“Can't trust em' all Reilly.” Donovan said back to Reilly, trying to put her at ease. Reilly was to angered to reply. But Linney, turned away after his words crossed her ears. She had trusted a man, to love her and only her, and it was all an illusion. They were silent when they heard Cassandra's heavy footsteps coming their way. The High Scribe had been watching Donovan as he tried to access the door. Cassandra laughed eloquently and let out a sigh, mocking his feeble attempts.


“Its an Enclave module, top of the line. I could try to take a look at it, but I'll admit its beyond my knowledge as well. Where's Renzo? Doesn't he prosper in this field?” Cassandra asked. She brushed a lock of her short dark hair from her face, as she watched Reilly's anger subside.


“Hell if we know.” Reilly said disdainfully.


“Then lets move on. We still need to search the upper levels of the Factory. Lt. Colonel Price may have some components we can use to open this door.”


“Or some tech you can get your hands on?” Donovan said. He sighed, dusted his hands off and backed away from the security panel. Cassandra didn't answer, she simply watched Donovan back away then made eye contact with Reilly.


“We know were this so called 'king' stays. Now lets find what we really came here for. His secrets. What ever technology he might have that we can use. “ Cassandra said with a serious tone. Reilly nodded calmly then said,


“Did you come here to kill him? Or to steal from him?”


High Scribe Cassandra laughed softly, then walked pass them towards the front of the room, and opened up the double doors leading to the stairs. She headed up the stairwell, and saw Daniel peering through the window. He didn't pay her any mind, instead he continued to stair down into the crowd of raiders. He smiled when Cassandra stood by his side.


“I could have been an enemy just now.” Cassandra said with a sarcastic overtone. Daniel laughed mockingly in return.


“I could hear your armored hide a mile away.” He said to her. Daniel turned to her and gave her a suggestive wink. Cassandra shook her head annoyed by the gestured, then turned to the stairs as Reilly, Donovan and Linney came up them. Daniel turned over to them, and gave Reilly a sarcastic salute while he rested his assault rifle to on his shoulder. She smirked, as High Scribe Cassandra headed up the second case of stairs. Reilly looked around and shook her head with a troubled look after she noticed Daniel was two heads short.


“First Renzo goes MIA. Now your two lackeys? What the hell Daniel, can't you keep track of your own men?” Reilly said with a angered voice.


“Zhou and Jack are just fine. Reilly, don't worry about those two. I don't know where Renzo is. But I'm sure he will show up sooner or later. Trust me doll, hes a team player.” Daniel said reassuringly, then sent a wink at Reilly. She centered a blank face on him, not saying anything back and tilted his head back, apologizing for calling her doll – she hated that. Donovan shook his head, hiding back a laugh.


“The raiders seem pretty busy outside. Some kind of ceremony I'm guessing. So the building should be pretty secure.” Daniel said. He smiled and gave Reilly an accomplished grin. Reilly didn't say anything, her attention was on the dead raider's corpse since she came up the stairs. She could smell the plasma residue, and gunpowder emitting off the dead body. Her eyes went back to Daniel and gave him a simple smile.


“Secure right?” Reilly mocked Daniel.


“Well.. Now its secure.” He returned the smile, then watched Cassandra reach the next floor. Her loud steps rocked the staircase as she made her way up them.


“So no luck with the door?” Daniel asked, as he looked back out the window.


“None, we're heading up to the next floor. Maybe theirs another way in?” Reilly sighed, “If not, there might be something we can use up there to open the door.”


Daniel nodded, listening to Reilly's words, but he was paying no attention to her. His eyes were glued to the scene below, and Reilly joined along with him. The raiders were in fact, celebrating which Reilly thought was hard to believe. She smiled watching the idiotic wild men and women attacking one another, dancing insanely and drinking up what ever liquor they came across. She brought her attention back to Daniel, who's eyes were scanning the raider crowds. Intensely, his focus grew more and more and Reilly watched him. She backed away from him, and her jaw dropped when she noticed Zhou's cloak on the ground; badly damaged. No where to be seen, Zhou and Jack – Reilly put the pieces together and hollowed out at Daniel,


“Don't tell me you sent Jack and Zhou down there! YOU IDIO-”


“They'll be okay! Calm down will ya?” Daniel said before Reilly could finish her insult. Reilly's face boiled red. Daniel patted her gently on the shoulder, and she shoved his hand away violently. She sighed, then began to walk to the adjacent staircase leading up. Reilly calmed herself down, and cleared her throat with her back turned to Daniel.


