Kendansa Posted May 14, 2014 Share Posted May 14, 2014 I really want more of a fun, non-NSFW addon to Hearthfire, where any children, once born, mechanically function the same as adopted children in Hearthfire. I'd make it myself but I have no idea how to make mods. I would want the mod to not be an "adult" mod. Not only should it be fully functional as a stand-alone mod, but it should increase the game experience, not detract from it. It does not have to be painstakingly life-like (unlike Beeing Female or SexLab Procreation), which would add too much slog, but not so simple as to be boring. It needs to be interesting, fun, and slightly challenging. Features I want to see: * No sex mods needed!!--percentage chance of female becoming pregnant whenever awakening with 'lover's comfort'--possibly 15 percent or sopotions to increase or decrease pregnancy chance sold by apothocaries--potions will always workMakes mod non-adult and SFW.* Different pregnancy lengths for different species--humans 9 in-game weeks/ elves 12 in-game weeks/ kahjiit 10 in-game weeks/ argonians 2 in-game weeksArgonians lay eggs--eggs must incubate for 6 in-game weeksEggs can have colorful shells* Different child amounts per pregnancy for different species:singles to triplets for humans, singles or twins for elves, twins to quadruplets for kahjiit, one egg for argoniansaffects belly sizeMore or less children possible but very rareChild limit amount restricted only by number of beds in largest home (no more built-in child limit)* Armor/clothes females can wear change due to belly sizeSmall belly/barely showing can wear heavy armorUp to medium belly can wear light armorVery Pregnant must wear robes or clothes* NPC's will comment/compliment/rub the bellies(!) of visibly pregnant femalesSpouses may comment about what gender the child will be/wanting to name it after themselves/some other silly cute thing* No consequences for fighting/questing while pregnant--we don't want to make the game /boring/. *Buffs for pregnant players during each stage of pregnancy, both negative and positive. Examples:Cravings: Increases health regen from certain foods (random for each pregancy)Morning Sickness: decreases stamina regenMotherly Instinct: attacks do more damageMommy Brain: decreased magicka regenThe Glow: Better prices from vendors, cheap gifts from friendly NPC's, guards are less rudeMommy Waddle: movement speed decreased to walking (negated when on a horse)* NPC's will react to female during labor/childbirth depending on class/personality (perhaps a la Sims?)guards/soldiers will go to find helpapothecaries/priests will kneel down and helpCitizens/travellers/bandits will panicHostile intelligent NPC's (bandits, thieves, angered villagers, etc) will not be hostile to females in laborFollowers will react depending on personality*Labor should take 3-6 hours--time will pass just like the wait option after initial scenesFor female players, there will be warnings each day for one week before labor, giving player time to get to a house/inn/bed*Buffs/debuffs based on labor location and number/type of helpers--optional, for additional strategyAlone--take damage, health regen reducedInexperienced/panicking follower--health regen reduced OR taking damagePriest/mage/apothecary--no damage or health regen reduction, chance of catching a disease reducedLocation: outside/cave/street/sewer/dungeon, no sleeping area--75% chance of catching disease, stamina regen damageLocation: outside/cave/sewer/dungeon, hay roll--50% chance of catching disease, no stamina regen damageLocation: outside/cave/sewer/dungeon, bed--25% chance of catching disease, stamina regen boostLocation: indoors, no sleeping area--stamina regen damageLocation: indoors, hay roll/normal bed: stamina regen boostLocation: indoors, nice bed/owned bed: stamina regen boost, health regen boost* Children spawn as infants, must be cared for by player/spouse/housecarl/servant for 3 in-game yearsinfants will be teleported immediately after birth to current player houseCaretaker NPC may send courier messages about the child's progress/state--just for flavorspecial furniature/items--cradle, bottles, rattles?Female player has option to nurse infant for bonding stat boostafter 3(?) in-game months, infant becomes childchild behaves just like adopted Hearthfire child* Children are a combination of parents' features where applicable (eye color, hair color, skin color).Children are same species as mother50/50 gender spawn ratioIn case of total father appearance incompatability, child's eyes/hair/skin will be same color as mother's* Adoption would still be availiable; mixed families possible. I know there would be complaints about how player children shouldn't age from infants to regular game children because none of the other NPC's age, but I should like to point everyone to other games such as Harvest Moon, where the player children age to a certain point while everyone else stays the same. The point of the mod would be to give players an option to have a unique child with their spouse instead of adopting the pre-defined children. The mod should be compatible with other popular mods. Making this mod would require artists, coders, animators, and testers. It would take a lot of work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lestrange458 Posted June 7, 2014 Share Posted June 7, 2014 BumpI need this mod sO MUCH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarkInMKUK Posted June 7, 2014 Share Posted June 7, 2014 (edited) There will have to be a gender check - as the game allows for same-sex relationships, the pregnancy chance should only work for opposite-gender couples. Also a check for mixed species - the probability of a successful