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After using an ancient teleporter device in the great crashed rocketship, they found themselves in a great forest of high, thin cotton-trees. The ground all sported some squat potato-trees. Of course neither the cotton of the cotton-trees or the potatoes of the potato-trees were the same as normal cotton or potatoes. Peaceful Moonies worked amongst the trees, carefully picking slightly sticky tree-cotton balls and lumpy tree-potatoes.


The cracked main dome of the Moon Landing Museum appeared in the distance and there showed also a landed Moon Marine rocketship, a hulking monster of a lightly scorched and dented veteran of many battles. Moon Marines moved around it in fighting or service power armour or mecha. There were some big mecha there, eight legged spider-mecha and six legged beetle-mecha, but most were small though bigger than those in power armour.


As they got closer, Bobby Bobalong had a growing feeling of unease. They passed signs of a savage battle having taken place not so long ago. Yet all of the destroyed machines and rubbish seemed to belong to Moon Marines forces, as if Moon Marines had been fighting each other.


They found a wound marine and pulled the hulking, muscular young man out of his standard assault mech. The man frowned hard at them as he sat with his back propped up against a handy moo-moo tree. Then he spoke after wiping some gunk off his mouth. “Don’t you go trusting them there rogue marines. That Marshal Custard has gone of his trolley. Never was very stable. Now he claims that there is a great darkness coming that will devour all life if it is not defeated. Field-Marshal Glorious sent us to bring him and his rebels back but he tricked us, he did. He put up signs saying the area was full of deadly traps and ambushes so we figured he was lying so we attacked but the signs were telling the truth. Damned cunning, that! I suppose I will die soon and go up to the great big Moon Marine Parade Ground in the sky.”


Bobby Bobalong smiled, shook his head, touched the Moon Marine who vanished with a sparkling shimmer. He explained. “Stored him away. Not sure what to do with the young fool in the longer run. I need to get into the museum. I wonder what this Marshal Custard wants with the place.”


Marshal Custard was standing on a rocky outcrop looking over the great main dome of the Moon Landing Museum. He had golden blonde hair, golden blonde moustache and golden blonde skin. He even had golden blonde power armour. The man radiated fragile ego at twenty metres and arrogance even further but there was something quite brilliant about him. Despite all of his glorious faults, Marshal Custard was actually a fine commander who tended to understand his enemies well.


When he turned and peered at Bobby Bobalong through powerful binoculars, he promptly pulled out a white handkerchief and surrendered. Why? Partly because he knew his enemies well but mostly because he was Bobby’s great plus grandson.


Marshal Custard looked at his father and grinned a mild grin of casual arrogance. “In there is a passageway of sorts to where the Forbidden Wonder is placed. Did you see any fool marines on your way in? I managed to stun and capture most of them but some may be hiding out there. Dumbest bunch of marines I ever ran into but Field-Marshal Glorious likes em dumb so he can get them to do almost anything with out question, like building him a new mansion. Only the whole thing fell down and crushed his new hover-limo along with all the rest of his expensive fashionable junk he imported from the Earth.”


Bobby Bobalong nodded. “Nobody goes back to Earth.”


The marshal shook his head. “Not since the mist formed around the moon and the Lunar Quarantine was begun. Only resources get returned to earth in big one-way shuttles built here on the moon in Moontropolis. Huge city that but they won’t let us kind in there, us marines who defend them.”


In truth Moontropolis was very well protected by its own network-systems, robots and Moontropolis Guards that it really did not need the mostly poorly equipped, poorly paid and poorly trained Moon Marines.


Captain Cosmos stepped forward and thrust out her chest proudly, which had some unfortunate side effects. “I am Captain Cosmos and these are my good companions Cosmos Girl, Jangles the Moon Monkey, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson, Sniffers the Robotic Bloodhound, Lisa’Tiae the wizard, Shia’Tiae the Sword-Maiden and Kiao’Tiae the Antiassassin. There is also, of course, Charika who is Bobby’s grand-daughter and Shoona who will be his wife.”


