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The chamber was vast with great rib like structures circling it from ceiling to floor. It had an odd organic effect to it. Strange mist was broiling gently over the floor, largely obscuring strange objects there like organic pods.


Bobby had a disturbing feel of familiarity about the whole scene. He and his comrades moved closer to the nearest of the organic pods and then he held up his hand, ordering them to stop.


Captain Cosmos thrust out his chest. “Do not fear, Bobby Bobalong, for Captain Cosmos will investigate.”


Then he charged ahead, halted and peered into a big fleshy pod as it flowered open. Something sprang out at the head of the head of the space suited hero. It was a great big boxing glove on an accordion-arm. It hit the brave but foolish space hero hard and he was hurled through he air. He landed heavily with a cry of pain.


A monstrous black grey banana-headed like creature rose up out of the mist and pointed long black clawed fingers at Captain Cosmos. Then he adjusted his thick jury-rigged glasses with his other hand and laughed. “Aaahhh, got you!”


So it was they met Laugh’lot of the dreaded toxic blooded hive monsters, the Aliehivo except that he did not quite fit in and the others of his kind had left him behind in disgust. Aliehivo fed on much but injected one or more into living but comatose victims, depending on the size of the victim. The larvae fed upon the victim, killing it and emerging ready to enter the cacoon stage where they became small subadults. They grew into adulthood from there.


But as an egg Laugh’lot had been injected into a powerful, peaceful psychic entity who had taken over him and his sisters, altering their path. The big creature had not only not died but he had driven away the other Aliehivo except for the two sisters.


Driven them into a big chamber full of a special gas that had then combusted, killing them all.


But there were other Aliehivo out there, be they queens, workers, soldiers, drones or specialist castes.


Bobby told the sulky Captain Cosmos not to do such a stupid thing again and then spoke to the ugly interesting alien. “Where is this great one of yours?”


Laugh’lot grinned but then again, he could not help doing so considering the shape of his mouth. “She is all around us. She is part of the very rocketship itself which was an experimental one being part metallic fabrication and part organic grown, a kind of cyborg rocketship. The external is mostly metallic fabrication and the internal is mostly organic growth. She was created by the evil Bangobegonz who planned to infest the moon and the Earth with Aliehivo for reasons only known to the Bangobegonz perhaps.”


The great voice spoke from everywhere. “The reason was simple! The Bangobegonz wish to corner the intergalactic market in Starlane fast-food outlets but the Captain Cosmos Cosmo’Burgers have wiped out much of their profit margin. The Bangobegonz were out for revenge.”


Cosmos Girl frowned. “We should be wealthy but this great idiot got drunk one night and Jangles the Moon Monkey won the Cosmo’Burgers Chain off him. Then Jangles sold it to one white bearded gentleman in a white suit and tophat for a couple of bottles of cheap grog. The gentleman also had purple skin and orange eyes, called himself Colonel Cantuck.”


“She has never forgiven me for it.” Captain Cosmos sighed. “Even put off the marriage for ever and started playing around with Jangles the Moon Monkey.”


Bobby looked thoughtful. “Colonel Cantuck! I sense importance linked with this one in this strange realm. Firstly I have to pick up something of importance here in this place before we head of to the Sea of Tranquillity to rent a boat from the Moonies but not the Loonies.”


The great voice spoke again. “I can send you to a place quite close to your final destination of the Moon Landing Museum but before that I must have you go to a special chamber of my spaceship. For now, though, I suggest that you rest. Despite their appearance, the pods are full of rather tasty and highly nutritional food called glompo or nice cool fresh water.”


The glompo looked horrible but tasted surprisingly nice. The cool water was surprisingly cold but when warmed up a little turned out to be purified. The group members rested and did a little bit of chatting.



