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Can it be done solo?


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You HAVE to have a 4 man party, in order to get to Andraste's ashes. It REQUIRES 4 characters to get to them, due to a puzzle that is involved, where you need 3 toons to work the puzzle, and one to move across the screen.

False, the game spawns ash spirits as temporal companions if you don't bring a full team.



Keep in mind tho that with this course of action, you're denying yourself some sidequests that can help you level up.

True, but it won't amount to way too much, particularly since with most you can do the quest and then boot them from the team.


Keep in mind tho that with this course of action, you're

One particular situation comes to mind. The area where you have to rescue queen anora. You are left with two options. Fight your way out or be captured. I've done both, but have yet to try to free MYSELF from the prison. Fighting your way out is Very Hard. Even with the use of good tactics, taking out Ser Cauthrien is ROUGH. Especially if you have no magic to assist you that can help to lock her down.

My solo rogue disagrees, fighting with her in that room is the hardest fight of the game, i'll give you that; still, entirely doable. The munchkin way is to kill her and leave one archer, then let it kill you, THEN escape the prison, THEN beat her again.


Dog would get away

Dog is TEH awesome at the rescue.

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Edit- Mentioned those sidequests. If you get rid of Morrigan you'd be denying yourself the chance to take on Flemmeth. I think she's rated as the 2nd or 3rd hardest boss in the game. Its definitely a fun fight, that is worth a lot of xp.

Well, the insinuation from the first post was that I'd be cheating like crazy to get through the game solo, but didn't want to use some cheat to get rid of a party member as it would probably result in breaking the game.


The point of all of this was to see if it was possible to work yourself into something like "the worst game ever" where you've either killed or ditched all your companions, left a swath of destruction in your wake, but killed yourself the end, or if at some point the game would no longer allow you to continue, or if at some point the game forced you to take a companion in order to prevent you from being stuck with an un-winnable situation.

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But, in order to spoil the ashes, I have to agree to help the reavers, and as a result, can't kill the high dragon... Not sure I like that ending.


No you can help the reavers & unlock the specialization, defile the ashes, then turn on the reavers & slay the dragon. :wink:

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You HAVE to have a 4 man party, in order to get to Andraste's ashes. It REQUIRES 4 characters to get to them, due to a puzzle that is involved, where you need 3 toons to work the puzzle, and one to move across the screen.

False, the game spawns ash spirits as temporal companions if you don't bring a full team.



Keep in mind tho that with this course of action, you're denying yourself some sidequests that can help you level up.

True, but it won't amount to way too much, particularly since with most you can do the quest and then boot them from the team.


Keep in mind tho that with this course of action, you're

One particular situation comes to mind. The area where you have to rescue queen anora. You are left with two options. Fight your way out or be captured. I've done both, but have yet to try to free MYSELF from the prison. Fighting your way out is Very Hard. Even with the use of good tactics, taking out Ser Cauthrien is ROUGH. Especially if you have no magic to assist you that can help to lock her down.

My solo rogue disagrees, fighting with her in that room is the hardest fight of the game, i'll give you that; still, entirely doable. The munchkin way is to kill her and leave one archer, then let it kill you, THEN escape the prison, THEN beat her again.


Dog would get away

Dog is TEH awesome at the rescue.


Not false. But not accurate. Its not false, because that puzzle DOES require 4 characters present to work the puzzle, and get across. I however, did NOT know the game would supply extra toons if you didnt have them. Thats pretty cool, and very surprising! Thanks Much for the correction there TGB! I really appreciate the info.


I never said that Cauthrien wasn't doable. Only that she's a really rough fight, especially solo. Howe should have been tougher. I'd have liked killing him More, if he'd made me sweat.

I actually had a MUCH harder time killing her, and then letting the archers pick me off. Had to totally unequip my mages, set my other warrior to a blank tactic and just stand there. It still took them a bit to take us down. Probly woulda been faster if cauthrien's mage wasnt already dead tho.

IF you want to make the fight with Cauthrien easier, so that you arent getting pincushioned while you fight her... just lead your party back to hall leading to the cell where Anora was being held. The archers dont move, and cant shoot around corners. only Cauthrien and one warrior follow you out of the exit room. That always made me wonder tho...who the heck lets a prisoner stay in a really nice, plush room wearing a full suit of armor? Can you smell the setup coming? Hmmm... too bad that magical lock was broken. Woulda been funny to lock Cauthrien in that room. She's one of the few characters I regret killing. I'd have loved to have had her with me for the fight against the arch-demon. (not that the game allows that, as far as I know.) Or as My second, when I play an ending where I take the throne with Anora.


The dog is TOO COOL during the rescue!!! "Hahaha good dog!"


Vagrant- ah, I never thought of trying for worst game ever scenario. Meh, I guess I'm just having too much fun trying to play all the different scenarios to see how things turn out.


Floydian- how did you do that?

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Disguising is one of the possible escapes, as far as i know.

If your objective is to make the worst game, regarding alistair (and IF the game doesn't let you get alistair executed after making him kill Logain), you could harden alistair and leave the throne to Anora so at least he ends up as a pathetic drunkard in the end.

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