Marshal Custard grinned. “A very nice view like the moon mountains of Boobra and Boobis.”


Captain Cosmos slapped him hard. Marshal Custard went ‘ooowww’. Then he looked sulky as he rubbed the side of his face. “Gosh darn, can’t a woman know when a man is complimenting her?”


Cosmos Girl thrust her chest out. “What about me?”


Marshal Custard shook his head. “Nnnaaa, maybe the foothills.”


Cosmos Girl then slapped him hard. Marshal Custard rubbed the other side of his face. Jangles laughed softly. Bobby sighed and shook his head. Sherlock Holmes whispered something into Doctor Watson’s ear and she blushed softly and smiled very much. Sniffers sat close to Doctor Watson’s leg, panting and looking happily dopey (his usual expression). The triplets, who were really the Eternal Champion, gave the marshal a cool look, warning him not to even approach them with such stupidity.


Bobby sighed. “Great plus grandson, you are still an idiot in some ways.”


Marshal Custard nodded. “Yeh, I suppose.” Then he grinned. “But I have me some buxom babes who make my life pleasurable. Time to plan for glorious victory, fine tactics and superb strategy.”


Bobby just sighed.



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Aeroships, big a sleek, were picking up folks, other life and animals from settlements too close to the boundary with the Darkni-Lightni realm where the relatively few Greyni dwelt secretly as doubters amongst the Darkni majority. NexiSanctuary had gained a rude shock and the NexiGovernment was going through a purge of traitors. Thankfully it turned out that there were far less traitors than most had feared there would be.


NexiBobby stood in a hover-tower, a vertical column on a wider disk shaped base that was over a hundred metres above the canopy of a rain-forest. Spammy was lying next to him and was happily trying to get the last bits of SPAM from a boxcan. The girl and womble were visiting a big womble colony, most of it being underground of course. NexiAdvisers stood back from him, ready to advise, and a NexiAssistant stood next to him, a beautiful young woman but also an android, with a computer-clipboard.


What was he doing?


He was assisting in formulating a new defensive plan for the NexiSanctuary even as he knew that sooner or later the NexiFolk would have to launch some kind of offensive against the Darkni. Yet they were hardly ready for it and a few did not want it. They wanted others to protect them while they went on with their previous peaceful lives. He could hardly blame them for that. It was what they were used to.


Spammy carefully put the tongue cleaned boxcan to one side and the killclaw stood up on her hind legs to look over the tower chamber barrier. She sniffed the air heavily and the turned to NexiBobby in time to get a kiss on her snout. She licked him back and settled down to quietly observing the aeroships picked up recycled building materials and modular sections. Another aeroship was unloading military modular sections to a new semi-underground fort that was to replace the peaceful settlement on top of the green hill.



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Aeroships, big a sleek, were picking up folks, other life and animals from settlements too close to the boundary with the Darkni-Lightni realm where the relatively few Greyni dwelt secretly as doubters amongst the Darkni majority. NexiSanctuary had gained a rude shock and the NexiGovernment was going through a purge of traitors. Thankfully it turned out that there were far less traitors than most had feared there would be.


NexiBobby stood in a hover-tower, a vertical column on a wider disk shaped base that was over a hundred metres above the canopy of a rain-forest. Spammy was lying next to him and was happily trying to get the last bits of SPAM from a boxcan. The girl and womble were visiting a big womble colony, most of it being underground of course. NexiAdvisers stood back from him, ready to advise, and a NexiAssistant stood next to him, a beautiful young woman but also an android, with a computer-clipboard.


What was he doing?


He was assisting in formulating a new defensive plan for the NexiSanctuary even as he knew that sooner or later the NexiFolk would have to launch some kind of offensive against the Darkni. Yet they were hardly ready for it and a few did not want it. They wanted others to protect them while they went on with their previous peaceful lives. He could hardly blame them for that. It was what they were used to.