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Female Bobby had deactivated the robotic defences of the catacombs and the skeletal battledroids, along with the knight armoured robots, ceased attacking. Instead they became allies of her taskforce and helped her find the free range hit-and-run attack group fighting those now controlling Twinhigh. Lanena, a community nurse in Twinhigh and sister to Sandy, was happy to learn her sister was okay in NexiSanctuary. Lanena had tired of her life in Twinhigh and wished now to go to NexiSanctuary, taking with her many of other folk from the DC-Wastelands settlement.


The enemy were gone from the catacombs, leaving behind only self-destructed neozombies of varied kinds. Next they went upwards through more mazes that lay above the catacombs proper, where there were devotional rooms, shrines, contemplative areas and much of the same. Then they were emerging into the church where another resistance group was to be found. It has been an AngloCatholic Church once but now it was Church of Atom. Still nobody had taken down the old devotional figures of Jesus the Divine Son, Joseph the Earthly Father and Mary the Earthly Mother.


DaDoreenme had launched many attacks her monstrous hybrids, brutal Shardra Mercenaries, fighting robots and more of her expendable thug soldiers. They had been repelled not just by the armed resistors but a fair sized force of church security robots and turrets along with what seemed like the various spiritual forces embedded in the church itself.


Bobby found she could touch something and renew-duplicate easily now. So she fixed and multiplied protectrons, sentrybots and MrGutsys. She did the same with chargepacks, ammo and other equipment and supplies.


With her help in the church they found an armoury of old fashioned weapons of odd choices. Heavy Browning Machineguns, Boys Adapted Antitank Rifles, experimental rocketguns of the 2020s and Antirobotic EM-Pulsers of the 2030s. The Boys Adapted Antitank Rifles were weapons adapted to use the 15mm Special Penetrator Shells developed in the 2020s and improved in the 2030s. There was plenty of ammo.


When the enemy came again, the Sharda Mercenaries in their power armour were in for a rude surprise as the BAARs blasted them down. The heavy machineguns dealt death to everybody, pounding out volleys of 12.7mm improved bullets. The rocket-rifles were a bit clumsy and were not greatly accurate but when the 11.6mm rocket-bullets did hit, they blew holes in everything.


Bobby fired a rocket-rifle, getting the best out of the strange weapon as she worked it with amazing skill. She crouched behind a great smart-marble semiwall even as up the great bank of steps leading to the main entrance to the church, came another swarm of neozombies. Then the attack was over, the attackers being dead, dying or fled.


Bodies of neozombies, mercenaries, hybrids and thug soldiers lay scattered across the great wide steps met to welcome church members and guests, not invaders. Bodies of thug soldiers were most common and each one of them had an expression on his or her face of twisted rage and terror for clearly their minds were under some form of dark control.


Beyond lay a big courtyard where a smashed market was scattered, dotted with dead settlers who had been massacred by DaDoreenme and her people. Yet there were relatively few bodies as it seemed most were hiding in basements or other places being too frightened to resist the new rulers of Twinhigh.


The monstrous twin buildings rose up high and wide being octagonal in shape with each side facing a compass direction. In the dim daylight it was dark except for some pale armaglass windows. Bobby could sense that in that building was the evil made flesh that was DaDoreenme.



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Sherlock Holmes examined the massive great hunched figure of the alien in its cradle-chair, almost infused into it. He puffed on his pipe and then spoke. “I deduce that this is indeed the pilot’s body.”


The great voice spoke. “The pilot-navigator assisted my voyages but alas was wounded in our last troubles. He sleeps now and slowly recovers.”


The chamber held some furnishings and fittings of almost organic flowing alien design, many of which had no purpose in human terms. Yet there was a 1920s jukebox, a 1880s handsome cab and some other stolen Earth stuff including an inflated pink sex-doll of the 1980s that was stuck to a wall.


Captain Cosmos examined the sex-doll and shook his head in wonder. “What a strange form of raft this is.”


Cosmos Girl sighed and then whispered into his ear. The heroic Captain Cosmos blushed.


