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Kill the Blades.


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That could work as a companion mod to Arthmoor's Paathurnax Dilemma, but why not allowing us to kill the Blades instead of Paathurnax?


Sure, that would make the quest where you kill the Greybeards' pet dragon a failure, but at least you stated your intentions to not carry their hit.

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And even then when you dig a little in the lore and especially the thalmor archives, you'll know that since Uriel and Martin died they have started terrorist operations within the dominion.
An example of their doings being the destruction of a bosmer town. So even although I'm not a big fan of the Thalmor, I don't think that attacking civilians is something you should be able to do unpunished. So yes, killing the blades should most certainly be a possibility!

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The only good they used to do is be a pain in the Thalmor's ass.

And now they only sit around Sky Haven Temple, plotting to kill the most honourable, wise and gentle being on this planet.

So... *whets his dagger* to Skyhaven Temple we ride at dawn!

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