“Your responsible for those guys Daniel, Not me!” She said in a soft, yet angry voice. Daniel bowed his head to her, and turned back to the window to watch the excited crowd. Linney paused before following Reilly up the stairs. Remembering the time she stood where Daniel was now. Looking through the window. Out to the raiders. Seeing her love Jonas. The betrayal. And then to be taken from the very same spot by the enclave guards. Linney stood still for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Tears built up, and began to trickle down her face. Reilly heard the girl begin to cry and she reached out to her. Linney backed away terrified, and let out a frightened whimper before calming herself down. Daniel looked towards Reilly and they both waited for Linney's mind to clear. The young girl whipped the tears away from her eyes and looked towards the window.


“Everything's going to be fine.” Reilly said, trying to provide some comfort to the girl.


“I'm fine.. Reilly. Thank you.” Linney said back to Reilly. But since they've found her in Jonas's room, rapped, beaten, defiled she was far from it. She was vulnerable, having felt the worst pain imaginable. Seeing the scene where it all began brought the horrid memory back into play. But it also opened her eyes. It wasn't her fault she was in the grasps of such cruel men. The two enclave officers tore into her against her will, for pleasure, but it wasn't hers - it wasn't her choice. No, it wasn't her depreciation she knew that. So she satisfyingly put the blame on her so called lover, Jonas. And he was just out that window. Linney stood next to the window, rested her body against the wall, and looked out towards the raider crowd. Her eyes watched towards the direction of the Mancho Factory Truck where she last saw Jonas.


“Is it alright if I stay here?” Linney questioned. Reilly nodded, seeing that there would be no need for her to tag along if she didn't want to. She turned to Daniel who had a bothered look. She gave him a gesture to the girl. Without saying anything, Daniel knew what Reilly wanted of him - to keep an eye on her, to keep her safe. Daniel was a cutthroat, but Reilly knew deep down he had a heart, and would do that much to see she was safe.


“You're the boss right?” Daniel smirked while giving Reilly another Salute. She ignored it, and headed up the Stairs, with Donovan behind her.


- - -


High Scribe Cassandra planted herself strategically beside the doorway at the end of the upper level staircase. It was shut, protected by yet another Enclave security panel. She managed to breach the lock with utter ease, but instead of bursting through the door, she waited for both Reilly and Donovan to assist her. With no sign of Linney, Cassandra felt comfortable to open the door and step inside. They were enthralled by the findings. Stepping into the dimly lit room, the three discovered where the Enclave had been keeping there gear.


Worn, dismantled stockpiles of weapons, micro fusion cells, and Enclave power armor. Towards the end of the room, there was another doorway that was halfway open. Reilly and Donovan carefully approached the door, while the High Scribe was familiarizing herself with the treasure they've uncovered. The High Scribe was please with the findings, but ultimately she was unimpressed with it all. She made her way to a pile of stripped components and energy weapons, and began to examined the scraps. Mostly outdated Wattz 2000 model laser rifles, and dried out fusion cells - nothing the brotherhood could use effectively.


The Power Armor stocked along the walls of the room were of no real use to her, seeing that they've liberated the very same models off of Enclave troops throughout the years since Presidents Edens destruction three years ago. To Cassandra's surprise, she noticed a cleverly hidden crate underneath a stack of unusable Plasma Rifles. She removed the weapons, and dusted off the metal case, revealing the crested emblem of The Brotherhood of steel.


After she easily opened the case and within the metal chest she found a hidden parcel of holotags. Cassandra ran her hand through the tags, making them give off a glimmering blue light. Every sworn member of the brotherhood wears holotags around their necks. They contains important Intel about the wearer, ranging from their name, miscellaneous stats, and medical information. If a brother or sister of steel was to fall in battle, the holotags would keep record of their lives. Without the tags, they would be lost and forgotten, never to get their name charted in the great codex. Cassandra, being a scribe felt she had a duty to those fallen, to keep their legacy alive. She closed the case up, and pulled it from the pile of discarded equipment. Reilly walked towards Cassandra, with a confused look. She gestured towards the metal case with the silenced barrel of her SMG.


