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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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When I was taking a young character on an exploration of virgin territory (yet unexplored by me), I came across an extensive set of fort ruins in County Chorrol. I hit the marker and the screen flashed the succinct message: "You have found Sancre Tor."


I thought to myself, "Oh, how nice. Saves me a spot of trouble later on. Oh, look! A skeleton!"


*Whap* *whap* *crumble*


"That took care of that. Oh, drat, there's his partner! I'll take him on, no problem."


*Whap* *whap* *crumble*


"Man, that was exciting. Good thing there aren't any more. Wait a tic— where did these two other skeletons pop up from? Stand to!"


*Whap* *whap* *whap* *ouch!* *crumble* *crumble*


"By Criminey, that was a little rough. Good thing the fight ended when it did. My character can't take much more of this. Health's down, armor's pranged, and magicka needs a rechar—"


*walks in front of the entrance to see 4 or 5 skeletons*






If I had the means. my character would have looked exactly like Han Solo turning 'round a corridor in the Death Star to see a hangar bay full of stormtroopers staring at him.

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ya well, two imperial guards were trying to kill a bandit but the one guard accidently shot the other guard with his arrows. And then the guard that got shot was shooting back at the other guard. Then the guards were constantly fighting while I was watching and laughing. ;D And the bandit got killed by me just so you know.
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ya well, two imperial guards were trying to kill a bandit but the one guard accidently shot the other guard with his arrows. And then the guard that got shot was shooting back at the other guard. Then the guards were constantly fighting while I was watching and laughing. ;D And the bandit got killed by me just so you know.

Just outside of Bruma, I venture. Those two Imperial Legion Foresters must really hate each other. Every game I make, they end up transferring ammunition between them— the hard way.

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I got a mod that adds a tower on top of the white gold tower. yes, a tower on a tower. and this new tower has a "diving board" on top that you can go on. so anyway, i'm standing up there admiring the view, throwing pumpkins at guards, and then i look at the time. CR@P! i though, it's been ten days and 2 hours since i sent that corrupt guard to jail! then suddenly i get hit from behind, reflex action takes over and i take out my dagger and do a spining attack and blow him of the diving board. so hes dead and plumeting towards the ground at tremendous speeds. damnit, i want his loot. so i jump down after him. bad idea. i catch up to him and look on his body. a dagger, sack clothes and a note. i exit his inventory, read the note, exit my inventory. then i hit the ground, right infront of a guard. he walks up to my corpse and says "no tresspasing in the imperial palace..." then the nude corrupt guard falls out the sky and kills him.
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I was walking around once on the road out of bruma, and out of nowhere, some random khajiit woman in a dress comes out of nowhere and runs down a hill attacking a brown bear, which she punches twice and then the bear proceeds to kill her with one swipe.


I was in the imperial city market district, and at a point in the main quest where random dagon cultists attack you. The person puts on his dagon armor, and tries to attack a crowd of people when in response a horde of about 20 imperial gaurds proceed to attack him, when he is driven up against a wall. While this happened one of the twenty gaurds hit another gaurd in the confined quaters of the wall and then the hoard of gaurds attacked the "traitorous" gaurd and killed him.

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I found this mildly amusing. I was wandering around Anvil's docks after finishing a Fighter's Guild quest, and spoke to a random NPC and noticed a NPC's name as a topic (Thorindle, something like that). Apparently, he was "a very confused young man; docile though". Not thinking much of it, I proceeded to carry on down the docks in time to see a fist-fight start between a random Khajiit and, of course, this Thorindle. Ah, the amusement :D
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I havent had much happen with me, thats why I havent posted in this topic yet. However, I did have something just recently. I was walking through a store, ever so peacefully, and decided to sell a sword. Well they didnt want to buy at the price I was selling, so I got mad. I went over and started blasting everything off the shelves and I hear a strange noise behind me. Kind of a whirring noise. So I turn around, and there is a sword spinning at an incredibly high speed on its very tip. I thought I had a picture, but apparently I dont.


Another one was in Skingrad. I entered the Hammer and Tongs (I think thats the name) and the lady in there didnt like me from the first moment I set foot in the building. So I explore upstairs, and guess who decided to be my shadow. Yes, it was whats-her-face. Anyways, after a while (and many threats to call the guards), I decided to lock her in the room upstairs and take some stuff from the main floor. I could only lock her in there for so long, so I had to make it quick. She came running down and stared at me. Then she walked over to her weapon rack, grabbed a warhammer and started to attack me. So after running upstairs in my newly soiled Elven armour, I attacked her back. She ran outside and waited until I came out. Then she went back in and locked the door. After that, she will still let me in during business hours, but she glares at me every time I enter.

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Ones i was out exploring the good looking nature of the Jerall Mountains, and suddenly a imperial forester comes running towards me (i didn't have any bounty). And after him follows another imperial forester, and they positioned themselves about 12 steps from eachother and starts shooting arrows after eachother. It was quite fun watching, but i never found out why they killed eachother.
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I was able to sneak up on a bandit bowman and steal his bow. When he realized what happened, he turned around and attacked me with the only other weapon at his disposal: a crappy iron dagger. I can only imagine his frustration as I backed away and shot arrow after arrow into his body.


The "grab" key has also provided me with nearly endless amusement.


As soon as I found I could pose bodies, I got a little carried away. Perverse, even. You can see the results of my labor here:



:blush: Note: the above link contains nothing you couldn't see in the course of normal gameplay, however it looks naughty, so I caution viewers of a sensitive nature.






So that's what the grab key is for! You can position bodies?

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The funniest thing I have seen to date is that, while walking on a road in the woods one day, I stumble across an Imperial Legion soldier (the horse riding type) and an Imperial Ranger (an archer soldier) fighting each other. This incident allowed for a short laugh, and promptly looted the body of the poor dead guard.






Speaking of Legion Guys, I came across one at the inn of ill omen when I had to kill rufio, and saw a white faced, black;long haired, Imperial Forester that looked like Micheal Jackson. It wasn't funny, but made me laugh when I saw him.

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