Spammy carefully put the tongue cleaned boxcan to one side and the killclaw stood up on her hind legs to look over the tower chamber barrier. She sniffed the air heavily and the turned to NexiBobby in time to get a kiss on her snout. She licked him back and settled down to quietly observing the aeroships picked up recycled building materials and modular sections. Another aeroship was unloading military modular sections to a new semi-underground fort that was to replace the peaceful settlement on top of the green hill.




I only have one question...where do you come up with this stuff?

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Species5478, it all comes from a life time of reading science fiction and fantasy including some amazing stuff that was written back in the 1940s and so forth. Example were the soap operas of EE Doc Smith, the Perry Rhodan Series from Germany that had hundreds of novels in it, the Edgar Rice Burrougs tales of Mars and Venus and on and on. It all got absorbed and now it is being utilised by me in my own personal fashion. ERB would have whole fleets of flying ships battling each other as below huge green barbarians fought human like warriors on strange steeds, thousands of them.


Other writers had massive space fleets waging war against each other decades before Star Wars came along though it all happened in one's head. Psychic powers, cyborgs, robots, time travel, barbarian armies, space barbarians, power armour, clones, androids, more robots, rayguns, and lots more, I took it all in.


I suppose that is where it comes from. Either that or the eating of those strange mushrooms I found in the forest.


I suggest that, if you have not already done so, to take a peek at some of the early science fiction of the 20th Century. You will be surprised how many so called new ideas in science fiction were already done right back then.


Storylines of many current SF TV series are a good example of this.

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Maharg67 was amazingly handsome, tall, muscular, with gleaming white perfect teeth and deepest blue eyes. He stood proudly and modestly wondrous as young, beautiful women stood around him adoring him and obviously wishing he would reward them with his attention.


Maharg67 fell out of a slightly rusty looking bunk with slightly grubby sheets and hit the floor where he lay, short and pudgy, staring up at the ceiling with glazed eyes. The dream may have been wonderful but the reality was not. He was in the settlement of Megaton in a small house he owned on one sloping side of the great big crater. That is a crater overrun with buildings, walkways, rampways, columns, pipes, buttresses, gridworks and other structures. Much of it was dull coloured, some of it was brightly coloured but much of it was bare metallic. Through a window he could see some buildings and other structures on the other side of the crater. They were a fair distance away for the crater was very big.


He sat up in his slightly grubby shorts, scratched his bum, and then burped, farted and sneezed. He grinned at himself in the mirror, only slightly cracked as was the mirror also, and snapped his fingers. A clean toothbrush appeared in his right hand with a dab of toothpaste already on it. He turned on the tap to get a strong trickle of tepid clean water and brushed his teeth diligently with the proper exaggerated teeth cleaning noises. Then he rinsed his mouth, cleaned the toothbrush and put it with five other toothbrushes he had materialised.


A large pink rabbit popped out of nowhere and landed on his bed even as he slipped on a slightly grubby pair of jeans. The rabbit looked around at the fairly large combination use chamber with its bed, refrigerator, tap-sink with window, NukaCola vending-machine, power-uppa-unacator, workbench, desk with computer terminal, desk with electromechanical typewriter, table with three basic metal chairs and some other stuff. A protectron robot was guarding the front door.


The pink rabbit spoke. "Is it wise to get involved in your own story as a character?"


Maharg67 shrugged. "What is wisdom, my pink eared fluffy friend?" He tried to sound wise so he did not have to admit he had no idea of how to really answer. "Is it something that we stumble upon as we.."


"Oh, can it!" The pink bunny rabbit turned into a beautiful young slimly voluptuous woman in a pink leotard, highheel shoes and fake fluffy bunny ears. He could not see it but he sensed she had a little pink fluffy bunny tail, also artificial of course. "You silly old fool. You could mess everything up."


"Everything is already messed up. Suddenly, plot wise, I have lost my way. What seemed clear once is no longer so." He snapped his fingers and became taller, slimly muscular and fairly handsome. Then he slipped on slightly grubby socks, leather boots, a leather belt with pouches, two big holsters with two big pistols, a big sheafed combat-knife and a slightly grubby button-shirt. Then he brushed his hair with a slightly grubby hairbrush.


