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Another note on site security, your security, and a malware email doing the rounds


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I don't know if it might help but I recommend AVG and maybe some region lock depending on if you know what locations the malware is coming from but other than cases like that I have to be very careful about what I say about region lock because take the xbox one for example... it uses region lock because for people in the military, an xbox one can be a major security breach... so soldiers in Afghanistan, they couldn't play and xbox one, soldiers in... I might have forgotten where we have soldiers occupying Germany but I am quite sure it wasn't berlin, anyway they couldn't play an xbox one considering that nonsense that the xbox one has to be on 100% of the time starting with the day you plug it in after purchasing it, but in any case AVG has been known to take care of malware virus's on the spot and almost at the time it has infected you're PC. I know this from 5 cases of 2nd hand experience and 25 cases of 1st hand experience but drawbacks are it has to be an entire system scan and when scanning a webpage as big as NMM, that could take I don't know maybe minutes, hours, days, weeks or even years. I have trusted AVG fully for 3 years and they have done nothing other than to live up to their promises to keep me protected entirely, I would trust them with my entire PC system and that is more that I would even say for the (im not going to begin to mention profanity at this moment) crap that Norton thinks is a "superior security protection"
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As a long time user of NMM for Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, and Skyrim, I am ever grateful to all of you here who both create these mods (something of which I am yet to understand HOW to do :P) as well to the staff here at NMM for taking your time to keep this going. I have had no issues from NMM but that does not mean I will stop being diligent on what I download. I personally run Comodo through every file that is downloaded before operating it, and am highly suspicious of all downloads that contain library (*.dll) and executable (*.exe, *.com, *.bat) files.. Once again, I know I speak for myself but I am sure I speak from behalf of ALL the modders and those of us who use your Site --- A VERY BIG THANKYOU! :)
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I've noticed just being on this website I'm constantly being attack my avast software is popping up every 5 minutes. I can just be surfing and reading things like this and it just pinged me again if would you like any more info send me a PM on here and I can go into my avast data and copy paste info for you. I can offer you this piece now since it keeps pinging while I'm on here currently typing.

Infekce zablokována

URL hxxp://

Infection URL:Mal

Relax, your avast! just saved you from a virus.

Protect yourself against other types of threats by upgrading now


I have no clue why its showing a Russian dialogue.

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Comparing this to a Nigerian prince scam and putting the onus on users is pretty sad. Yeah, most people are clever enough to check the url and not fall for this. But the bottom line is that there was clearly a Nexus data breach, email addresses for users were stolen to be used for the spam, and that should have been explicitly stated and apologized for in the blog post instead of once again saying users should just be smart enough not to fall for this. This is what I have come to expect from Robin. The Nexus does a very poor job of protecting users data and keeping malware off the site. This is a long and sad tradition.
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Guess I'm just lucky, been using Nexus for.. oh 4, maybe 5 years? Never had a single issue. No malware, no virus, no phishmails. Nadda. And I'm not particularly paranoid about what I download either frankly, I usually find out what the top mods are, see if they are interesting, and download them. Which in this case, sounds like I'd be a probably victim, but have run scans, and nothing. Not even a trojan. So as for my opinion, keep up the good work, being the largest and easiest-to-use site for modding my favorite Bethesda games. =-3
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Thanks for the update, and thanks for all the work you do to make this site both secure and functional (a difficult enough task on personal sites, let alone something this big).
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@Iguana If you read through the news post - The attack was NOT on our official NMM. It was from an Email that we did not send - we don't send spam email to our users. If you downloaded NMM from the Nexus site and NOT the site the email sends you to it is safe.

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