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VRam Issues, Titan Black, and Current Build.


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I have mostly the same setup as you oc'ed to 4.2 but have a 7970 and play Skyrim on a Samsung SSD. You have to remember that Skyrim has a physical limitation of 3.1 GB of ram. So even if you have a supercomputer with unlimited amounts of memory, if Skyrim reaches it's 3.1 GB limit, you will crash.


The trick is to optimize your mods so that you don't hit that limit. If you are new to modding, you should read about SSME, ENboost, Optimizer Textures, Save game script cleaner and finally BOSS for starters. Trust me, these tools will save you a lot of headache and sleepless nights when your mods start to pile up. Specially SSME and ENboost since those tools deal with memory issues.


I know it can be very tempting to download those 4K texture mods, I was also like that when I first started out. I advice you not to do it because those textures alone can eat up RAM very fast. I recommend 1K textures for outdoors and 2k textures for indoors and weapons/armors since you're on a 680. The visual difference is negligible and I play on a 24" 1920x1200 resolution monitor.


Load order is very important, because it can lead to a lot of crashes as well if you haven't got it right. BOSS can help you with that so research about it if you haven't yet. Lastly, try and avoid script heavy mods as too many can lead to crashes as well and corrupt saves. Examples of these are Footsteps, Wet and Cold, Frostfall to name a few.


These are just the things on top of my head atm and I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff. Modding and fine tuning is a ongoing learning process. Right now, I have 240 mods, most of them textures, city overhauls, population heavy mods and my game is running quite stable. Although, I had to go through a lot of trial and error before reaching this point that's why I hope that I helped you in the right direction at least.


Have fun and good luck!

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Yes texture files are usually loose files which the last one installed will be the one that is shown in game. Actually, you can make some "tweaking magic" by combining which textures you like and don't like by first installing a mod, then overwriting the parts that you don't like with another mod that you prefer.

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gonna weigh in on a few points...


Yes skyrim IS limited to 3.1 GB "System RAM" cross that and you will crash.....BUT (their is always a Butt) in this case a good but.


EnBoost is limited to 192 GB of RAM. ENBhost process can split off into multiple processes each allowing up to 4GB RAM in use. I regularly see my RAM at 4 GB ++ Physical and 10+ GB system commit while playing.


Go read at the ENB.dev forum, their are a few people with 6 GB titans that use 5 GB + VRAM.


I am using 2 - 3GB, 580's in SLI, it was way to easy to hit the limit. I had to stop adding texture mods to keep at 2.8 GB of texture use. Having had SLI for over 3 years now i can say for a fact, SLI is so worth it. Anyone that has not had SLI will not know the difference. As of right now WITH my SLI running i get 30 - 40 FPS..IF i disable SLI that poor card can not cope i get 12 - 25 FPS.


Running at the Extremes...Pics or it didn't happen.

8.2 GB Physical RAM in use

15.1 GB System Commit RAM in use

2.9 GB VRAM in use

8 Threads (4 core)

System Summery

PICs taken during the above Graphs....

PIC 1 Fight multiple bad guys...39 FPS at 3072 MB VRAM

PIC 2 Nights are gorgeous with an ENB ...51 FPS, 2806 MB VRAM

PIC 3 Cant wait to push the crap out of a pair of 6 GB cards!!


I am saving for 2 ...6 GB cards and know i will not have a problem filling them!! At present Running 231 mods from 350 + installers...GO Wyre! And i have not gotten to add 2 K HD (sad face) because i have hit my limit on texture usage....Usual play sessions range from 2 hours to 8 hours...record= 19 hours, no crashes!


So to everyone that does not think Skyrim is a beast....and has to crash... :tongue: :facepalm:...lol



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If you are sane, get the 8GB 290x (when it comes out). If you are hell-bent on buying a $1300 card, you might as-well shell out $1500 for the R9 295x-2. The only problem with the 295x-2, is that, since it's xfire, ENB will look funny. Don't know if there is a fix yet. If you are in-between insane and sane, the 6 GB 780 Ti is a good choice.


Overall, depending on how much you're willing to spend, I would go the AMD route this cycle of GPU's. Nvidia is barely ahead, yet hundreds of dollars more expensive than the AMD counterparts.

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