Opening the refrigerator carefully, he beat back the tentacles with a police baton and made a grab for the bacon and egg toasted sandwhich in the breakfast tray along with a chilled litre bottle of orange juice. The tentacled monster, which had once been left-overs of some kind, squealed in outrage. He took the bacon-egg toasted sandwhich, ripped it roughly in half and threw half to the monster. Then he slammed the refrigerator door even as the monster began to happily and horribly gobble down its half of the sandwhich.


The morning wake up routine was turning out to be normal as always.


He sat at the table as the Pink Bunny Girl made coffee for the two of them, proper percolated stuff with brahmin cow's milk, fresh from the teat. Puppy the radroach scuttled out from a hole in the corner of the floor and begged for food. The little beggar got a chunk of sandwhich. There was only a small amount of sandwhich left when Maharg67 put it onto a slightly grubby plate and clicked his fingers. Now there were two whole bacon-egg toasted sandwhiches, a fresh apple and a raddish. He wondered where the raddish had come from. Was his subconscious nagging him about eating more healthy a diet?


Pink Bunny Girl walked all sultry and sexy over to him and plonked herself down on his lap. Then she daintily stole his one of his toasted sandwhiches. She wriggled around to make herself comfortable and he sighed happily so she did it again.


He took a sip of coffee and then he spoke. "Three focuses of action so far. Bobby, Bobby and Bobby. Good, strong mixture of names but not too hard to remember. I really am a genius (in my own mind). Now what I need to do is to finish drinking coffee, orange juice and food but not the raw raddish right now, and then make love to you. After that I will sit at the computer terminal and go through my many carefully created background, plotline and other notes."


She breathed in and pushed her chest out and he ogled her cleavage, an automatic reaction for many heterosexual males and not to be surprised at. "Okay! Finishing off the coffee and other stuff should take maybe ten minutes. Making love to me should take maybe five seconds. That leaves a few hours to find those notes you never actually wrote in the first place." Then she giggled. "Only joking, sweetie."


He snorted, felt sorry for himself, but then grinned. "Five second? We shall see."


Three hours later a very bedraggled Maharg67 finally managed to get out of the house. He leapt through the front doorway and slammed the armoured metal door behind himself before the Pink Bunny Girl could grab him again. A little shakey on his feet, he locked the door firmly and then adjusted his clothes. He turned to find a whole lot of Megaton folk looking at him. He grinned at them as he wondered why they were looking at him at that way.


Sheriff Lucas Simms shook his head in wonder. "Man, the noises, the shaking, the other noises, more shaking, what the hell were you doing in there?"


Maharg67 grinned mildly and tried to look cool. He slipped on a pair of dark sunglasses over his blood shot eyes and adjusted his collar to hide the numerous love bites. "Oh, just reviewing some notes with Miss Pink Bunny, my assistant, on writing my first wonderful book on the history of Megaton. Love the supersonic jet airliner hanging in bits above us. Wonderful how this place was made of aeroplane parts, or much of it was."


The sheriff grinned and put out his hand. "That will be $100 in Emergency Issue Currency for disturbing the peace to a rediculous level."


Maharg67 frowned but then shrugged and handed over the cash. The sheriff took it, gave him a warning not to do it again, and wandered off on his ever constant patrol. The money would go into the Sheriff's Law Fund to buy resources for the Sheriff's Office for Lucas Simms was a very honest man. Weirdly cowbow but honest.


Maharg sighed as Lucy West, georgous and Wastelander clad, laughed softly. Then she spoke. "Give me a few dollars and I will launder your clothes more proper like."


He nodded. "Why not? I suppose I had better go back and..." But then he remembered Miss Pink Bunny Girl was there. He grinned. "You could just wash my shirt."


She smiled at him. "Oh no, I will wash all of you."


He wondered at her words. Surely she meant all of his clothes. So he followed her into her house that was next to his.


