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Simple death mod


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I have about 500 mods in my Skyrim compilation. And lacking only one thing that will make this package complete. Simple death mod. I know there are quite a few and I tried them all, but none works out for me for varied reasons.

This is what I need and its rather simple: when you die from any source, instead of reloading, you get ported to Whiterun temple, where you wake up on the bed in simple cloth. All stuff and gold you had on you except for quest items is gone permanently. If you had followers, they are summoned to temple around you. They loose everything they had in inventory, but have stuff they were wearing. Thats it. Minimum scripts, maximum reliability. Working with ANY type of death, be it fall death or freezing to death in Frostfall.

Id really appreciate it if somebody makes such mod.

Edited by mindw0rk2
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I like this idea, BUT...what about mod-added items that you have to complete a quest in order to obtain? Armour, weapons, etc...removing those from the player's inventory could cause a LOT of frustration, as it would basically mean a buttload of wasted time.

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Such mod would be nice, but there's almost the same what you've described and I use it:


There're options, you just check:

Gold: destroy

Items: destroy

Info: immediate

Respawn: Whiterun Temple.


But yes, you've obviously tried it already, since it doesn't help you if you die from falling or freezing in any survival mod. So it requires also compatibility mods =/


There're also other bugs, if you're an archer, then you better not use this mod or use manual item destruction with console command player.removeallitems after each death and put in options Items: Leave, but before typing this command unequip arrows manually, because if you had arrows equipped during your death, there's very high chance it'll be bugged and you won't be able to pick up that type of arrows whole game and if you save and load, it won't help, even reinstalling Skyrim won't help, that save game will be "arrow broken" and your character will never ever be able to pick up that type of arrows O_O


So if someone is going to do such a mod, he can use this mod as a base, fix arrows by first uneqiupping all items and then in 0.5 seconds or better in 1 second remove them from player after death.

As for frostfall, it simply requires compatibility mod, also it requires invading in frostfall's scripts, since after death from freeze your "freeze level" should be restored or at least put to average, or else you'll die and die and die forever in Whiterun Temple from neverending freeze. It also not good idea to use such a mod with frostfall or other survival mods, since it's easier to just die, than eat/be warm/etc., then death also should have some penalties, may be permanently damaging some skills.



I like this idea, BUT...what about mod-added items that you have to complete a quest in order to obtain? Armour, weapons, etc...removing those from the player's inventory could cause a LOT of frustration, as it would basically mean a buttload of wasted time.

You know... you can store your items, don't go with all your gold and items around Skyrim, each time I went somewhere I put my gold or other valuables in some container. Such mods make sense in crafting items or low tier items, because in Vanilla Skyrim (or any other overhaul) if you find some cool item, all previous tier items are useless for you now, why that game has iron items or fur? You get better items in the very beginning of this game, so all those items are just useless unnecessary junk, which never will be used, so developers/modelers/texturers just wasted their time making them, since they will never be used by player. Such mod makes you use those crappy fur and iron items, since you can lose them in next fight. You found daedric armor/weapon? Pff, so all armors/weapons in the game is a crap for you now and go to trader or melting. Why do you need to craft low tier items? Ok, you need to craft iron daggers in order to raise your Smithing lol, but only if you don't use crafting mods that make it useless.


Also topic starter forgot to mention other things to such mod:

Mages should forget all their spells after death. Yes. Because when I played for mage I didn't care of death, I just walked naked into a dungeon and continued to do what I was doing before death, lol. With such mod all spells gold price in stores should be lowered a lot, since you might buy the same spell over and over, also NPC spellcasters could have spell tomes in their inventories as loot.

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Ya, No Death mod is the most close to what I want. If only somebody remade it ^^

Forgetting spells upon death would be too much for mage who fully rely on them. At least in my Skyrim, where mages in robes get almost one shoted by any arrow and powerattack, so they suffer enough already. But another penalty for death could be getting full xp bar of skill that is most close to leveling up completely nullified. With slower leveling inis this will be rather brutal, and every death will lead to new skill bar being empty

Edited by mindw0rk2
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clearly you've turned down every good mod out there friend. either make it yourself or use one of the ones people have suggested. bumping's not cool here friend.


also I don't want to be a jerk but you keep using the word 'most' wrong.

it should be "no death mod is close to what I want" and "full xp bar of skill that is closest to leveling up"

hope that helps at least.

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