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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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I've yet to encounter somthing truly funny yet, but I did see somthing cool. I was fighting in the arena and had just finished off my opponent, This was before I had any mods so I wouldn't allow me to take his Elven longsword. Anyways, I used the grab key to pick the sword up to see if i could go through the door with it, but it was no good... so sadly I chucked the sword at the wall next to me and I saw somthing pretty cool. The handle of the sword was on the ground while the point leaned up against the wall and the sword was spinning...and it never slowed down. After a minute the sword began to rotate its point off of the wall with the handle still in the same place and still with it spinning. So this spinning rotating on its handle sword just kept going and would probably have gone on forever if I hadn't blasted the hell out of it with a fire-ball, for fear that a ghost was trying to kill me...
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Funny Topic... laughed my a ss off while reading it.



Doing the usual Questing Stuff while being near skingrad, i saw a guard chasing after some poor *censored* near the vineyard, cutting him in pieces.


Well, i first thought it was a bandit, but it was some simple citizen lying dead there. As i looked in his inventory for loot I saw that he was killed because he stole a friggin' apple!



Wow, i thought! Some kind of hard fascist rule in cyrodill.

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Funny Topic... laughed my a ss off while reading it.



Doing the usual Questing Stuff while being near skingrad, i saw a guard chasing after some poor *censored* near the vineyard, cutting him in pieces.


Well, i first thought it was a bandit, but it was some simple citizen lying dead there. As i looked in his inventory for loot I saw that he was killed because he stole a friggin' apple!



Wow, i thought! Some kind of hard fascist rule in cyrodill.



No, no , no just old england where they sent people to sunny Australia for taking bread.... So much for punishment.

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One time I was just sitting in an inn, watching the NPCs go along their business, when one really crafty one comes creeping in. Everyone's looking at him, he's in plain sight, and then he "stealthily" goes over to a table and steals some food. Everyone starts screaming "theif!" and stuff, and he does it again. Then sits back down to finish his meal. A guard comes running in, sword drawn, and just beats the bajeezus out of the guy, and about 5 minutes later, he stands back up and walks out.
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My funniest moment so far (though I've not had much of a chance to play) was when I was in a cave full of goblins. I shot a fireball at a goblin shaman, but instead of attacking me, it clobbered it's friend standing nearby, they proceeded to start fighting each other. I just stood back and watched, chuckling.

Hahaha!!! I saw something like thatnear bruma: two imperial guards were attacking a couple of bandits. it seems now that one of them accidentaly hit the other one!!! so after they killed the bandits they started fighting each othertill thay killed each other off. (and I got a nice suit of armor hehehehe considering I was about 2-3rd level ;) ).

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i was doing a dark brotherhood quest. I had to kill this guard guy, but he had a bodyguard. When i talked to the guard i had the option of saying that he had to die. I did that, so he attacked me. At the same time all the guards in the city start attacking me. I quickly yield to one of the normal guards. I pay the fine, and get transported to the right spot. Which was just 5 feet away of where i stood.


The special guard i had to kill was still angry and attacked me. Because of that the normal guards defended me by attacking that guard. But because that guard was attacked, the guards bodyguard helped him. Can you all still follow this? :)


Anyway, in a few seconds all the guards were attacking each other. I saw my chance, and quickly killed my quest target. I left, with all the guards fighting each other, not paying any attention to me.

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Sevenne was hanging around a tavern in Skingrad yesterday - as one does - shadowing some people she'd been instructed to get rid of.

She overheard an Orc trying to chat up the barmaid - yet she wasn't having any of it.


"I have nothing more to say to you. Goodbye." Mog gra-Mogach or whatever her name is told her unlucky suitor.


Thus thwarted in love, he took out his anger and frustration on the other patrons - namely Sevenne's 'targets' - and attacked them without provocation. They weren't having any of it, and chased the Orc out of the tavern and into a back alley, where they killed him. Where were the guards, one wonders? Probably busy hauling Oblivion-gate closing heroes off to jail for stealing apples. :glare:


Perhaps, having lost all hope of winning the love of his life, the poor Orc didn't mind losing his life as well. :(

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just look at the image, you'll see...

once i was in olav's tap and tack and ongar the world weary came in sneaking, i immediately stood back thinking he might pickpocket me.

and then with everyone in the tavern looking at him, he starts stealing and eating food from a table where a dunmer was sitting right in front of him.

of course he got cought, but i couldnt stop laughing at him :P he looked so pathetic trying to steal from a tavern full of people :D.


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So I'm playing and had since lost my horse. Rather than walk all the way to Cheydinhal, I decide to steal a horse. No worries about getting caught as my sneak skill is maxed. So I'm riding along, and as I near Cheydinhal, two bandits come out of the brush and start chasing me. One of them lands an arrow in the horse.


So I pull up outside the main gate/stable area, jump off the horse and all of a sudden I hear "Stop theif!" I got two guards running up on me. Aw crap. Bandits behind me, guards rushing up to greet me.... So I draw my sword and get ready for a nasty fight when.......the guards run right by me and start wailing on the two bandits! The whole time yelling "Jump on my blade!" "Stop, theif!!". I was dyin' :)

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I thought it time to add a story of my own.


So it's about 11pm, and I head to the guard barracks of Skingrad castle to talk to some guy for a quest. Everyone is in bed upstairs when I enter, the guy I want to talk to is downstairs in his own quarters, so I go in and wake him up for a quick chat. When I'm done talking, I'm about to leave when a guard opens the door and walks in with a smile on his face, then he sees me and I SWEAR his face immediately looks very disapointed. He says, "Oh....hello..." is this awkward kind of way, like 'I wasn't expecting to find anyone else here, and I really wish you weren't'.

It just gave me the immediate impression that they were having some sort of brokeback affair, I couldn't stop laughing.


Another funny thing I've noticed is the bed hopping in the Skingrad Mages Guild (I think its skingrad anyway). Being a vampire, I often observe the sleeping patterns of my guild members and I expected them to have a set bed that they always sleep in, but no, they choose one randomly. They actually go around looking for one, and will happily plonk down next to someone else, male or female, they don't care. I actually had a nap next to one of the women cheekily to see what would happen, and woke up next to an old man.


Keep the stories coming, reading them is the next best thing to playing :D

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