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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Hey Ginji,

My favourite is a shock or freeze on touch spell, and the co-operation of a slaughter fish.


You swim up quietly underneath a teeth-with-fins *censored*, touch on the tail, and watch it float to the top, shuddering...mmmm...sushi. On ice :closedeyes:



What can I say, it's one way to up your destruction, and it amuses me :blush:

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Not terribly funny but it made me sigh/laugh/facepalm.


I recently started playing again and decided to make a tough fighter guy for once (I'm usually the stealthy sniper-type), so I joined the Fighters Guild ( :rolleyes: ). I was doing one of the first quests, where you have to deliver some weapons to a couple of guildmembers in a cave and kill all the goblins in there.


The first time I did this quest (with my old character) I lost sight of them and they all got killed so I decided to try and pay a little more attention this time. Everything went well, I lost track of the orc guy though but the other two were fine and we cleaned up the goblins in a few minutes. Completed the quest, congratulated eachother and while the other guys headed for the entrance, I stuck around to loot a few corpses.

All of a sudden, I hear a terrible noise coming from one of the hallways with general screaming and stuff, so I was thinking to myself, wtf? Did they start fighting eachother? I automatically got out my sword and started sneaking into their direction... only to find their corpses on the floor, flattened by a bunch of wooden logs - the idiots had walked right into the last trap just before the finish line. Well, free loot for me but my pay was reduced (again) for 'casualties'. Funnily enough the orc guy was standing at the entrance when I got there... guess he was the smartest of the bunch, after all.

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do you know what else is funny?


using a shock AoE spell/staff in a crouded room with plenty of objects (like an inn while Jim's Barfights (mod) is on.


bottles, bread, and, most importantly, bodies all fly full tilt away from the blast, smacking into walls and bouncing around the room.

Agreed. A 100 foot 1000pt Shock spell in a mages guild (I forget which one) with tons of books and stuff on tables is my personal fave. I made a god char mod just for messing around with a random character a while back and that was way too addictive. :D Best not attempted on ultra high graphics though... slideshow!

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Nice stuff :happy: , a very looooolly thing happened some time ago, at the imperial city port i saw a guard advancing up to the bridge and falling in the water :mellow: , i followd him underwater and he just went down and down....... :unsure:
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Well, it's Valentines' Day, the first one ever for any player's characters in Oblivion. Have your character show their love and affection for Cyrodiil's NPCs in one of the following ways:


1) Give them your heart. The one that you've been carrying in your inventory all this while, be it human, Daedra, or Argonian.


2) If you're born under the birthsign of The Lover, "kiss" the next person you see. Then slay them before they can report it to the Imperial Watch.


3) Bow. Arrows. It's simple: play Cupid.


4) Break in and leave a bouquet on their bed. Or a poisoned apple on the table— whatever passes your fancy.

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I did a similar thing at cristmas, snuck into thier house and put load of hobo clothes in the chimley, cryodilic brandy and carots on the table and, something i made in cs, glass curias of paralise self. :D
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Well, it's Valentines' Day, the first one ever for any player's characters in Oblivion. Have your character show their love and affection for Cyrodiil's NPCs in one of the following ways:


1) Give them your heart. The one that you've been carrying in your inventory all this while, be it human, Daedra, or Argonian.

That'll be daedra then, since the other two are way too rare to give away! :happy:

Or why don't you give them a more tasty gift?


2) If you're born under the birthsign of The Lover, "kiss" the next person you see. Then slay them before they can report it to the Imperial Watch.


3) Bow. Arrows. It's simple: play Cupid.


4) ... Or a poisoned apple on the table— whatever passes your fancy.

That's love? :ohmy:

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