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Varathorns armor set


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Can someone please make a mod, with a full Varathorn armor set ? I mean, add the boots and the gauntlets using Varathors armor texture? And give all items Arcane Warrior restrictions. Just add some normal stats (not overpowered), made from Silverite and when all 3 pieces equiped it would give an item set bonus? The reason I'm asking for this is that I want medium armor for my female Arcane Warrior, that wouldn't fatigue much, look great, but not bulky like heavy and massive armors.


Is it possible?


Thank you !!! :thanks:

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It won't stay i believe.. frankly? i have no clue. At any rate nothing forces you to USE it again, or if you prefer and the 0.3 version is out you could use the crafting system.

You could remove what you think is appropiate gold from you or say that they came with the rest of the armor as part of the quest.


I mostly use winter forge to make clones of weapons and armors but with other models, so i don't have to use the hideous dalish boots that don't connect well to the legs or to make both of my weapons match the same "style"

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