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Remote Explosives


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I was messing with geck the other day, making timed explosives, which I admit, was pretty fun. After a while though I began to wonder if there was some way to make a remotely detonated explosive, like C-4. That way, you could place it, get away from any conflict, and watch your enemies get blown into little gory chunks at the push of a button. I imagine there must be some way to make them. If the geck doesn't have a built in way, I'm sure they can be scripted or use FOSE.
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Yes, i think it can be done, if you were to drop a mine with a certain script and then assign a FOSE key to detonate it.

probably simple as that, the script wwouls sound liKe:

playerplaceexplosive playerpressbutton detonate

i'm not sure if thats accurate for scripts, but i bet it sould sound like that!

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  • 2 months later...

Ill add a lil bump in this post.

So maybe a texture/model for a C4 bomb? How about a Remote explosive pack , including the c4 plus maybe dynamite sticks (comes in 1 stick or a pack of 5-6) which can be placed next to a c4 for additional damage?


Would be great with some "caravan mod" where large carvans with body guards travel around the wastelands and you can raid them and set up traps ( sounds like so western lol) but would be fun

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It's ok and most of you were helpful, but I understand the OP asked about possibility to do it in GECK.


Doing things is a good way to learn.

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Totally but I think krimzin is working on other stuff right now. I posted my previous post+links for DJBnw so he could use those for the time being. This post is actually more than 2 months old, DJBnw was thread necromancing.

You right, yet the point in my answer was about the dangers (we all fall once and again) to be quick to judge and give reprimanding advices... something I myself could be doing right now :)

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