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What ultimately determines atrractiveness?


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I know there are those out there who have been extremely popular and completely Charismatic. I've seen those who go out of their way to learn and teach in such a passionate manner that people flock to their classrooms just to experience them. I've heard bout those that would give others the shirt off their back and give their last dollar to those who are in need, but which one of these or none at all makes a person attractive to others, far beyond their looks?

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Varies from person to person. If you asked 12 people what they considered "attractive", you would get 13 different answers.....


For me, personality is definitely most important, along with good personal hygiene. But then, that depends on what I am looking for as well... If I just want sex, then, personality is a lot less important..... (yeah, I can be a tad mercenary about such things.....)

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What I mean by ultimately is after the exterior traits such as wealth and looks depart and by attractiveness I mean the ability to make people want to come to you. Sorry if I used the wrong term. I'm rather famous for that. Sorry.

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Personality isn't that crucial for me as long as they don't frequntly whine/complain and aren't the happy go lucky types.


Attractiveness to me seems to be based mostly on the face. A nice looking face with semetrical proportions, and nose/ears that aren't too big is preferable. If you got a nose that looks like the beak of a toucan, or a pig snout, then I don't really care about your personality. I admit to being shallow.


I don't care how rich someone is, so at least I'm not shallow in that sorta way.

Edited by Beriallord
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