“Whats in the box?” Reilly questioned Cassandra. Before saying what she had found, the High Scribe reached for a radio, strapped to her power armored hip.


“This is High Scribe Wright, transmitting from inside the Mancho Factory Status report?” Cassandra said into the radio device. After a few seconds of static, a clear voice was heard through it,


“Initiate Deacon reporting ma'am. We've taken out the patrols south of the Factory. standing by for further orders.”


“Excellent news. I've procured the holotags. Far more than I expected; which is good. Alert me as soon as Tyson reaches the main entrance. Time to bomb these savages to hell.” Cassandra said with a confident voice, as she looked towards Reilly.


“Yes ma'am. Deacon out.” The radio signal went blank. Reilly lowered her weapon, about to address the situation, but her words were cut short when loud shrieking sound echoed from behind her. Reilly turned around and saw the door Donovan was securing swinging open, a large hole fresh through it. A green bubbling ring around the hole. Donovan's body laying on the ground beside the door, with both his arms, along with his Chinese assault rifle laying in a mixture of blood, and soggy green plasma. Donovan didn't attempt to scream out, but the look on his face was crying out for help. Before Reilly could raise her weapon towards the door to provide cover for Donovan, an Enclave power armored grunt stormed the room, and with a Plasma rifle, splatted Donovans head into a dripping green skull, that rolled onto the floor. Enclave grunt wearing the same armor followed behind the other, and shot several rounds into Reillys Direction, but Reilly rolled to the side avoiding any harm.


“It's the Brotherhood of Steel! Kill these scavengers!” one of the Enclave soldiers said. Cassandra dropped the case to her side, and with her laser rifle, she sluggishly raised it to defend herself. She let out a rang of high pitched shots, all missing their mark, the Soldiers slowly approached and fired at her. Not even a second passed, and Reilly shoved Cassandras hulking power armored body from the incoming plasma fire. Cassandra hid behind a Suit of Mk II Power armor, and Reilly grabbed the Laser Rifle from the cowardly scribe. She sent several laser shots into one of the power armored grunts chest, doing nothing but staggering the soldier. Reilly ran across the room, swiftly dodging as the plasma fire was focused onto her, and made her way to a row of neatly placed grenades. She stumbled her hand across them, and gripped one without looking at which it was. She tossed it in the direction of the two Enclave troops, aimed the laser rifles sights onto it and fired two shots into the grenade, setting the thing off.


It erupted into a blue field of energy, and the entire room went dark as the pulse charge's energy field ran its course. When the lights went back on, Reilly looked at the two Enclave troops. Their, power armor had short circuited, causing them to twitch uncontrollably from being in such close proximity of the pulse grenade. Reilly walked over to them, as they screamed out for help.


“Freaking...” Reilly was at a lost for words as she stepped to them, she aimed the laser rifle at them, and fired into their power armored heads, causing them to explode on impact. She dropped the laser rifle and ducked down beside Donovan's dead body. She couldn't even recognize him, past the green foams of plasma and blood. Reilly rested her hand on what was left of Donovans combat armor, right above the Reilly's Rangers insignia. She closed her eyes, and tilted her head in silence for the lose of her close friend. Cassandra came up from her hiding spot. She watched Reilly, giving her the moment she needed and headed back to the case.


“That takes care of the roof top guards.” High Scribe Cassandra said. Reilly hesitantly opened her eyes, and turned them towards Cassandra.


“Tyson said there were Enclave Soldiers, wearing Mark II power armor guarding a Vertibird on the roof.” Cassandra said. Reilly rushed towards her and grabbed her by the neck. She was strong, and barely held Cassandra up from her feet, even with her wearing power armor.


“Why the hell didn't you say anything?” Reilly demanded.


“I didn't expect them to come down the stairs I-”


“You female dog! Donovan is dead now! This could have been avoided if you would have just told us what we were expecting!” Reilly angrily let go of Cassandra, and watched her gasp for air. Reilly panted excitedly, and looked back to the body of her dead friend. It wasn't Cassandra's fault he was lying here dead, Reilly just had to lash out. They were Mercenaries. They chose the job, and death comes with the territory.

