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Does Law Have a Right to Put Someone to Death ?


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  1. 1. Does Law Have a Right to Put Someone to Death ?

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When you take a life, if done in cold blood and not in defense of others, than you do deserve death, BUT, is death not the quick way out? give them a painless end? With keeping them alive in a maximum security prison they spend their life roting away in a cage.


I do find that this is not for a judge or jury to decide, but the victims closest reletive. Wether they want the murder killed, or to stay in prison for his life. if a number of victums has been killed than i would think a judge should make the choice. :closedeyes:


Of course there is the risk of an innocent being put to death, as others have stated, but i havent seen nor heard of a single inncident in which this has happened, though im quite sure it has. I do belive that in this modern age we wont throw some one to the reapers waiting hands without a large, accurate amount of evidence first.


The cons of keeping a killer alive.

-Cost you, the taxpayers, money.

-A chance of killer escaping, and killing again.

-A chance of killer killing guard.


The cons of exicuting a killer.

-Slim chance that an innocent gets killed.

-possiblity that other victims and or bodys wont be found.

-possiblity that crimes unsolved will never be, becouse the killer is dead.

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The cons of keeping a killer alive.

-Cost you, the taxpayers, money.

This didn't use to be so much a burden on tax payers. Some prisons were self-sustaining based on the product exported from prison labor. Kinda wish it was still that way...a place where you did NOT want to end up...and not just because you could be beaten up by other inmates...but because prison was not to be considered a vacation from society and jobs.



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The cons of keeping a killer alive.

-Cost you, the taxpayers, money.

This didn't use to be so much a burden on tax payers. Some prisons were self-sustaining based on the product exported from prison labor. Kinda wish it was still that way...a place where you did NOT want to end up...and not just because you could be beaten up by other inmates...but because prison was not to be considered a vacation from society and jobs.



Yes a self-sustained prision is a great idea. here in my coutry there's some laws projects to make them work but there is people arguing against it compare as slavery...

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The cons of keeping a killer alive.

-Cost you, the taxpayers, money.

This didn't use to be so much a burden on tax payers. Some prisons were self-sustaining based on the product exported from prison labor. Kinda wish it was still that way...a place where you did NOT want to end up...and not just because you could be beaten up by other inmates...but because prison was not to be considered a vacation from society and jobs.



Yes a self-sustained prision is a great idea. here in my coutry there's some laws projects to make them work but there is people arguing against it compare as slavery...


Well, what if Prisons offered labor as the only for of recreation? I know that if I was serving a life term with nothing to do but stare at a wall then I would gladly jump on the chance to be out side doing work to entertain myself. Maybe the prison would even offer "Bonuses", such as more food, or a luxury in their cell. After all, in most prisons inmates work out with weights to spend their time, so why not have them work tools for a profit, while they work out?

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ignoring the idiotic comment just postd before me...Someone said that no examples have been given where innocents were put to death, well I'll gladly provide one. In Illinois we technically have the death penalty however it's been suspended for a few years because I beleive in 2006 a series of appeals proved 9 inmates recently put to death (within the past five years) and 13 waiting on deathrow innocent. So the capital punishment has been suspended in Illinois, supposedly legislature is reviewing it and is going to either reinstate it or abolish it within the state but they've been trying to decide on weather or not to legalize marajuana (medicinal purposes I believe I don't know the details) for something like fifteen years and bubcus has happened.



I disagree. I think if someone has committed a heinous crime they need to be put to deathk, not rot in a prison because it's more about protecting people than exacting revenge, true rotting in prison for the rest of one's life would be living hell but as a few examples have pointed out, that doesn't stop people from killing, death does. We shouldn't look at the death penalty so much as jusitification, as we should prevention, keep a murderer with no remorse and no humanity from killing again, regardless of what's "fair" for them to recieve. Life imprisonment does have it's place i think though, for cases where someone committed a murder but doesn't have an ensatiable appetite for killing and needs restructuring and time to contemplate what they've done and possibly become a productive member of society with a newly rectified moral compass (weather it be from behind bars or not)


@ancient aeon

you have to understand that some poeple lack the moral fiber to regret taking a life. it's actually hardwired into your brain your capacity for regret, remorse and also forgiveness. some people won't change, it's like the ancient addage: "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" you can try to give someone the opportunity to repent but some people just won't take it. the death penalty is for those that won't take it, and it's been proven by their actions (mutliple murders, horrible torture, rape etc.) because unfortunately not all people are perfect, and not all people care about who they hurt, and not all people are capable of repenting, or have the desire to.

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Instinctivly it's not right or wrong, it's nature.


Without starting a religious debate,The Bible says to "follow mans law".. so if mans law says kill people for killing other people..then that's something we gotta live with.


The world would be more of a massive unorganized toilet bowl without a system of rules to abide by and without the death penalty there would definitly be more crime than there is now..For example.. Say for the hell of it you decide to steal a candy bar for one of your friends.. you walk into the store and nab a musketeers and run away before the fat guy behind the counter even figures it out..Easy..simple and you'd happily risk it again UNLESS you knew nabbing another candy bar would get you the death penalty.


For most first strikers.. when commiting a crime,they could care less about the consequences , but when your up on your 2nd strike felony charge.. and the judge tells you "Next time i catch your ass in my court room i'll inject you lethally myself!".. one may start to reform.



The punishment of death is a cold one,but that's the point.


@pyrosocial - Incase you didn't know,many prisons offer bonuses to imates for labor and not starting the drama. The cells are still small..definitly no condo,but they can be supplied with the addition of small tvs,computers, etc. Most are trusted prisoners who are usually in prison for the long run. Also prisoners who take up any form of labor are considered employees and actually recieve currency in which they can spend on items for their cell or mail to their families etc.

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Punishment should make the guilty doesn't do anything again, not for revenge or other things. I mean, I think it's quite very mean if you say "So we can be safe from you, we should kill you". Put someone to death for safety ?


Maybe not for another MANY years, but maybe there will be a time where the space or the moon will be a very safe prison (I think it's hard to escape with small gravity).

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I think it would be the hardest punishment for a person to stay in prison for the rest of his life instead of having a pretty fast death..

You got to think, he would do the same things everyday for like 25 years.

He's probably never get any love in prison (not a sexual thing!), or even has a lot of enemies in prison, getting beaten up everyday...

That's pretty hard.

But if a man raped his wife, killed her then and killed his kids too, i think it doesn't matter if he will be killed cuz of the law, cuz maybe he gets killed by other prisoners..

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If i recall correctly, dohmer(?) was on death row when another inmate decided to bash his head in with a metal bar.


I personally am split on wether or not the death penality should be used.


When Gacy was being exicuted the IV was not allowing the injection to reach him. this was blammed in part to the guards, who were administering the injection. Gacy was strapped to the chair for 15 mins, before he was able to recieve the injection.

afterwards some one had said "he still had an easier death than any of his victims."


This is why i think the death penality is sometimes not equal. if a murderer beats some one to death, its not quick, nor is it painless. yet if the death penality is given to said murderer, he wont feel a thing, and that hardly seems fair.


As with life behind bars, like others have said, there is the chance of the murderer killing a guard, another inmate, or escaping and going on a state wide killing-spree.

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