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How would you like the nexte Elder Scrolls game to be ?


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The only word that I need to describe what I want.


I am perfectly satisfied with the lore, engine and gameplay. I like the model Bethesda uses for it. I just want them to focus more on story driven content. I understand that they were busy inventing technologies for Oblivion, but its options sucked. Morrowind was a huge step down from Daggerfel in that respect as well. So they have gone down the proverbial poo can steadily when it comes to customization.


I like how the Fallout 3 game has the multiple options. Even if the options aren't all that unique the third time through, it still allows for a more varied game and adds replay value. If they made quest outcomes based upon variables which are set by other quests, it will multiply the gameplay content manyfold and could make an 'elite' quest that was for the most part hidden.


Dialogue options, Quest options, Maybe even more advanced house options, such as moveable or replaceable furniture.


I also would despise seeing another non-playable guild. Sure, its easy modder fodder, but come on already! The blackwood company, morag tong, etc? Bull doo.

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No. Windows XP will be at least 10 years old by the time ESV is out. It's time to upgrade, people.


I agree with you there. Windows XP is one of the main things that's holding game development back.


As for TES V, so long as it's as captivating as TES IV was, I'm happy.

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lol, wow I don't think I've laughed that hard in awhile..... There's no reason not to support it in new games. Why would game developers deny XP users a game when XP is being supported by Microsoft until 2014? That's a reason not to buy a game. XP is going to be used for a long while now...when people downgraded from Vista to XP...well that tells you something.



I really would like to see more lore orientated dialogue and quests. TES's lore is awesome :)

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I think that more specified guilds like they had in Morrowind would be a good idea for V, and I'd also like to see more of them. I'd also like to see development in some of the less known skills as well. There was no point in the game where I thought "man, having a high speechcraft/acrobatics/security/block would really help here".
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Well, one of my biggest complaints was the dialogue. It seemed too static for my tastes and the character had no lines. It was like you'd talk to an NPC through telepathy and they'd respond to you back in plain speech. Giving a voice to the character is something I'd really like to see if it isn't too much work.


Also, I hated getting up in NPC faces when talking. Something about it seemed akward. When other NPC's talked in game as well, sometimes they talk so much about the same thing it'd get annoying and they'd wear down the topics really fast. It also got annoying that they kept on talking about certain things that happened months ago in game time, like the siege of Kvatch, but they don't give a crap about the more recent event of the huge Oblivion gate at Bruma.

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A decent story.

Dialogue not written by the inmates of the local kindergarten.

More than four voice actors.

Don't remove any more skills, if they carry on like they are we'll have two in the end, pointy and blunt.

Fire the bloke with rock fetish, why are there so many rocks in Beths games?


The possibility of failure.

No hand holding.

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