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Whats the most Challenging game of all time?


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The second hardest game to beat i think is Metal gear solid 4, i couldn't finish the second last boss at the end there. The vampire guy whats his face, i can think of his name. You had to inject him with something.


That was hard. I did beat him though, just use the moisin nagent on him, then... whats he called, the ninja dude, hell keep him busy and you run up and inject the syringe Naomi gives you.


MGS 4 is... the second hardest game Ive ever played (on the highest difficulty). It was fun though.


EDIT: Oh, and JoB was so easy. Beat that game in like 5 hours. Even his dragon form was easy.

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I think in certain areas of God of War was ridiculously hard.


Some of the missions in GTA3 are too hard for me to do and I can't get past them so I gave up on trying and now just drive around running over people whenever I play.


In Kingdom Hearts I can not get past the part where you have to leap from vine to vine. Neither could anyone else who I've asked to help. So I had to stop playing that game.


And that's all I can think of right now. To me Oblivion's quests weren't that hard. I guess because my character is a Barbarian and she's very strong.

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Not sure about all time, but in the recent 5-6 years, its gotta be Demon's Souls for the PS3. What a brutal but enjoyable game. They managed to keep it challenging without making it annoying and tedious. I highly recommend Demon's Souls for the PS3. Its the hardest game I played AND actually enjoyed in probably 10-15 years. First game in many years that made me enjoy gaming as much as I did as a teenager.
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hmm. the StarCraft/Brood War campaigns were hard for me. i love SC, but im not a very good RTS player, so starting off with the enemy havin a full OP base, and you not even having full tech tree, was very difficult for me. i know i never beat it. always ended up using cheats lol.


MGS4 is easy, unless going for Big Boss Trophy and/or playing on the highest difficulty and/or playing from scratch on said difficulty (meaning not with weapons from your previous games) i personally have never tried for Big Boss trophy. even when never killing anyone, i cant not get alerts :P


other then that i cant think of anything. only reason i ever stop a game is because its boring/sucks. never because i cant handle it. then again, i dont usually try games at their highes difficulty setting unless i really like the game (like Resistance 2 or MGS4 for example)

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Honestly? probably an arcade game of some sort, I found the early Mario titles very dificult indeed, maybe this is because of my total lack of experience playing platformers, but some of the puzzles seemed very dificult. Regardless, they seemed to expect a high level of common-sense and player skill, and were unapolagetic in their dificulty, this I greatly respect and commend.


Modern games? Super meat boy. Expect to die, a LOT. I mean, this is like Dark Souls, in a catty bad mood. Murderous. Diablo 3 on inferno: so over-dificulty'd that it's comical, instakill. Instakill EVERYWHERE.


But for me the only possible modern winner is the wonderful but ultra-hardcore Combat Wings: Birds Of Steel, when set to realistic mode. Birds Of Steel is a Russian flight sim set in WWII, as a flight sim, it's a standout and I strongly recomend it to anyone who loves fying, however, it can also be a mean **** since these early aircraft are portrayed and deeply flawed and vulnerable. Bombers struggle to haul themselves into the air when fully loaded, bi-planes have weak wings that can break when flown roughly, gun-recoil from a big enough weapon can make you slow down/spin, land too roughly and the landing wheels will break, accelerate too hard and the engine will stall/blow up. It's realistic, unfortunately, it's also a smack across the face and a harsh lesson in why pilots need so much training/experience. Not for the faint-hearted or the easily frustrated.

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FF Vii.

The game itself is pretty easy (and fun), but it boasts two of the baddest bosses of all time.

The easier but still hugely difficult is Ruby Weapon, which i have beat, and then there is Emerald Weapon, with about 1,000,000 health, and an attack which can kill an entire party with just one hit, never brought that bad boy down.

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FF Vii.

The game itself is pretty easy (and fun), but it boasts two of the baddest bosses of all time.

The easier but still hugely difficult is Ruby Weapon, which i have beat, and then there is Emerald Weapon, with about 1,000,000 health, and an attack which can kill an entire party with just one hit, never brought that bad boy down.

like the Cactus thats in a lot of them right? the one in FF13 also has like 1,000,000 hp and can ohko an entire party unless you are like fully decked out :P


i gotta add some of the puzzles from Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time. the optional Clank ones are extremely difficult to get. i got one or two (i forget how many there are) but i had to watch videos on how to do the hardest ones, and even knowing how to do it its still extremely hard. you have to time everything exactly and go as fast as possible and you might make the end with like 1 second to go.


ive also played both Demons Souls and Dark Souls. they are challenging for sure, but once you get it, they are they easiest games ive ever played. i can go through Demons Souls in about 7 hours without a single death (hvent tried with Dark Souls as i didnt enjoy it as much, but im sure i will eventually lol). still massively fun though just tearing through everything. but honestly, it was only hard for the first few bosses. once you figure out how the game works (even on your first play through) its just a matter of rinse and repeat to beat the rest of the game. same goes for Dark Souls. the same strategy works for most bosses. just turtle and roll. thats more so in Demons Souls, ill admit, in Dark Souls its not so much the case, but its definitely still a solid tactic. and ofc, like in Demons Souls, Magic rapes everything so if your using anything OP like that, the games become a breeze.

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