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If I was giving chapters names this one would be called, Jack kicks some ass lol









The main courtyard filled with the likes of all kinds of layabouts and killers alike. The raiders were too preoccupied with sizing up each other, and enjoying the chaotic atmosphere to even realize Jack and Zhou stepping out from the Mancho Factory's double doors. The two men were wearing matching hockey masks, with blood smeared across the face plates in decorative designs. Zhou donned homemade armor made from football padding, over top his mummified body, While Jack wore his familiar black sleeveless duster.


Among the raiders, they saw a variety of men and women. Raiders from up north – newbies, with stories about monsters and misbegotten raids. The veteran's, some of Mancho's raiders that have stood by him since he took claim as king. They were all alike; crazed with a bloodthirsty urges. Jack took note to the ones to avoid eye contact with, after witnessing one of the raiders cross paths with one of the newbies. A violent encounter, one that even Jack quenched from seeing.


They came across a group of Ghoul wanderers. Fed up with the prejudices of the wasteland, and formed a Gang of Ghoul raiders. They most likely joined King Mancho's rally to gain respect, and notoriety with the other gangs. With such a staunch Ghoul presence, Zhou didn't feel too pressured on hiding the fact he was ghoulified. When he passed bigots in the crowds with a gripe about his irradiated smell, he gave them ghastly stares through the blood stained Mask and they quickly looked the other direction. Zhou kept a few steady paces in front of Jack on their way towards the main gate, and gave off a menacing demeanor that was obviously played out – Jack could tell.


The cannibal was familiar with the place, and knew that the raiders would catch on sooner or later if they didn't join in on the chaos. So nearing the gate, in a crowd of fledgling raiders, Jack grabbed hold the nearest raider to him, and threw him into another, knocking them both over. Zhou stopped in his tracks, and sighed as he turned around to see three raiders with rusted pipes and knives pulled out, armed towards Jack's direction.


“The *ban me* you want?! You wanna die today?!” The raider yelled at Jack. Zhou wasn't even about to break the fight apart. Raiders weren't ones for reasoning – it wasn't time for a diplomatic solution. He stood next to Jack and readied himself in a martial arts stance. Jack tilted his head to the side, and let out a calm laugh, from behind the hockey mask that covered his face. Jack reached for his Shishkebab, and unlatched it. Zhou carefully watched the raiders, swinging their weapons at the two of them. Beside them the crowd of raiders began to watch the action unfold.


“Starting a fight with a bunch of morons.. There a point to this Jack?” Zhou said in a low voice, which was hard to hear past the growing crowd of excited raiders screaming FIGHT, and KILL THEM. Jack pulled out his sword and rubbed the side of the blade.


“Trust me man, You got to make it believable!” Jack said with his sly voice. One of the raider, a hulk of a man lunged at him mindlessly. Jack countered the raging man by giving him an elbow to the face. The other two raiders swung their pipes at Jack, who used the hefty man to shield him from the blunt force of the attacks. Zhou kept a defensive distance, and halted another raider from joining in on the attack by kicking him in the face, causing the raiders body to juggle sluggishly to the side. Jack howled out laughter as he continued to use the raider as a shield, then threw the battered body to the ground as he sparked the shishkebab's flames to life.


He quickly swiped the flaming blade across the front of the opposing raiders slashing them across the chest in unison. Screaming in pain, the two raiders reached for their burnt flesh, trying to stop the pain but it didn't help – and didn't stop Jack from lobbing their heads off systematically, with another fine swipe of his Shishkebab. Jack killed the flame, and the crowd went wild from the violent entertainment. Zhou dropped his defensive stance and watched Jack, swabbing up the fame while it lasted. An ear to ear smile was across Jacks face, even with the hockey mask on Zhou could tell. Jack reached over to one of the dead bodies, and dug his blade into the raiders chest. Letting it bleed out a portion of blood, he ran his finger across the thick red fluid and raised his mask to taste it. Zhou let out a muffled sigh as he saw this.


“You seem to be enjoying this way to much.” Zhou said to Jack.