Three hours later he managed to get away and this time it cost him $200. The sheriff shook his head in wonder as he took the cash and looked at the exhausted Maharg67. At least his clothes were clean though a little torn. "Go get your money from Colin Moriarty at his saloon. He put up a bet for the first man in Megaton to successfully seduce Lucy West. I would love to see his face when you claim the big pool of cash. I will even be witness for you. Moriarty has always boasted that he would be the one to win the money but Lucy can't even stand being close to the man."


A very unhappy Colin Moriarty passed over $1,329 in Emergency Issue Dollars to Maharg67 while Sheriff Lucas Simms grinned away in the background as did Nova, Gob and a few others. Maharg67 knew that Moriarty would never forgive him but since Moriarty had grudges against lots of people, he did not care. He did then buy a round of free drinks for everybody which cheered up Moriarty a little bit as some of the money went to his till.



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The female Bobby staid in Twinhigh and the other female Bobby departed with a taskforce of Clanforcers and Clanhunters who arrived from the north five sleekly powerful hoverjets. There were two troop-hoverjets, two gun-hoverjets and a logistics-hoverjet, the last carrying extra equipment and supplies. Soon they were moving fast and agile across the broken, green brown patchwork DC Wastelands. Bobby picked up traces of the demonic Dadoreenme as she, her monstrous followers and captives travelled in big, fast moving wheeled vehicles towards the New Pontomic River that flowed north to south, right across the great artificial island.


Twice they darted over convoys of Brothers of Steel, Union Guards and Union of Columbia settlers. The Union was determined to make Twinhigh a new, important settlement and the Brotherhood were determined to help them do so while establishing a garrison outpost at the same settlement. They noted groups of raiders, a team of Regulators, some Talon Mercenaries and many other folks but in a scattered pattern. Mostly thas only flora and fauna along with mutated monsters.


Dadoreenme must have sensed she was being chased somebody powerful enough to threaten her. She abandoned her people with out a second thought except for those demonic enough to follow her through the small wild gate, a transdimensional rift she opened. Then they were gone. The mercenaries were not happy. Dumping the children and few other captives, they fled. They raced off leaving also most of the loot behind.


Bobby walked amongst the now safe children and few others who were being medically checked and then escorted gently up into one of the troop transports. Around her Clanhunters and Clanforcers were preparing to take the abandoned big amphibious eight wheeled Atomic Land Armoured Vehicles, or ALAVs. She was carrying a small sleeping girl and boy, one in each arm, effortlessly as they slept with their heads on her shoulders. Bobby was wondering how many times Bobby could clone-split. It seemed to depend as much on circumstances as his/her abilities and power as if karma itself increased her/his reach in such matters. Yet this time there was some other subtle, powerful force of light boosting Bobby's abilities.


What would happen next?


They were on a hillock made up of a great mound of rubble covered with layers of clay soil, mutated greenery and rubbish except for places where the rubble jutted up into the air. A large Captain Cosmos billboard, partly in 3D, advertised the 3DTV series that had not been broadcast for over two hundred years. It was an ironic sight considering that a male Bobby was now in a bizarre quasireality that reflected the Captain Cosmos fictional realm.


She stood and looked quietly out over the strange landscape.


The voice whispered warm, comforting but with a tone of caution, in her mind. "A terrible enemy is threatening to arise, an ancient force of evil. Beware! Do not attempt to do everything by yourself. Call upon assistance and carefully accept any offered assistance."


Then the voice was gone and though she had no idea of who or what it had been, she sensed deeply that it was a friend.



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Bobby walked quickly through a wide, filthy entrance tunnel to the museum proper. There were 3Dtapestries hanging partly ruined from the walls, not so ruined displays protected by display cases. Some items had been stolen, the cases broken open, but suprisingly most remained intact. Marshal Custard was leading Moon Marines in through another, bigger tunnel being sure he would get to the museum centre first but Bobby knew better. His eleven companions were with him along with a platoon of macho bravo Moon Marines in chunky power armour and with big mean looking guns. They made good time until...


