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Confused about NMM with Steam Workshop


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That's extremely weird. I have nothing else to offer. I've never experience mods spontaneously unloading themselves before. I would say check your data folder and see if the mod is actually being removed or if it's just a graphical glitch. You may have to switch to different program like wrye or mod organizer.
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Book of Silence and Skyrim HD mods are divided to different modules, but they still come from same (mod)page. If you're installing second module from same mod, then NMM don't know, is it another module for same mod or upgrade. So NMM pops up question, asking, what to do. I bet you're just pressing "yes" and NMM just uninstalls happily previous module, as you told it to upgrade (swap previous module out and deactivate old version). If you choose "no", then NMM will install another module alongside previous one, without deactivating anything.

Good tutorials for Skyrim modding and using NMM: http://www.gophersvids.com/skyrim--modding-.html

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I'm not sure what that is, so I'm guessing that I do not use it.


Do you get standard skyrim menu screen when you launch your game?




This is steam Load Order window (when you click on Data Files).




If you see the same menu picture as above then you should launch skyrim only with NMM + SKSE. I had problem with standard steam LO not updating .esp list when managing files with NMM. It's all good once you start using just one. You can create SKSE shortcut on your desktop for easy access.



NMM Load Order List





Launching Skyrim with NMM



Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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As BlackRoseOfThorns says.


I had a similar problem when I started using the pc and mods for Skyrim. I went into the control panel and un-installed NMM and Steam. I then re-started the pc, and first re-installed Steam, but instead of installing it in the default, I installed it into the Games folder. You can change the place you install it in. Then I re-installed the NMM to the games folder.


You have to start the game with Steam first, so that it picks up your ini. file, and then back out of that and run the NMM and let it scan for your games. Then you can download your mods and activate them.


I am not that tech savvy, but I hope this helps.

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