“Give the people what they want man.” Jack said with a salacious tone. The taste of blood set his mind at ease, and gave him a sense of warmth after the brief bout. But it was put to rest as soon as they heard pounding foot steps heading towards them. Past the crowd the could see a towering man that stood well over seven feet. Dirty pale skin, a dark shaggy beard and a bald head. Across his forehead, a menacing tattoo that spelled out 'DIE'. Jack wasn't much of a scholar, but Zhou knew what to expect from the man. The raider had a large blood stained Machete in his hand. He bashed it across near by raiders heads to get ahead of the crowd towards the two of them. Jack breathed in, as the bloodied blade swung, smelling the crimson blood from the rusted metal. He licked his lips then lowered the hockey mask to cover his face.


“That's our guy..” Jack said. He got jittery after smelling the air again.


“Our guy?” Zhou's eyes never left the towering raider, and he got back into a defensive stance as he studied the raiders movements. Slow, intimidating and covered in homemade armor, much like his own raider disguise but with more protection. Zhou reached for the plasma pistol by his side, but after he heard the clicking, and movement of nearby assault rifles being armed and ready to fire, he lowered his hand. He looked to the crowd, and saw raiders aiming their rifles at Zhou and Jack.


“No guns!” The raiders yelled out to Zhou from the crowd. The brutish raider raised his hand to Zhou, and shook his finger at him disapproving the attempt. Jack tapped the hilt of his sword by his side while he watched the intimidating raider approach – he was excited, thrilled even.


“The guy who killed your caravan. The blood on his weapon – I can smell it.” Jack said quietly. Zhou nodded, as he steadily watched the raider.


“Tough guys huh?” The brutish raider called out. Some of the crowd went quiet, but the others cheered out to him, and taunted Jack and Zhou.


“Kill em Slash! Tear there throats out!” A raider woman called out. The brutish raider, Slash nodded to the woman, and gave out a horrific laugh as he rushed towards Jack, swinging his massive machete at him. Jack was quick. He used his own sword to block the raiders forceful attack, but it left him knocked over to the side. Jack dusted himself off, and watched as Slash swung his sword at Zhou in a downward motion. Zhou dodged it to the side, and sent a quick jab to the huge raiders midsection. The raider felt no pain from the attack, and simply laughed as Zhou tried to comfort his own irradiated hand. Slash drove a fist straight into Zhou's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Letting it rest in Zhou's gut for a few seconds, he twisted it, causing more pain to the blow.


“Ha ha.. Squishy!” Slash said, then he dug his fist deeper into Zhou's gut, causing him to gasp out for air. Jack charged the flame of his sword and yelled out to the brute. He grabbed hold of one of the dead raiders heads, and lunged it at Slash just as he was about to finish off Zhou with his machete. Slash looked over to Jack after the bloodied head hit his arm. He grinned angrily and lowered the machete.


“Hey ass hole! ” Jack called out foolishly. Slash pushed Zhou to the ground with his fist, and menacingly walked towards Jack as if he had a death wish. But Jack didn't show any fear as the Raider brute approached. Jack kept his cool. Barely hearing the jazzy song, he rocked his head smoothly to the song Civilization playing on the radio as it started. Slash stood in front of Jack and watched him as his head bobbed to the music. He smiled devilishly, then began to chuckle.


“I poo bigger than you kid.” Slash said full of laughter. The crowd of raiders joined with laughter of their own, and even Jack giggled a bit. But before Slash could retaliate, Jack swept his foot across the ground, causing Slash to fall on his back. Jack slashed down at the raider in an attempt to end his villainous life, but Slash quickly blocked the flaming sword with his own machete.


“I'll MURDER YOU!” Slash said after pushing Jacks small body to the side with his sword. Jack doubled back in a roll, and dodged Slash again as he got back up. Zhou managed to stand, and watched Jack tangle with the huge Raider. He looked on, and watched Jack as he wasn't forcing any attack. He was on the defensive, humiliating the brute. Tiring him.


“If he can keep this up..” Zhou said to himself.


Slash began to breath heavy, and his movements were less frequent, A raider jumped in to aid Slash but Jack layed him to waste with his flaming sword. Jack howled out like an animal, and waited for Slash to regain his bearings.


“Paaaathetic.” Jack dragged out as he snapped his fingers to the song, anticipating Slash to strike.


