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word of advice, don't verify cache after TES cleaning


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so after fully modding my skyrim, i wanted to backup a full modded version of this so that if i fail any future remods on the overhaul scale, i can always go back to it

so i turn on steam, and try to back it up. it asks me to verify the cache first. i thought this weird since besides cleaning the ESMs, i never touched a thing. so i do it, and now i'm stuck in a 5.2GB download which is going to cost me another 3~5 days or so....ugsahdflsajfl so mad at myself right now


is that why most ppl play it offline? i'm starting to understand...

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LOL! I feel your pain. I recently splashed out on a 4G package due to the dreadfully slow download speed of my 3G. Steam was always particularly slow.


And Yes, I always play Skyrim off-line because:


1. what is the point of using up download allowance for a single player game?

2. Back in the day, Steam would stealth update, break half my mods, make SKSE stop the game even running and generally behave like a virus by making changes to my system without permission and without warning.


But, of course, when you clean the esm file with TESVEdit, you have changed the files, so verifying WILL cause the Virus that is Steam to download and overwrite all your hard work.


If you want to make a back up, copy your pristine Vanilla Installation to another folder and zip it, and copy the cleaned esms to another zip file.


And I would never allow Cloud Synch or any of that other nonsense.


With Neverwinter, I started using Arc because Steam was trying to perform these stealth verifications - Craptic would update and patch the game with 65 to 1700 MB, then next time I launched through Steam, it would try and download the whole damn 5 GB thing all over again. So I stopped using Steam entirely and use the Arc client instead.


An I do not even have to sign in every single time.



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Steam only "stealth updates" when you have enabled automatic updates. The reason for the verification is because it has detected a change in the skyrim files (cleaning) and it will try to repair it (verification of integrity of game cache). Simple security procedure, it's a simple software.


Try understand how the platform works before you hammer it down for doing things :tongue:

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Yeah, no, Steam is like a cancerous growth. It deserves any hammering it gets and then some, no "understanding" required. I do everything I can to avoid it, which is hella easy since Skyrim doesn't get official updates anymore. It doesn't sync my game files, it isn't allowed to update itself unless I tell it to, and I wouldn't touch the Steam Workshop if you paid me.

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