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who are you for fallout 3


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you can tell what race your character is;story about him or post images of him.


i just started to play fallout 3 so i have alien hybrid character.he exit the vault and visited a few places.


I have played the game so many times I have a good deal of names, faces, and colors.


I really enjoy playing Fallout, Fallout 3. Fallout 2 was a bit of a disappointment to my thinking.


I found in my retiring age it is therapy for me as it seems just like my life really was! And yes; there are real Muties in real Life too. No! I would not play if I had to do it to earn a living. I wont enrich my poor mind by playing as a girl in the game. Doah! I had sisters!


Sigmund Freud are you out there?! We've got another schizo on the forum!

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After playing through several saintly male characters, I am now playing as Martina, a Hispanic female Talon Merc (thanks to alternate starts). She is a master in the arts of theft and double-cross. It is a very hard play-through, as almost everyone in the wasteland hates her. I have had to come up with some very enterprising solutions to many situations. Thanks to my many mods with increased-increased spawns, she now leads an all female special forces unit that is the terror of the wasteland...



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My name is Rebecca and I guess I'm now a Wastelander. During the time of trouble an ancestor of mine built a backyard bomb shelter and stocked it well with food. When the bombs came he invited the neighbors that had laughed at him and who didn't have a Vault Tec reservation themselves to join him. As the years passed and the numbers grew and the food became less people would leave the bomb shelter to strike out on their own. My dad became one of those taking me and my mom with him. One night when they had gone out to look for water I heard shooting so I hid in a storm drain like I had been told. The next morning I went out looking, but I never saw my mom and dad again. When I was little I used to cry myself to sleep over it. But now I am nine and I don't do that anymore...well, not so much anyway.


Sometimes I hate the Americans and the Chinese for what they have brought upon the world's children. I think of the Chinese children who are probably roaming the wastelands of China looking for food or just a drink of water like me and I find it hard to hate them.


I've visited several playgrounds and tried to imagine what it must have been like when they were filled with happy, laughing children and their parents. I see old doll buggys and broken tricycles and find myself wishing that I could play with them. I've been collecting old lunch boxes, toy cars and trucks, old balls and chessboards and decorating my desk back home with them. My bed is covered with old teddy bears from all of the places that I've been. I once found an old book called a "Sears Wish Book" and it was filled with pictures of all sorts of wonderful toys and clothes. I think that it was in celebration of Christmas and was used for moms and dads to give these toys as gifts to their children in appreciation. I think that it was wonderful to have a day just to celebrate kids.


I've been to many places in the wasteland and I've found the grownups pretty much all the same. I've been looking for a place called Little Lamplight run by children. A place where a kid can just be a kid. A couple of days ago I finally found it. I think that this is where I want to live. Well, at least for the next nine years. I met a nice girl there named Knock Knock and she seems to like me. I think that we can be friends together.


Well, I've got work to do now. I'm a scavenger for Little Lamplight and there is still a lot of wasteland to be explored. Some day I hope to visit the places in DC and see what sort of people live there. I hope that everyone else is surviving well and I want to wish everyone a Happy Children's Day!



Bye, bye!







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