Doctor Watson also examined the pilot-navigator carefully. Then she spoke. “This seems most odd. There are signs of decay and it smells of rot.” She took out a scalpel and careful cut a slice. Out of the slice came crawling strange glowing green maggot creatures.


The great voice spoke. “Oh well, the truth had to come out sooner or later. I killed the pilot-navigator because he served the ones who sent the Infestatorships. They did this to launch an invasion of aliehivo monsters, including fertile queens full of eggs. They want more than just revenge on those who launched the Cosmo’Burger Franchise Chain. No, they want access to green moon-cheese which is made by processing green moon-cheese ore. The figure that the moon-cheese will enrich their own sales and allow them to defeat Colonel Cantuck.”


Bobby sighed. “You are Colonel Cantuck and that over there, pretending to be an alien, is Jangles the Moon Monkey. Yes, you Laugh’a lot, you are a fraud. All of the aliehivo are dead in this ship and so is this ship but have been so for centuries. That gas is a by production of death with such creatures. This ship was part of no invasion but drifted through space until it crashed here a very long time ago. Nice touch, Jangles, punching Captain Cosmos with the trick fist but it also gave you away as the trick was a little too nasty for a laughable alien type.”


Cosmos Girl nodded. “You also kept leering at me. Why would an alien want to leer at a woman, especially a hive style alien as the aliehivo are?”


With a sparkling shimmer Colonel Cantuck appeared and scowled. “Damned this. Things were going so well. The damned Cosmo’Burgers were damned awful. The whole thing was an economic mess. So they had toxic waste in the sauce and the meat patties were slightly on the rancid side but it was the cheapest way to make them. So a few thousand customers almost died. Stupid people should know they only exist to further my profits. I just wanted the moon-cheese to smother the bad taste and fool people into liking my burgers.”


The triplets from Tamriel all spoke almost as one. “We know death and decay from life that thrives. We know falsehood from truth. Bobby Bobalong is our father. Bobby Bobalong who has had many names such as Merlin, Mahajus and even Crooolonooul.”


The tall white clad figure laughed but the laugh stopped abruptly. The jeering grin vanished. He turned and went to run. Bobby moved with amazing speed and stabbed him with a long bladed knife. For a moment Colonel Cantuck screamed in agony and then he imploded violently, sucked away into a bloody vortex. Then he was totally gone.


Bobby sighed. “One of my great plus grandsons. Never did like him or his mother or his father. His mother was one of my great plus grand-daughters; I killed her about ten thousand years ago for murdering over a million people so she could sell their organs on the Intergalactic Illegal Medical Market. The organs, including hers, went to an Intergalactic Medical Charity Network.”


Jangles the Moon Monkey stripped off his alien outfit and grinned hopefully. “He forced me to do it, he threatened the lives of my beloved Captain Cosmos and Cosmos Girl.”


Sherlock Holmes took out a huge revolver pistol, very British looking, and fired off a shot that exploded on the ground between the legs of Jangles. “Who and what are you? I am a master of disguise and part of that is being able to discover the falsehoods of others.”


Jangles scowled and changed with a sparkling shimmer. Now he was a grimy, dirty old ape with pale white fur. He jeered. “King Biggidikkus of the Moon Monkeys, well former king thanks to your meddling ways, Captain Cosmos. So I was having moon monkey orphans killed and sold off as monkey burgers to the Loonies but what was wrong with that? I just don’t see what the fuss was all about. People these days just don’t see the wisdom of really brutal and selfish business practise. I mean they even complain when I steal all their worldly goods from them and then have them thrown into jail on fraudulent charges. So I ran down the moon monkey economy through greed, corruption, greed and stupid decisions plus greed but look on the bright side, I rewarded myself with a really big bonus.”


Captain Cosmos fried. “I knew it. The real Jangles would never be so mean.”


Cosmos Girl looked sick. “Ooohhh, aaahhh, yuck! I let you into my bunk. Aaahhh, yech. The real Jangles was bad enough but better than Captain Cosmos the prude.”