“You little Shi-” Slash was knocked over from a swift knee to his side from Zhou. He waited for his chance to attack and did. Slash screamed angrily, and dug his machete into the ground. He looked around to the crowd and his eyes widened.


“SHOOT THEM!” Slash screamed out. The raiders went blank, then booed him down. They aimed their weapons at Slash and chanted him to fight.


“No guns remember?” Jack said after stepping over to Slash. He grabbed the machete by the hilt then, snapped the blade in half with a forceful foot. The crowd gasped in awe.


“Now you got nothin' man.” Jack said. He stabbed the fiery Shishkebab into the raiders body, making him scream in terror. The Shishkebab melted through Slash's armor and flesh like butter. Jack used it to dig upward, and ended the raiders life as he carved through Slash's chest. The dead raider's mid section was steamed by the flame. Blood and guts oozed out of it. Half of the gruesome figure still twitched, while Slash's eyes rolled back into his head. Jack laughed, then licked his lips at the sight. He was tempted to dig in, but Zhou held him back. The crowd of raiders were just as – if not more enthralled by the bloody scene. Cannibals. Many raiders were. Living out in the waste, murdering and killing not only for loot. But for food. Zhou stepped towards the dead body, and gestured his hands to the remains.


“Supper time!” Zhou screamed. The raiders cheered, and rushed to ravage the dead remains of Slash. Zhou sighed discussed at the scene, and shrugged helplessly as Jack turned to him who's mouth was obviously watering.


“We got work to do remember?” Zhou said to him calmly. He motioned to the Front gate with his head, and they looked over to see a cattle Pen, with two Brahmin stationed in it. Zhou headed towards it vigorously, while Jack lagged behind watching the raiders finish off Slash, and the raiders he had just killed.


“Bastards stole my kill..” Jack said disappointed.


When they got to the Brahmin, Zhou searched through the packs, crates, and duffel bags strapped to the Brahmins. Behind them all, Zhou managed to find a green, military backpack that was heavier than the rest. He pulled it free cautiously, making sure the raiders were too preoccupied to notice him. Jack watched on keeping Zhou cover, as he opened the pack. Viewing the gold glow, Zhou smiled satisfied and he raised the mask over his hair to get a better look at the sight. The gleaming gold shined onto his pale skin, as he was memorized by it. He closed the case. Then strapped the pack to his back. He rested his hand on Jacks shoulder, and joined him in watching the hungry raiders.


- - -


Beside the Mancho Factory, the destroyed Car garage was filled with raiders the same as the court yard. But they were less violent, and less active. The darkened middle area of the Car garage was dark, lit from only fire barrels, and the lights coming in from the outside headlights lighting he courtyard. The raiders were either enjoying each others company in small talk, sexual pleasures, or were overdosed on alcohol and drugs. Most of them were jetting up, using what ever drugs they managed to have the caps for. King Mancho was among those lost to jet.


He sat in a throne made from broken down car parts and skulls. With a Jet filled inhaler in his power armored hand, and lines of powdered mentats residue on a table near him. A naked raider woman with long brown hair laid across King Mancho's lap, as he stared into the abyss in front of him. Jonas stood by King Mancho's side, drinking a bottle of whiskey with a concerned look across his face. Rodney was a few feet beside Jonas, injecting a shot of psycho. To there amusement, a skinny raider rushed over to them, and fell to his knees, with a bruised jaw, and bloodied lips. He hardly spoke at first, just huffed wildly, until Jonas broke his silence.


“What happened to you?” Jonas asked. The skinny raider rubbed at his jaw, and licked the blood drooling from his lips.


“Damn Zombie! Kicked the poo outta me!” The raider responded.


“Is there a reason your bothering our King?” Rodney said, followed by a menacing chuckle.


“Slash is dead!” The raider called out to them. Rodney raised up, and full of rage, and grabbed his baseball bat that was resting on the floor. He swung his bat across the messengers frail face, cracking the raiders skull with a single blow. Rodney began to head towards the exit of the car park but was called back by Mancho, who laughed at the scene.


“Relax, Sergeant.” King Mancho exclaimed.


“Freakin' Relax? What the freak man!” Rodney's face went red and he threw the bloodstained slugger bat into a near by wall. The shriek echoed through the room, and the vibrant noise of the metallic bat dug into Mancho's high state of mind like nails.


