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Wha'ts the criteria for becoming a hot file?


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If I understand correctly, entering the hot files is based on the # of endorsements within the first seven days of the mods life. Once a mod gets into the hot files it is there for seven days.


1000 downloads with 50 endorsements has just as much chance (as far as I know) to make the hot files as a mod with 100 downloads and 50 endorsements.


However, given human nature the more people you can attract to download the mod, the more likely you'll have people returning to endorse. While a mod with smaller download numbers can in theory hit the hot files with enough endorsements, it is harder for them because of the smaller pool of people being dependent upon for those endorsements.

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That shouldn't be possible unless they changed how things work. I haven't ever seen a hot file that did not make it within its first seven days. Then again, I don't look at that many hot files (most aren't that "hot" to me, but I'm a minority when it comes to tastes :P )

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There isn't a minimum number of endorsements, you just have to be higher than anyone else within the time period. And the timer starts the moment you publish your mod. My only mod to make the HotFiles (for Skyrim) was there for one day. It didn't get enough endorsements during the first six days but had just enough to make it into the list when another mod reached its time limit. Then one day later my mod was too old and some other mod took the slot.

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No, file of the month is something else entirely. Those are based on the VOTE button on each mod page. File of the month doesn't have any time restrictions. Alternate Start and FNIS were both released back in early 2012 and just made file of the month in March and May 2015. The only restriction is that a mod can't win that status twice (the VOTE button is removed for any mod that's already won).



And HotFiles are the most endorsed (at any particular moment) of the recently added files.

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