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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Seen it? I've chased down deer underwater and smacked them with that big knife-thingy my character has.



Reminds me of a recent aquatic adventure I had. I was on Red Ring Road south of The City when I decided to visit my Waterfront home by swimming across the lake. As I'm approaching shore, I notice something moving swiftly on the water's surface that's heading towards the same shore. Out pops a head, the shoulders, and finally the torso of a male Redguard bandit in Elven/Glass armor mix and a Glass Warhammer. He storms ashore among the Waterfront hovels and began fighting the people milling about...


...oh, I failed to mention: this was the during "Waterfront Invasion" mission for the Thieves' Guild. Who were the 'helpless denizens of the Waterfront' this bandit was picking a fight with? Cap'n Lex and a whole mess of Imperial Watch guards and battlemages!


"Mister Bandit, you picked a baaaad time to raid the Waterfront."

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My funniest moment was in Leyawin, where I snuck into somebodies house andwas going to kill them while they sleep. They were on the bed side by side and sleeping peacefully. I killed the wife first but instead of a dagger I had the sword of Thundaga out accidently. and she went flying in the air and clobbered the husband in the head. The guy didn't even notice he just kept sleeping peacefully (until my next swing of course) :ph34r:
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Was walking past Derelict Mine near Skingrad the other day, and the usual popped up: three Goblins by the entrance and an Imperial Legion road warden to fight them. I helped the Legionary take out the Goblins, business as usual...


...until said Legionary stooped over and checked on the decorative skeleton impaled upon the spear near the entrance. I could not help but think this, "Yeah— I think that there fellow's dead, Einstein."




And yesterday— another Legion Forester bit the dust. This one slew a deer near the East Gate of Bruma, and the Town Guard who was guarding the gate nocked his bow and began shooting up the Forester. I don't know if it he was attacking because the deer was slain, or if somebody got hit by a stray shot when Mister Forester tagged Bambi.


All in all, I think the growing consensus here is that being a Forester is one of Tamriel's 10 Most Dangerous Jobs Ever.

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These aren't as funny as any of the others on this thread, but I thought I should share them, and I am bored is hell so...


I was doing the DB quest on the pirate ship, and decided to earn my keep and have a little fun at the same time, instead of sneaking onto the boat via the crate, I just snipe the female pirate from a safe distance and just go through the door to the captains quarters. I sneak up on him while he's sleeping, and stab him in the back with a the Blade of Woe, which wakes him up. After I finish him off, I hear pirates talking outside the door and saying how they are going to come in there, and I hide in the far room with the table, in one of the corners. They enter, and after a while, I unstealth, draw my weapon, and prepare for a fight, instead, I find two pirates standing there, doing nothing. As I pass them, they say their little, "Oh, hello," and ignore their captain's corpse and my bloody clothes and dagger.


Then, maybe 4 months later in game time, I go back on the boat, just for fun, and find the trap door to the cargohold, where I find a pirate, sleeping, oblivious to everything. His captain and fellow crewmen have been dead for 4 months, and he's just sitting in the cargohold, passing the time.



I don't remember the location or quest for this one, but it did show how stupid the AI can be sometimes. I enter a ruin, where someone wearing full steel armor stops me and tells me something pointless... I think, but anyway, tells me that we should work together to fight our way through, or something just as pointless. In the next room, I look down the length to see a group of three goblins, and a very familiar floor panel. I recognized it when the guy ran down the room, was shot to the ceiling, and impaled on multiple spikes. This earned me 100 gold and three pissed of goblins.



This has probably already been posted, but I was in the inn in Weye, where I hid by the stairs and shot someone with a guard right by him. I remained undetected, so I unstealthed and walked over to the body, looted it, and heard the guard say: "The body's still warm, there's a killer on the loose." I stick around for a while as he tries to decide the killer, the unarmed Innkeeper, me, or... himself? I leave before he consults his horse for help, as it evidently has a higher brain cell count than he does.



Pushing anything under a Corpse Smasher as it comes down, the thing writhes in agony. If I hadn't been trying to close the Great Gate at the time, I would have stayed longer. The Deadroth looks so funny when it's grabbing itself. o_O


Well, I've wasted too much of your time, this meaningless rambling has been brought to you by...


Ninjas... :ph34r:


And Tiny Armed Midgets...

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All of these are great and gave me the chuckles. :happy: I guess i'll share one of my weird AI incidents


I was in Bravil one day and noticed that Henantier was infront of me (the guy you save for the Bravil Mages Guild quest). For some reason, Bravil guards started attacking him and killed him! I had alittle fun with it for awhile, by using the "resurrect" code on him. The guards kept killing him though. I also noticed that he used a different staff every time I resurrected him. :huh:

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Yesterday I had my little bit o' fun in Bleaker's Way, courtesy of Mephala. When the families broke out the swords and started playing tag in the streets, I fast-traveled to the shrine for my reward, leaving the sight of one of the Nords fighting two of the Dunmer.


After collecting the Ebony Blade, I fast-traveled back to Bleaker's Way to take stock of the battle. The street was empty, save for that one same Nord who was standing there all alone, placid as can be. I looked at him, looked around at the calm scenery, and scratched my head. When I walked up to the fellow to talk to him, a curious little thing happened.


The cursor command did not read "Talk Benrir".


It read "Search Benrir".


I used the Grab key and pulled...


...the dude then buckled at the knees and dropped like a stone.


A dead stone.


Because he was dead.


Which means he was no longer alive.


Get it? :huh:


On a totally unrelated note, I'm starting the Weekend early. I guess I'll head on over to Bernies'...

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Working on a mod that adds a few new locations and such. In my mod I have a house near chorrol with some rats inside. So anyway, I go over there to test it. I step inside only to find one of the Courers getting attacked. Now mind you, this is a totally new building and interior area. So I stand there with a "WTF?" look on my face for a moment, then decide to kill off the rats. The moment I do, she leaves, I follow. When I go to talk to her she just hands me a copy of the Black Horse Courer. Now I've checked my mod, I'm certain that I didn't go adding a courer to the interior. All I can say is "WTF?".
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Occasionally, a lone slaughterfish will pop up through a bridge or pier I am standing on, and flop menacingly towards me, on land. If I back up, he flops closer. If I approach he flops away. Not sure if I got my ankle inadvertently tangled in some hapless fisherman's line or what...? :unsure:




I wish I could have z-keyed that fishy all the way to my dinner table, and replace the ham that's been sitting there for a month. Make a nice wall-hanging, too. :rolleyes:

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i was in bruma prison (i sorta got there by killing everyone in bravil then fast travelling there) and there was some guy, cant remember what his name is. hes for a quest though, so i tried something, i punched him. so he punched me back and the guards ran in. so they started attacking him :wacko: so i decided to keep healing him :) and before i knew it they were dead, and i got out of jail thanks to mr . invincible guy :D
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