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How To Take Screenshots


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Are you sure the screenshots were taken in the first place? When you pressed the Print Screen button, did a message appear at the top of the screen saying 'screenshot0.bmp has been created', or something like that? Did you change the line in the ini file? And if you used FRAPS the screenshots will appear somewhere else of course.



Well I'm pretty sure, I saw message and it said "screenshot created" but I still can't find it

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Doesn't work for me, so I use FRAPS. I have a registered version of FRAPS anyway so it instantly converts the screens to JPG ready for site uploading :D


ya. same here. I had to get FRAPS so I could do a school project, but I've also found LOTS of other uses for it.


I still have to upload a pic to the site, as soon as I get one of my mods to work... :unsure:

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For some reason, certain screenshots are continually overwritten by newer ones. Now, I can't take any new ones at all, the last screenshot I take just gets overwritten by anything new. If anyone knows why this is happening and/or how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate it.


In the file "Oblivion.ini" located in "My Documents/My Games/Oblivion" , search the line "iScreenShotIndex=##". If ## is 0, when you start taking screenshots they will overwrite the previous screenshots from the number 0.


My solution is remember the last screenshot i'd taken and then I go to the file and, for example, if my last screenshot was "Screenshot37.bmp", I change that line of code to "iScreenShotIndex=38" and when I return to the game, I can continue taking screenshots safely.


I hope you'll find that post interesting (If there's something you don't understand, sorry, but I suppose I can't speak english better, I'm Spanish :unsure: )



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I did everything the first post said and when i hit the print screen key it says something like "Screenshot: Oblivion1.bmp created. But i can't find out where the pic is located can someone help please. btw i have vista.


oo and i tried editing oblivion_default file (i was supposed to right?) but i couldn't save changes.

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Unlock Print Screen (PRTSCN) button

There is a setting in the INI file:


change to:



Also, two related items for the screenshots:




There are two INIs, one in the game folder called "Oblivion_default.ini", this is the one it uses to generate the REAL one....

My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini


Edit the first one if you want to default to having screenshots on by default for all users. The settings it uses at runtime are the ones from My Documents folder.


After you mod the INI file, you can press PRTSCN button and Oblivion will write a BMP file to your game folder.

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  • 1 month later...
For some reason, certain screenshots are continually overwritten by newer ones. Now, I can't take any new ones at all, the last screenshot I take just gets overwritten by anything new. If anyone knows why this is happening and/or how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate it.

If your game crashes on exit, then there is a good chance that your ini file is not being updated. This means that your screenshot count will not be accurate - the screens in your most recent session will not be counted in the ini screenshot count, causing you to overwrite those screenshots the next time you play the game. If this is happening, what you can do is before you exit the game you save your ini file. You do this by opening the console and typing saveini


Hope this helps

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