union should drop off slightly between human and elf (but maybe only a couple of %), rather more with human/elf and Khajiit, and i would imagine be zero or have a requirement for specific and expensive spellcasting for an Argonian / other race mix. Nice idea, though. Edited June 7, 2014 by MarkInMKUK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted1308005User Posted June 7, 2014 Share Posted June 7, 2014 I LOVE this idea, somewhat the only thing I liked in fable 3. Growing your own family without some weird in-game sex scenes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maruke Posted June 22, 2014 Share Posted June 22, 2014 I agree that this would be a great mod. I like the idea of connecting the pregnancy chance to Lovers Comfort. I would probably change the percentage per Lovers Comfort since realistically the chance goes up and down based on the woman's menstrual cycle. This could be represented by connecting 1% to each day of the month. I like the basic time framing of the pregnancies. The belly size changing, according to most Modder's, is difficult to achieve. It could possibly be done, but may break immersion. My thought is that a separate body could be made for each phase of pregnancy. Then, if there is a way to connect (code) them, when a npc is determined to be pregnant the mod would track the number of days pregnant and change to the body type for that pregnancy phase (say once every two in game weeks for humans). As an example: there are no major changes to the body for the first two in-game weeks. In weeks three and four, the breast grow larger and the belly smooth's out (no more definition). Weeks five and six, there is more growth. Weeks seven and eight, there is even more growth. Week nine is birth time. After birth body returns to normal. That would be three bodies to reference in cycle. I would keep the quantity in 'normal expectation' instead of a chance for this or that. Mer's have 1 per pregnancy, while Khajiit have two and the Argonians can lay three eggs. Immersion wise, Khajiit and Argonians would only be able to have children with others of their species. They could still adopt, of coarse. Since the game never bothered to create Khjiit ot Argonian children, there is a work around. The pregnant spouse goes back home (feel the calling). They will stay there sending monthly updates. Since most beast races children mature more quickly, mom and child(ren) could return when the child(ren) are around game child age. They could also stay in the motherland. ooh!!! that gave me another idea ;-) Human and Elf females giving birth go to Cyrodil for proper treatment and care. They receive prenatal and Post natal care to ensure the highest survivability. They leave toward the end of the first trimester, returning with the child six weeks after birth. This eliminates the need to morph the body and create infants ect, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bluegemcutter Posted June 23, 2014 Share Posted June 23, 2014 (edited) Fascinating idea. :yes: There might even be another Dragonborn born. Edited June 23, 2014 by Bluegemcutter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anduniel Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 Love this idea! I would surely try it out. I've been wanting a mod like this ever since I found out about the marriage aspect. But your comment Maruke about going to Cyrodil would take out the whole point of the mod for me, being a female player and having a child with your husband in Skyrim. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maruke Posted June 29, 2014 Share Posted June 29, 2014 So true Anduniel. I was focused more on the female npc pregnancy. My reference to having them leave for a while was for a low graphics encumbrance solution. This way, through dialogue and dealing without your spouse for a few weeks, you would get the immersion of having your own child along with the belief that the child is yours. The idea to create reference bodies would work for all females (player and npc). Truthfully, I would prefer the referenced body's, but since I am not a modder I am not sure how cumbersome this idea would be. It certainly seems plausible, but without the proper knowledge on mod-creation mechanics, I don't know. I just wanted to present a couple of possible ideas on how the original request may be fulfilled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faelrin Posted June 30, 2014 Share Posted June 30, 2014 Sounds like it would be an excellent mod. You've really put a lot of thought into it. I hope someone or rather multiple people (since it seems like it would require lots of work in different aspects) could come together to make it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anduniel Posted July 1, 2014 Share Posted July 1, 2014 (edited) I've begun taking initial steps to try to make this. Don't get your hopes up, what you are talking is a HUGE bit of scripting, and script is not my strong suit AT ALL, so I tell you right now I can NOT do this. However, I believe the vanilla Vampirism spell can be used as a template, at least for variables and progression of stages, swapping out different spells/perks for each stage. Add or remove spells for each stage/trimester. Tie into the existing perks (ex. "Creator of Life" perk makes Alteration spells 25% more effective while pregnant). I'd be happy to pass on my small initial efforts to a better scripter. I really hope someone is willing to take this on...You'd also need a small line of maternity clothes (if shooting for the whole belly thing....) Edited July 1, 2014 by Anduniel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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