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Problem with Mod Uploads


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Hi there.


I've uploaded several mods over the course of the past few months.



The first three or so went fine. The files uploaded successfully, can be downloaded well, and comments could be left.



However, my last three all had a lot of problems.


First, the files could not be downloaded until several hours later. If any uploaded files were attempted to be downloaded, the result would only give an empty archive file.



Next, for my last mod, here:






Although I didn't click on "do not allow discussions" while creating the mod, no topic was made, no endorsements or comments can be made, and it also has the same blank download file problem.


Also, it somehow has -1 discussions.


Can you PLEASE fix this?






I can re-upload the file if it's necessary.

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Looks like a situation where the forums were down at the moment you uploaded the file. The only way to fix that is to delete that mod page and create another upload page.




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Files being 0kb in size for a while is because the file servers need time to synch up. The discussion/forum post being missing normally occurs when the forums are briefly down, it's just bad luck. I need to code in some more fail-safes for these eventualities so people don't start worrying the world is going to end. I'll get on that :)
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It would be awesome if there were some way we could manually create a forum topic and associate it as the mod comment thread for those mod pages where the comment thread was "lost" for whatever reason in the past...which is no fault of the author. I would not see that as an opportunity for authors changing their mind to enable comments afterwards though...just situations where existing comment topics are flat-out broke.



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