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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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My character has a quirky sense of domestic decoration. Vampire dust on the chairs, poisoned apples on the nightstand, a row of beer bottles on the wall.


Since this is Cassie's first Halloween, she set a pumpkin on the wall just outside her Cheydinhal home. She won't dress up for the night, though, since she's taking a page from Wednesday Addams' playbook: for Halloween she's a homicidal maniac— they look just like everybody else.

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I took the Sanguine quest where he gave me that spell (less description to prevent spoiler). I accidently casted it on a guard. And it effect/hits just about everyone else within 500ft. And then about 50 guards from the entire castle from every direction came after me. But the quest itself is hiliarious too.


Lastly Oblivion is reknown for the most hilarious dialogs ever. Especially that druken Reynald Jemane guy who has a twin in Cheydinhal.

screenshots collection of quotes


"Why do Khajiit licks their butt?"


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Also stupidiest moment...


I ran into two vampires at the same time from the Azura quest. My character, not being able to take both of them, I ran outside so that I would have mobility against them. Well, I kill one, severely damage another, before it killed me, causing my character to tumble down the mountain. That situation was the reason I downloaded the extended death camera. Still waiting for that to happen again...what can you do sometimes?

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Guest Tessera
Lastly Oblivion is reknown for the most hilarious dialogs ever.


I'll go along with that. Here's some NPC dialogue that caused me to burst out laughing. In fact, I laughed VERY loudly when I first heard the following:


"...Rat Ragu with Powdered Deer Penis..."


- spoken by Weebam-Na of Lleyawin, during an extended tirade against rats in the city.


Here's another favorite:


"I'm Mirabelle Monet and I run the F'oc's'le, a boarding house for sailors. Sorry, but I reserve my beds for seamen..."


- Mirabelle Monet of Anvil, who is obviously an aging prostitute. Just change the spelling of the last word in that quote, and you'll understand why it makes me laugh. You go, girl. :P

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This just happened to me:


I had just completed 2 quests and done a neutral mine and I was heavily weighed down by all my loot. Having gulped down a couple of feather potions, I fast travelled to my Skingrad home to stash all my stuff.

When I arrive, the potion effects has worn off so I drop a lot of my equipment so I can enter the house and stash the goodies. Inside I see my house servant Eyja walking over to one of my display cases, opening it up, which results in the 3 cool swords inside fall out throught the bottom of the display case ( :ohmy: ).

The same swords that I much earlier had used a long time to place just right in the case.

I walk over to look in amazement of the mess she's just made at which time Ayja turns to me, smiles, and says "good day, milord" >:(

I leave the house after having placed a few more cool objects in some display cases and find out that my super armor that I dropped outside my house is now gone (for good).

I check my last save game and realize it's been ages ago since the last save so now I have to go everything again.

Bad day today...I'm staying inside. :ph34r:

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I was on the quest to kill the black wood company and bust their Hist tree. I ran in looking to fight and I saw one of them near that RELLY BIG book case to my right. I had earlyre on found a lighting staff and eqiped it. I nerly fell of my chair laghing.


I don't know what hapanned but when I shot at the guy ALL the books sudanly shot out and crused the poor fool!

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I decided to show the chorrol mages guild what a great conjurer I was. So I summoned a Spider Daedra. They didn't seem to be very impressed, so I gave her three small punches. Of course, she attacks me. My fellow guild mates imidiately come to help me. I stand back and watch while everyone got killed by my Spider Daedra... One guy survived, because the spell had ended... Luckily there wasn't an essential npc in the room who could've ruined the fun :happy:
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