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Signs you've played too much Fallout 3


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Today I was waiting to catch an elevator, and I saw someone wearing a green bandana. The first thought that leaps to my mind? "Mmmm, perception bonus."


Your turn.

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so far I have managed to avoid any of this sort of thing with Fallout but I was terrible with GTA vice city... i played it so much that I started dreaming about playing... nothing wonderful and magical like being in the game or anything but dreaming i was sat back at my desk, loading up the game and then setting about driving around again... it seemed so real as if i never actually went to sleep... and at that point i decided i needed to uninstall it...


hopefully i have learnt my lesson... but i do like planning for 'what ifs'... ;) where would i go for supplies etc and how i would barricade my home :D

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Yeah, dreams is definitely another sign. I've had a couple, but none especially vivid.


Weird you'd dream of playing the game instead of being in it, though; I've never heard of that ;D

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Yesterday I was out walking the cat when I heard some workmen listening to a radio playing some dull music. I was tempted to reach down to my Pipboy and see if I could tune in Galaxy News Radio. True story!!




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These type of threads are so common, I think I've noticed some themes:


Fear the reaper:


- You avoid walking anywhere near parked cars or buses.

- You avoid water fountains/puddles/rivers/lakes/bathtubs.

- You see a baby carriage and you back away in alarm.

- You see a child with a toy gun and back away in alarm.

- You see a smoke detector and think it's a frag mine.

- You hear footsteps and think a creature is nearby.

- You think about taking a shotgun with you on a trip.

- You pack some extra purified water just in case.

- You think about laying some mines before leaving.

- You hear a loud noise and reach for the V key.


I am Superman:


- You think that getting an injury would be okay because you can just sleep it off.

- You think that drinking from the toilet will fix a wound.

- You think sneaking makes you invisible.

- You think wearing certain accessories gives you stat boosts.

- You think about jumping off buildings, expecting to slow your descent somehow.

- You think about going after gangs or criminals, expecting to reload afterward.

- You think about blowing yourself up and/or overdosing on drugs, expecting to reload afterward.

- You expect to feel "well rested" when you wake up.

- You expect to be able to open any lock with a screwdriver and a bobby pin.

- You expect to hack into any computer by playing a simple word puzzle.

- You go hunting and think about taking all your ammo.


Through the looking-glass:


- You see a gas station/empty building/manhole cover/drainage pipe and think about exploring it.

- You see a cow and think it's missing a head.

- You think about using bottle caps instead of real money.

- You wonder why soldiers aren't wearing power armor.

- You see an aircraft carrier, and you wonder if you've been to Flak & Shrapnel recently.

- You go hunting and expect to shoot at Yao Guai or Super Mutants.

- You start the microwave and wonder how many rads you're getting.

- You wonder if the doctor will give you some RadAway or a Stimpak.

- You give someone an outfit, expecting them to instantly change into it.

- You greet someone and expect their reply to be followed by a list of possible responses.

- You think about ramming a kid with your car because after all children can't die.

- You expect to hear a cha-ching and XP notification after you swat a fly or kill a rat.

- You expect your companions to appear in front of you when you leave a building.

- You see Malcolm McDowell in a movie and think he's the President.

- You wonder how much karma you'll get for something you're considering doing.

- You ask your dog to find something.


Old habits die hard:


- You try to play other games like they're Fallout 3.

- You think about bringing up your Pip-Boy when you want to go somewhere.

- You think about saving just before you do anything important.

- You look for the weapon/armor locker the moment you come home.

- You look for ammo/drugs/bottle caps in every container you see.

- You look around for bobbleheads everywhere you go.

- You look for skill books at a book store.

- You look around the store for Nuka-Cola Quantums.

- You pick up bottles and cans off the street without thinking.

- You order Fallout food at actual restaurants.

- You find a rip in your pants and think about getting another pair for fixing it.

- You think about checking your rad levels before eating/drinking.


Obsession for geeks:


- You dream and/or fantasize about the characters.

- You start to get serious eye/finger/wrist strain.

- You call in sick/skip classes to play Fallout 3.

- You skip watching a porno/sporting event to play Fallout 3.

- You find yourself singing/humming/whistling the songs on GNR and/or Enclave radio.

- You find family/friends singing/humming/whistling the songs.

- You imagine people as if they were in VATS mode.

- You start referring to people/pets you know with names of characters in Fallout 3.

- You start referring to drugs by their Fallout 3 names.

- You like quoting Liberty Prime.

- You need another box/bag for your bottle cap collection.

- You visit the forums at least 3 or 4 times a day.

- You create a post in a forum that contains "You know you're playing too much..."

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- You wish every test was like the GOAT -- completely composed of hypothetical questions, and the proctor can be talked into re-interpreting it any way you want.



- You start to get serious eye/finger/wrist strain.


This actually happened to me while I was playing Oblivion. In fact, I now use a trackball and can no longer use a normal mouse for long periods without developing serious pain in my right hand.

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