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Technical Help Needed: Password Issue


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Alright, so I'm confused.

With the security issues present, I logged into Nexusmods.com and entered the "User Area" to change my password. That then spit me over to the forums.nexusmods.com site (here), where I had to log in yet again. Ok, fine.

So, I changed my password. I now log into these forums with the new password. No problems.

BUT, now I can't log into Nexusmods.com. Not with the new password or the old password.


So, pray tell me:

1. How do I change the password associated with Nexusmods.com?

2. How to heck do I get logged back in? Currently I can't.

The obvious answer is to do a password reset for Nexusmods.com, but I'm afraid if I do that it's going to feck up the password to these forums, and I'll end up locked out of both. :mad:


Also, on a slightly related issue, why does the forums insist of logging me out if it takes me longer than two minutes to compose a post? Inevitably, I hit "Post/Post New Topic" and I get hit with a "Sorry, you don't have permission to do that error" because I get logged out in the meantime. Happens almost every time.

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Is there anything special about your password? We've been weeding out a "bug" in the login script for the sites that will make it not work if you have some rarely used characters, for example, the ` and ¬ characters. Try changing your password to something simpler (I know, it sounds backward) and seeing if that works. If that works, please send me your old password in a PM so we can see what character it was and fix it up.

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Is there anything special about your password? We've been weeding out a "bug" in the login script for the sites that will make it not work if you have some rarely used characters, for example, the ` and ¬ characters. Try changing your password to something simpler (I know, it sounds backward) and seeing if that works. If that works, please send me your old password in a PM so we can see what character it was and fix it up.


Ok, that worked. Thanks :)


PMing you momentarily.

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