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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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I think this discussion is going a bit off topic, with all of those cookies.


Agreed unless it actually is the method of our destruction. So anyone want to take a guess at how the world will "end" this time?


Death by cookies would be sweet. *crickets chirping*

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I think this discussion is going a bit off topic, with all of those cookies.


Agreed unless it actually is the method of our destruction. So anyone want to take a guess at how the world will "end" this time?


Death by cookies would be sweet. *crickets chirping*

Exactly! few people know that's ko' o'kie'e it's "the great bringer of destruction" in an obscure Mayan dialect.


And also the Mayan calendar it's shaped to resemble the mechanism of our doom.

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Unserious answer:

Many fat people fart at the same time

unserious answer:

Sarah Palin becoming a president

Serious answer

Nuclear war?

Serious answer

Russian vs America. in non nuclear war.

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There's a very famous book that was written nearly 2000 years ago, its called revalation and is the last book of the bible, it says in there the world will never end just all the bad people will get wiped out n only the good ones will remain, sounds nice to me so i will go with that. :biggrin:


Oh it also says man will not know the time or date and that it will come ' like a thief in the night '.

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There's a very famous book that was written nearly 2000 years ago, its called revalation and is the last book of the bible, it says in there the world will never end just all the bad people will get wiped out n only the good ones will remain, sounds nice to me so i will go with that. :biggrin:
Well, we can't really debate on religious things. But I agree.


Oh it also says man will not know the time or date and that it will come ' like a thief in the night '.
But at least we knew that the thief comes at the night.
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Oh it also says man will not know the time or date and that it will come ' like a thief in the night '.
But at least we knew that the thief comes at the night.

But its always night somewhere in the world... :wallbash:

Like AA said, not meant to discuss religion

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@Ancient Aeon



Yes you are both right we cannot discuss religion and i understand this as the arguments this could cause could be bad and that is why i did'nt go into any of that quoting scripture, chapter and verse stuff, to me this is a shame as i enjoy theological debate, i find other peoples views both fascinating and worthy of attention even if i dont agree with them and my view on how the world will end or rather the destruction of this wicked system of things is a religious one so i cannot express any other view.


I note with a little irony that the thing that sparked this whole debate the mayan prediction of the end of the world in 2012 IS a religious prediction involving mayan gods or a god, and why this causes panic or concern for people is a thing that dismays the experts as they say it is so fragmentory that nothing conclusive can be drawn from it.


I think also you misunderstood the ' like a thief in the night ' bit, but dont worry thats a common error, it's a metaphore meaning the end will be unexpected not literally at night.

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Unserious answer:

Many fat people fart at the same time

unserious answer:

Sarah Palin becoming a president

Serious answer

Nuclear war?

Serious answer

Russian vs America. in non nuclear war.


i believe more in the theory that the world ends cuz of a nuclear war instead of the theory that the world is going to end cuz of the stars or some stuff of the mayans or something like


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I note with a little irony that the thing that sparked this whole debate the mayan prediction of the end of the world in 2012 IS a religious prediction involving mayan gods or a god, and why this causes panic or concern for people is a thing that dismays the experts as they say it is so fragmentory that nothing conclusive can be drawn from it.

Incorrect there is no such prediction only misinterpretation by stupid people which has caught onto public conciousness. :verymad: Seriously it is not the end of the world people.


I think also you misunderstood the ' like a thief in the night ' bit, but dont worry thats a common error, it's a metaphore meaning the end will be unexpected not literally at night.

We did not misunderstand, its called joking.

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You can find this here http://www.famsi.org/research/vanstone/2012/index.html


" The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal ("He of the the yellow tree place") shall come. Blood-vomit shall come (As it did in the last katun 4 Ahau, the Katun just before the conquest). Kukulcan ("featherd serpant")

shall come with them for a second time. The word of GOD. The Itza ( a Maya people ) shall come."


" The Thirteenth 'Bak'tun' will end (on) 4 Ajaw, the 3rd of Uniiw (a.k.a 3 K'ank'in).

?? will occur. (It will be) the descent(?).

of the the Nine Support? (God(s)) to the ?."


This is the one and only classic Maya document that refers explicitly to the date 4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in, equaling 21 (or 23) December 2012.


It says the 13th Pik/Bak'tun will end, that a god or gods called Bolon Yokte will decend.


I am sorry rebalious but this prophecy clearly had religious significance to the Mayan people.

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