A turret popped down from the ceiling and began blasting away at them with 20mm shells. Bobby raised a weapon and wiped it out so that it exploded but amazingly enough even as the wreckage fell to the floor, another turret popped down to replace it. Behind him the others had crouched down except the Moon Marines who could not quite do so enough in their chunky armour. One was hurled backwards, his power armour exploding at the chest, not dead or dying but badly wounded. He hit the floor and at once his suit began to assist him with its medical emergency network-system.


Bobby's wife to be destroyed the second turret with her own weapon. At which point yet another turret dropped down and a sentrybot gave racing out through a secret door, a sliding panel, turned and began shooting at them with both a 20mm autogun and a shortlong missile launcher. This time the Moon Marines fired a massive barrage and blew both the turret and the robot to hell. Bobby sighed inwardly for the marines wasted a good deal of ammo to get the two threats.


It was going to be a long and hazardous venture into the Moon Landing Museum which was very heavily secured for just a museum.



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The Nine Wonders had not been captured by the enemy thanks to the heroic efforts of the defenders.


Liberty Guardian was undergoing repairs as techs and robots tended to the giant robot. The amphibious, low flying and ground specialised super power armour suits were battered but only in need of light repairs. Robbie the Robot was busy self-repairing but was being assisted anyway by one tech who had become specialised in working with the robot. The Grand Powerguns of Solargun, Lifegun and Mistgun were in good condition but, being almost drained, they were being recharged.


From the Duplitoria came spare parts, small robots and other bits of equipment needed by the techs and for security.


But something was wrong. The third male Bobby could sense it so even as he adjusted to his new existence. The fortress was now cleared of enemies, they having fled soon after the other Bobby had gone through to another reality reflecting the 3DTV seriel known as Captain Cosmos. The sense of threat came from the gateway leading to the chamber with the Secret Wonders. He knew an attack was going to come any time but he did not fully trust the Warlord and his mercenaries to assist and he had relatively few forces in the area.


So he stood in the Chamber of Nine Wonders and used his mindeye to try to find the place where enemies might come through, using exotic means, to attack the chamber even while he considered the range of options open to him.



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Bobby #1 (man) was in the Moon Landing Museum trying to get to the main dome with his followers and allies.


Bobby#2 (man) was still in NexiSanctuary trying to help protect it from Darknio invaders.


Bobby#3 (woman) was in Twinhigh trying to access a secret special place.


Bobby#4 (woman) was with the rescued children and others taken from Twinhigh that she had helped to rescue.


Bobby#5 (man) was back in the big fortress at the top of a valley where he was with the Nine Wonders and preparing for an onslaught of enemies.


Bobby#6 (phantom-eye) then appeared in the Jagged Highlands of the Clansfolk.

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Bobby, the phantom eye, flew with amazing speed over the Jagged Highlands and picked up amazing amounts of detail as it went. Fighting had ceased in most places. Clansfolk life was mostly returned to normal. The Warlord armies were now part of the Clansforlk defences. Yet there were trouble spots. Traitors were still being hunted and, of course, were fighting back. At least one minor fotress was under seige by Clan Guards. The sudden invasion of the Warlords had forced Clansfolk to realise that they needed to better organise, coordinate and even strengthen defences of the Jagged Highlands. Debates began at once amongst leaderships and were too often focused on who would pay for it all. Most people did not realise it but this was the start of a great political, social and economic reformation amongst the Clansfolk.


Bobby folllowed motorised trade convoys moving along winding mountain roads as around it drifted large mountain eagles and other birds.


Bobby watched women bathing naked at the edges of a wide blue river guarded by robotic golems and amazon guards in light power armour. Yet this did not stop a few men managing to get a peek from a secret spot the women had secretly set up for them to do so. This way the men could see far less than they imagined they could and the women knew just where they were.


Bobby observed a flight of Clan Guard vertibirds flying over a wide spread forest covered plateau seeking a traitor lord and her army of desperate followers.


Bobby observed much but sensed that it almost missed important factors for now, that it had to start searching more sharply in particular places. It sensed not only lurking danger but growing threat to the Clansfolk and the others of the Jagged Highlands.



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