Captain Cosmos thrust his chest out. “I am saving myself for marriage.” Then he suddenly sighed. “Oh damned, I may as well come true blue.” He reached into the collar of his helmet and pressed a button. Then, of course, he changed with a sparkling shimmer. It was still Captain Cosmos but the tightness of the suit showed that this was in truth a woman. Captain Cosmos was a woman of slimly voluptuous build who was almost as tall as the old Captain Cosmos.


She spoke, her voice changed into a strong but sensuous female. “I was by stupid dad’s idea. He had no boys, just me and so he insisted I pretend to be a man. Well, enough! One year is too much! I am woman and I am proud. I suppose you won’t like it, Cosmos Girl.”


Cosmos Girl was suddenly hugging Captain Cosmos madly around the waist. “Oh, I don’t mind too much, really, we can work it out.”


Bobby sighed. “That girl thinks with a part of her body that is not her brain. Now, we must search and find the thing that drew me here.”


It was the real Jangles, thin with hunger and matted with dirt, who was in a small iron cage hanging from a ceiling. Ironically he had changed, had become a nicer moon monkey with more wisdom and courage. He had also learned some things that would be most important to Bobby Bobalong and finding the Forbidden Wonder.



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:unsure: :thumbsup:


NexiSanctuary was supposed to be totally safe even from attacks from other parts of Orbis but the first raiders appeared and took the village of New Sands by surprise. Except that Bobby Bobalong and others were sent there to rescue the village.


Vertibirds came in powerful and low, flying from the teleport-in site, guns blazing as they struck out against the enemy Darkni who came from the Sector known as Darknio. In mistaken compassion, Orbis had given the Darkni a second chance. Most of them had betrayed it while a large minority had become the Lightni of their new home of Lightnio. A war had been waged ever since in Newnio, the domain of both Darknio and Lightnio.


Pulseguns and autocannons ripped at the enemy while smart-missiles tracked the strange black crab-shell darts that hovered above the settlement. Darkni were black armoured figures in glistening shell power armour. They strode past dead settlers, humans mostly. But they had made a mistake, had been over confident, and a few Darkni of the aumans, were dead and scattered on the ground from defending fire.


Bobby dropped down at the edge of the village and as he ran towards the nearest paved road, with him came three squads of power armoured NexiGuards along with floating OrbisBots, a metallic style of multiple purpose globular robot. Now they bristled with extra weapon modules along with their standard ones.


They darted past a burning electric gobus, a small carbon-steel moulded machine, and past the sorrowful sight of a dead pair of children. But Bobby touched each one and with a sparkling shimmer they were alive. It was a nice trick with living in Orbis that one had a leeway chance of bringing folks back to life in certain situations.


They found a dead Darkni Assassinator not far off, lying on his back, his helmet visor open to show an albino, hairless human style face with pale blood red eyes. His mouth was open to show rows of fangs along with a forked tongue ending in sharp blood-spikes that he would use to drain blood from victims. His gun was a rocket-rifle, powerful but only fairly accurate, but it had an added close range distergun, a banned type of weapon because of the terrible way it killed people.


The NexiGuards and OrbisBots formed a defensive pattern and began firing upon approaching Darkni Assassinators. The enemy moved quick and in precision, sweeping along in fine formations. They fired rocket-rifles as they came. Aumans did not like using robots or even roboremotes but with the Assassinators came monstrous creatures in scale armour like distorted great apes, hounds and birds.


Bobby read the mental impressions of the recently killed enemy and scoured in disgust. The auman’s mind was a thick claggy pool of ignorance, arrogance, hate, half-truths and lies. The Darkni had become worse when the Lightni had left them, taking away the only sane voices in the Darkni civilization, but the Lightni had been given no choice; it was either leave or die.