“AT ease Sergeant..” The King stated boldly. King Mancho's red eyes went sharp and stared down Rodney, who lowered his cool. Rodney stood at ease with his hands crossed behind his back. King Mancho smiled, pleased with the obedience.


“Good.. Now. I know you and That Raider were.. close. I'm not judging you - to each his own my father always said. But there are more pressing matters at hand. Like the shipment of ammunition arriving. Tyson should be here any minute now. Why don't you wait for him at the front gate? Greet the man. Make the transaction. But so help me god if you go down there and cause any trouble with our brethren..” King Mancho balled up his fist, and slammed it down on the rusted arm rest. He waved for Rodney to leave.


“Dismissed Sergeant.” King Mancho said to Rodney. Rodney snapped into attention, then maneuvered an about-face, marching towards the exit. Jonas shook his head and sighed.


“Guess Slash isn't the big man on Campus any more..” Jonas said.


“So it seems.”


“You still think this is a good idea Colonel?” Jonas asked King M


“King Mancho..” The raider King said his name lazily, as he finished the portion of jet.


“Lt. Colonel Price. Bringing in this many raiders from all walks of life. Expecting them to behave like good little soldiers? ” Jonas responded. King Mancho viciously raised himself up, knocking the naked girl to the ground. She skittered from King Mancho, as he flipped the small table beside him. King Mancho stretched his power armored arm towards Jonas, and pointed at him.


“Don't question this operation!” King Mancho cried out. “Captain Jonas have you lost sight of what I'm trying to do here?”


“No sir..” Jonas replied.


“That's good.. Very good. Because if you had you would be no different from that pile of dead meat on the ground.” King Mancho Pointed to the twitching Raider, with his skull bashed. Jonas didn't look, he just continued to face King Mancho at attention.


“Give it time.. They will fall in line. And if they don't. We'll force them to.” The king looked down, where the mentat lines were. They were scattered, due to his angered gesture. Without saying anything, he ordered the female raider to clean the area. King Mancho pouted, then lowered his arm.


“Now it appears I've... Lost my high so to speak.” King Mancho laughed, then patted Jonas on the shoulder.


“Come with me Captain. I have a fresh supply of waiting for me in my quarters.” King Mancho said eagerly.


- - -


Jack and Zhou stealthy made their way past the crowd of raiders. They didn't pay them any mind, seeing their only goal was heading back into the Factory to regroup with Daniel. They had the gold in their possession and they were ready to leave. At the factory door, They notice two armed guard securing the area, who weren't their before. Zhou hesitantly approached them, motioning Jack to stay a few feet back.


“Whoa wait a minute ass hole! Who said you can go in there!” The raider halted the two of them. Zhou looked baffled and said,


“I just though-”


“You just thought nothin' newbie! Just cause you kick some ass don't mean you gain entrance into the palace. This place is off limits to newbies.” The raider guard shouted at him.


“Newbies? Why I ought a-” Jack said while Zhou held him back. He pulled Jack to the side away from the door. The guards went back to their business and watched to the direction of the story Car Park.


“No need in causing a scene twice, we don't wanna push it with these guards. Lets make ourselves scarce for a time.” Zhou said. He watched towards the ruined car park, and noticed how a pathway was clearing. For what – he wasn't sure. But he made a guess.


“When we first showed up. There were barely any raiders inside the factory. And now, all of a sudden Guards are posted at the main door. Why would that be?” Zhou asked Jack.


“King Mancho's going back to his throne..?” Jack questioned.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Excellent stuff. You have a very gritty feel to your writing that adds substance to the story. I missed Daniel's presence in this last chapter...but Zhou's stinky butt is a dependable read! LoL...
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Very excellent writing. Haven't finished reading it yet but look forward to doing so.


I would give you kudos but I suspect I already have done so.

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  • 1 year later...

http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thanks.gif The end is nearing. Right now I'm just taking a lil break, playing Dragon Age: Origins, killin darkspawn n stuff.. so stay tuned :biggrin:


ive waited but its been a little over a year now and it seems your little break has become a full on retirement. or maybe you allready finished it and i just dont know where to find it?

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