The fighting went on! The enemy attackers fell. Bobby reached out and began to touch the minds of the cruelly enslaved beasts, to influence the hounds, hawks and shimpanzees. They either collapsed down into peaceful semiconsciousness or fled or even turned against their masters. He found those few Darkni with genuine doubts about the Darkni way of existence; these were often called Greyni for they were between the two extremes. The Darkni saw them as traitors and hated them, of course, while the Lightni were wary of them.


On the main street of the village he and his troops rescued a large group of hostages, smashing through walls to drop upon the guards. But the guards were not aumans but were human traitors, mercenaries recruited by other traitors, armed and armoured by traitors serving in the NexiGovernment. It was a most disturbing find.


Bobby notified the NexiMentality, the NexiGovernment Presidium and others; the purges soon began.


He stood on the street next to neatly lain out body-bagged bodies of civilians and soldiers. He had promised many that NexiSanctuary would be a safe haven for them and now that promise was proven false. Bobby Bobalong was most angry.


Then he turned and saw a whole lot of birds, dogs and apes with out armour, all sitting quietly while carers moved amongst them. They were free now and would go to a safe home where they would not be able to hurt others if they had moments of darkness. Then he looked further and saw Greyni all sitting quietly and giving valuable information about the Darkni. Though they knew only limited data, none were in high command positions, anything would help.


A crow crowed as it sat on a tree branch. A possum darted across another branch of the same tree. Big beautiful flowers blossomed in the treetop. Life went on.



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:confused: :mellow:


The enemy vanished, slipped away, taking with them something of value. They left behind a whole lot of dead people, having killed off the thug soldiers who served them so they did not have to pay their fees. There were dead Twinhigh settlers, over two hundred of them, many having been drained of their life forces. No children though for many had been taken.


Most Twinhigh folks had survived, though many were wounded and all were badly shaken up. The settlement had suffered much damage and much of value, including vital technologies, had been stolen. The main armoury was stripped bare as was the treasury. Many of the robots were stolen and, most likely, reprogrammed.


As she moved, she passed people starting to pick up bodies, to pick up damaged items, to start making repairs. Sometimes she would pause to make gifts appear with a sparkling shimmer be they food, drink, tools, materials or what ever. People were most often surprised that she simply gave the items away.


Even as Bobby walked through the settlement, the first of the Brotherhood of Protection vertibirds were arriving along with a Sisterhood of Compassion aeroship. They landed and were welcome. Union of Columbia people started to arrive and with them Union Guards in power armour. An envoy group came whom Bobby would need to meet with later.


Twinhigh would have no choice but to both join the Union of Columbia and become a much finer place to live in, though not utopian.


Bobby had the persistent impression that that DaDoreenme had left before she should have done, had gone with out finding something important. The words kept coming to her mind, a clue from the Merchant of Mist that read: ‘they invented the square wheeled wagon’.


A local story had come to of a group of amazingly clever inventors who had desired to invent the greatest invention ever invented. They were paranoid that others would steal their secrets so they went deep down under the twin towers, to a secret place, where they worked hard for a very long time. But they became isolated and grew increasingly insane. They turned upon each other, killing each other, until only one was left. It was he who reinvented the wheel, who invented the ‘square wheeled wagon’. He was found dead next to the wagon with a wild grin of triumph on his face and a bullet hole in the back of his head. Nobody found out who or what killed him.


Nobody knew where the bunker was though she had questioned many. The towers joined up beneath with one huge basement section and under that, a big bunker. Much of these areas had been abandoned along with stored stuff, junk and dead murder victims. A good deal of it had been sealed off over the years. Somewhere in or near or below it was the mad inventors’ bunker.


She watched a hawk circle high overhead in the skies even as a Brotherhood of Steel platoon entered the settlement in power armour being led by a Paladin. Then she went to greet them and, through them, to make contact with Elder Lyons in the DC-Citadel. She would speak to him about growing Clansfolk desire to form some kind of strong diplomatic links with the Union, the various Orders and other groupings. There were Clansfolk who wanted a mutual defence alliance with those in the middle and south of the great floating island but they were only a large minority so far, though growing.



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